City Council Public Hearing Minutes
April 2, 2007
Present:S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh, E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici, J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
L. Sloan.
Also In Attendance:
D. Fisher, Corporate Services Department (Law)
J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk
A.1. Call to Order
Deputy Mayor R. Hayter called the meeting to order at 1:36 p.m.
Mayor S. Mandel; and Councillors J. Melnychuk, M. Phair and L. Sloan were absent.
A.2. Adoption of Agenda
Moved J. Batty – M. Nickel:
That the April 2, 2007, City Council Public Hearing agenda be adopted with the following replacement pages:
F.6. Bylaw 14542 – Amendment to the Southeast Area Structure Plan
Attachments 2g and 2h of the Planning and Development Department report
F.8. Bylaw 14544 – Rezoning from AG to RA7, RF6, RF5, RF4, RSL, RPL, AGU and PU; located south of Ellerslie Road between 50 and 66 Streets SW, Walker
Page 3/3 of Bylaw 14544
Mayor S. Mandel entered the meeting.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
M.Nickel, D.Thiele.
Absent: J. Melnychuk, M. Phair, L. Sloan.
A.5. Explanation of Public Hearing Process
Deputy Mayor R. Hayter vacated the Chair and Mayor S. Mandel presided.
Councillor J. Melnychuk entered the meeting.
Mayor S.Mandel explained the public hearing process.
A.6. Call for Persons to Speak
J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws:
Mayor S. Mandel asked if there was any objection to Bylaws 14531 and 14532 being read together. No one objected.
F.1. Bylaw 14531 - Amendment to the Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan
F.2. Bylaw 14532 - Rezoning from GLD and GVC to GLD, AP, RF5g and GVC; located west of 97 Street and south of 144 Avenue, Griesbach
A. Druett, Canada Lands Company (in favour); and J. Andrew, Scheffer Andrew Ltd. (to answer questions in favour); G. Harris, Area Council 17; and J. Acton, Area Council 1 (in opposition), were in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaws 14531 and 14532.
Mayor S. Mandel asked if there was any objection to Bylaws 14540 and 14541 being read together. No one objected.
F.3. Bylaw 14540 - Amendment to The Hamptons Neighbourhood Structure Plan
F.4. Bylaw 14541 - Rezoning from AG to RF4 and RF6; located south of 62 Avenue and east of 215 Street, The Hamptons
T. Lumsden, Carma Developers Ltd., was in attendance to answer questions in favour of the passing of Bylaws 14540 and 14541.
F.1. Bylaw 14531 - Amendment to the Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan
F.2. Bylaw 14532 - Rezoning from GLD and GVC to GLD, AP, RF5g and GVC; located west of 97 Street and south of 144 Avenue, Griesbach
Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:
That Bylaws 14531 and 14532 be postponed to the May 1, 2007, City Council Public Hearing at 2 p.m. / Planning & Dev.Due: May 1/07
2 p.m.
C. Raftis, Planning and Development Department; and D. Fisher, Corporate Services Department (Law), answered Council's questions regarding the postponement.
A. Druett, Canada Lands Company; G. Harris, Area Council 17; and
J. Acton, Area Council 1, made presentations regarding the postponement.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.
Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.
F.3. Bylaw 14540 - Amendment to The Hamptons Neighbourhood Structure Plan
F.4. Bylaw 14541 - Rezoning from AG to RF4 and RF6; located south of 62 Avenue and east of 215 Street, The Hamptons
T. Lumsden, Carma Developers Ltd., answered Council's questions.
W. Hughes, Planning and Development Department; and D. Fisher, Corporate Services Department (Law), answered Council's questions.
Mayor S.Mandel asked if there was any new information anyone in attendance wished to address. No one responded.
Moved T. Cavanagh – R. Hayter:
That the public hearing on Bylaws 14540 and 14541 be closed.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.
Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.
Moved T. Cavanagh – R. Hayter:
That Bylaws 14540 and 14541 be read a first time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.
Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.
