Atlanta , Georgia
Minutes for base meeting held on: February 21, 2016
Attendees/ Guests:
Tom Pressley, Joe Forrest, Dave Berndt & son Chas, Ed Poole , George Bradley, Mike Kotler, Jim Ouzts,
Kent Khuen, Larry Check, Michael Fieser, Mike Nall, Andy DuPras, Les Shively, David Cox,
Mike Austin, Allen Legel, Justin DeMone
Location: The Pub, 4400 Ashford Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta, GA 30346
Meeting called to order by: Cmdr Poole at 13:30
Invocation performed by: Base Chaplain, Joe Forrest
Tolling of the Boats performed by: Base COB David Berndt & Base Secretary Tom Pressley
Treasurer Report: K4K fund: $339.92 Float Fund: $621.08 General: $1,547.33
Secretary Report: Prior to meeting, copies were passed out to members. Motion to accept by Joe Forrest,
2nd by David Berndt… Minutes accepted.
2016 Boat Sponsorship – USS Georgia SSGN 729
In the works by base treasurer.
Local Base Website: Dave Berndt’s son, Chas informed the group that our current website is a WordPress and is he recommended we just keep it and the annual fee is reasonable. On the topic of how to add photos, he met with the base secretary, and Tom will update our website with photos prior to our next meeting.
2016 Parades – Discussion about the parades resulted in the following:
Mike Kotler will submit our entry into the 2016 July 4th Parade in Dunwoody, GA
Parade Sub Float: Call for volunteers will go out to help modify the front of our parade sub float for April 1 and April 9 at 10 am.
After Battery Hog Roast: On April 2, 2016 the After Battery subvets are having their annual hog roast near Charleston, SC. Several members are planning on attending. We will get a road trip planned with details at our next meeting.
2016 Meeting Calendar: Since our original date of July 16 for our Cook Out at Lake Allatoona was already booked, we changed the date to Sunday July 17 … more details to be announced later in year.
Kap(ss for Kid(ss) - Mike Kotler gave a brief report on the K4K visit to Scotish Rights Hospital on Feb 2. Base members attending were Mike Austin, Ed Poole & Tracy, amd Mike Kotler. Justin DeMone suggested that the max number of volunteers should be no more 6. Cmdr Poole announced that the USSVI is no longer funding K4K for bases and each base is on their own for expenses such as caps, etc. Justin will explore corporate donations from such companies as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, etc.
New Base Chaplin: Cmdr Poole reminded us that our base needs a volunteer to take over base chaplain duties.
Deceased member List: Cmdr Poole wants our base create an Eternal Patrol roster to honor members who has passed, and to add this List to our base website. He suggested that our Vice Cmdr be in charge with assistance from our base treasurer and secretary when the need arises.
Boyscout Chairmain: Our base boyscout chairman, David Cox, presented our new base commander 2 certificates to sign.
Static Float Display: Cmdr Poole suggested that we should consider more events where we could have a static display of our parade float along with a donation bucket. Dave Berndt suggested that we park the float at the museum in L:awrenceville after the Memorial Day parade in May.
Memorial Day Services: Joe Forest announced that our Memorial Society of Marietta, Ga membership fee of $50 is due and since he will be moving should we consider not continuing bringing a wreath to the ceremony. It occurs on Monday and conflicts with our parade and Joe was really the only one attending. Cmdr Poole suggested that we think about it, and if no member can attend we will vote on the matter at the next meeting.
Clamagor Donations: Les Shively brought the topic of why don’t we donate. Well, the discussion concluded with the fact that the Clamagore has been a hot potato political football in Charleston for years. We decided to take a wait and see attitude before committing limited base funds.
50/50 : Mike Fieser won and donated $50 of the $76 to the base.
With no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Cmdr Poole at 14:30
The next base meeting location will be held on Sunday, March 13 at The PUB at 13:30
Respectfully submitted by:
Tom Pressley - Base Secretary