Moved T. Cavanagh – B. Anderson:
That Bylaws 14540 and 14541 be read a second time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.
Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.
Moved T. Cavanagh – M. Nickel:
That Bylaws 14540 and 14541 be considered for third reading.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.
Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.
Moved T. Cavanagh – R. Hayter:
That Bylaws 14540 and 14541 be read a third time. / Distribution ListCarried
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.
Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.
Council recessed at 1:56 p.m.
Council reconvened at 2:10 p.m. Deputy Mayor R. Hayter presided.
Mayor S. Mandel and Councillor L. Sloan were absent.
A.5. Explanation of Public Hearing Process
Deputy Mayor R. Hayter explained the public hearing process.
A.6. Call for Persons to Speak
J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws:
Deputy Mayor R. Hayter asked if there was any objection to Bylaws 14498 and item E.1. being read together. No one objected.
F.5. Bylaw 14498 - Rezoning from AGI, IB, IM and IH to IL and IM; located north of 54 Avenue and west of 91 Street, Coronet Industrial
E.1. Amendment to the South East Industrial Area Outline Plan
W. Candler, LUP Consultants, was in attendance to answer questions in favour of the passing of Bylaw 14498 and item E.1.
Deputy Mayor R. Hayter asked if there was any objection to Bylaws 14542, 14543 and 14544 being read together. No one objected.
F.6. Bylaw 14542 - Amendment to the Southeast Area Structure Plan
F.7. Bylaw 14543 - Adoption of the Walker Neighbourhood Structure Plan
F.8. Bylaw 14544 - Rezoning from AG to RA7, RF6, RF5, RF4, RSL, RPL, AGU and PU; located south of Ellerslie Road between 50 and 66 Streets SW, Walker
R. Noce, Duncan and Craig; S. Penstone, Cityfarm Edmonton; and
P. Koroluk (in favour); S. O’Byrne and L. Newton, Stantec Consulting Ltd.; and A. Newman, Urbanics (to answer questions in favour), were in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaws 14542, 14543 and 14544.
F.5. Bylaw 14498 - Rezoning from AGI, IB, IM and IH to IL and IM; located north of 54 Avenue and west of 91 Street, Coronet Industrial
E.1. Amendment to the South East Industrial Area Outline Plan
P. Ohm, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation.
W. Candler, LUP Consultants, answered Council's questions.
B. Latte, Transportation Department, answered Council's questions.
Mayor S. Mandel entered the meeting. Deputy Mayor R. Hayter vacated the Chair and Mayor S. Mandel presided.
P. Ohm, Planning and Development Department; and B. Latte, Transportation Department, answered Council's questions.
Moved K. Leibovici – D. Thiele:
That Bylaw 14498 and item E.1. be postponed to the May 1, 2007, City Council Public Hearing at 2 p.m.
B. Latte, Transportation Department; and P. Ohm, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.
W. Candler, LUP Consultants, answered Council's questions.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; R.Hayter, K.Leibovici.
Opposed: B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh, E.Gibbons, K.Krushell, J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Absent: L. Sloan.
Mayor S.Mandel asked if there was any new information anyone in attendance wished to address. No one responded.
Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:
That the public hearing on Bylaw 14498 and item E.1. be closed.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Absent: L. Sloan.
Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:
That Bylaw 14498 be read a first time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, K.Krushell, J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Opposed: R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.
Absent: L. Sloan.
Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:
That Bylaw 14498 be read a second time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, K.Krushell, J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Opposed: R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.
Absent: L. Sloan.
Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:
That Bylaw 14498 be considered for third reading.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Absent: L. Sloan.
Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:
That Bylaw 14498 be read a third time. / Distribution ListCarried
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Opposed: K. Leibovici.
Absent: L. Sloan.
Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:
That the South East Industrial Area Outline Plan be amended by including the following text:1. Should railway right-of-ways (leads and spur lines) be abandoned, Planning and Development Department will review and analyze the impact, compatibility and/or transition between land uses and surrounding areas at the rezoning stage.
2. The following principles will be applied to rezoning and subdivision applications:
a. High standard industrial development will be limited along arterial roadways to provide for high quality development and minimal industrial nuisances.
b. Medium industrial development will be limited to interior blocks which are intended to reduce the impact of industrial development on arterial roadways.
3. Rezoning applications may require environmental site assessments, transportation impact analysis reports (trip generation, capacity requirements, access & egress), drainage reports or any other information that Planning and Development Department, Transportation Department or Asset Management and Public Works Department (i.e. Drainage Services, Parks) considers necessary. / Planning & Dev.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Opposed: K. Leibovici.
Absent: L. Sloan.
F.6. Bylaw 14542 - Amendment to the Southeast Area Structure Plan
F.7. Bylaw 14543 - Adoption of the Walker Neighbourhood Structure Plan
F.8. Bylaw 14544 - Rezoning from AG to RA7, RF6, RF5, RF4, RSL, RPL, AGU and PU; located south of Ellerslie Road between 50 and 66 Streets SW, Walker
P. Ohm, Planning and Development Department; and J. Hancock, Transportation Department, made a presentation.
R. Noce, Duncan and Craig, made a presentation and answered Council's questions. L. Newton, Stantec Consulting Ltd. answered Council's questions.
Council recessed at 3:30 p.m.
Council reconvened at 3:49 p.m.
Councillors J. Batty, K. Krushell, M. Phair and L. Sloan were absent.
R. Noce, Duncan and Craig, answered Council's questions.
Councillors J. Batty, K. Krushell and M. Phair entered the meeting.
R. Noce, Duncan and Craig; and L. Newton, Stantec Consulting Ltd., answered Council's questions.
S. Penstone, Cityfarm Edmonton, made a presentation and answered Council's questions. Copies of handouts provided by S. Penstone were distributed to Members of Council and were filed with the Office of the City Clerk.
P. Koroluk made a presentation.
B. Latte and J. Hancock, Transportation Department; and R. Marchak, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered Council's questions.
Moved D. Thiele – R. Hayter:
That any Member of Council who may wish to do so be allowed to speak for an additional five minutes.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; J.Batty, T.Cavanagh, E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici, J.Melnychuk, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Absent: B. Anderson, M. Nickel, L. Sloan.
D. Fisher, Corporate Services Department (Law); P. Ohm, Planning and Development Department; and J. Hancock, Transportation Department, answered Council's questions.
Mayor S.Mandel asked if there was any new information anyone in attendance wished to address. No one responded.
R. Noce, Duncan and Craig, made a further presentation.
Moved T. Cavanagh – D. Thiele:
That the public hearing on Bylaws 14542, 14543 and 14544 be closed.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Absent: L. Sloan.
Moved T. Cavanagh – J. Melnychuk:
That Bylaws 14542, 14543 and 14544 be read a first time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Absent: L. Sloan.
Moved T. Cavanagh – D. Thiele:
That Bylaws 14542, 14543 and 14544 be read a second time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Absent: L. Sloan.
Moved T. Cavanagh – D. Thiele:
That Bylaws 14542, 14543 and 14544 be considered for third reading.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Absent: L. Sloan.
Moved T. Cavanagh – D. Thiele:
That Bylaws 14542, 14543 and 14544 be read a third time. / Distribution ListCarried
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, M.Phair, D.Thiele.
Absent: L. Sloan.
Walker Barn Assessment
Moved T. Cavanagh – E. Gibbons:
That the following be included as part of the Walker Barn agreement between MLC Land Company and the City of Edmonton:That the developer, MLC Land Company, reimburse the City actual expenses to an upset limit of $8,000 for an assessment of the Walker Barn to determine:
a. its structural integrity relating to the foundation, piles, interior and exterior wood, main floor, second floor and the roof structures;
b. the economic feasibility of redeveloping the barn for compatible uses; and
c. any public health and safety issues related to the redevelopment of the barn;
and that Administration report back to the June 13, 2007, Executive Committee meeting. / Planning & Dev.
Exec. Committee
Due: June 13/07