Minutes, DPG Health 3rd September 2014, UNICEF Conference room


  1. Dr. Sudha SharmaUNICEFDPG-H Chair
  2. Paulina ShayoWHOSecretariat
  3. Susna DeUSAIDMember
  4. Carol HannonIrish AidMember
  5. Olivier PrazSDCMember
  6. Ibadat DhillionDANIDAMember
  7. Bo ClausenDANIDAMember
  8. Kimio AbeJICAMember
  9. Claudia Imwolde-KraemerGerman EmbassyMember
  10. Lisha LalaDFIDMember
  11. Gradeline MinjaDANIDAMember
  12. Kira ThomasSDCMember
  13. Emmanuel BainganaUNAIDMember
  14. Miriam LutzUSAIDMember
  15. Nadia HamelCanada/DFATDMember
  16. Angela MakotaCDCMember
  17. Felister BwanaUNFPAMember
  18. Kristin KlossGIZMember
  19. Yahaya IpugeWBMember
  20. Mary Mwanyika SandoUNICEFMember
  21. Aurelie RighettiUNICEFMember
  22. TadashiYasudaUNICEFMember
  23. Shinyoung PyeonKOICAMember
  24. Myoung KimKOICAMember
  25. Carolin HerzogQueen Magreth Univ. Guest


  1. Presentations: JICA’s Project on Regional Health Management; and Timely CCHPs; Recommendations for improving LGSs planning on PlanRep3 (SDC)
  2. Welcome and introduction of members
  3. Adoption of the Minutes, Agenda and Matters Arising
  4. Updates on SWAp events
  5. Updates on the Health basket fund,
  6. Updates on Global Fund;Global Fund concept Note
  7. Big Results Now
  8. Critical issues from TWGs
  9. Update on key events
  10. Upcoming events, missions
  11. AOB

Matters Arising:

Agenda / Action point / Responsible person/Agency / Status
BRN Lab / Troika to consult the PDB / Troika / To follow up


(i)JICA’s Project for Regional Health Management

JICA presented on Project for Capacity development in Regional Health Management phase 2, with the purpose of informing the DPs on the situation analysis of RHMT and CHMTs before the project and later demonstrated achievements they have reached and the way forward. The project covered 25 regions of Tanzania and it was been conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social welfare. More information is found at the DPG-Health website

(ii)Timely CCHPs: Recommendations for improving LGAs planning on PlanRep3

The second presentation was on Timely CCHPs; Recommendations for improving LGAs planning on PlanRep3 by SDC. Stressing its importance for improving accountability, planning/implementation of health services in districts,as well monitoring/ channelling of funds.More information is found at the DPG-Health website


Members commended JICA and SDC for the presentations. However, there were many questions from participants regarding the use of PlanRep3, involvement of the DMOs and Health facilities at the district level in planning, ability of supervision to capture Health Finance as well as mapping of regional management support. Responses of the presenters in these issues satisfied the members. DPs showed concern on the finalization of the CCHP by the MoHSW, which will be of great help to RHMT and CHMTs

Main DPG-H meeting:

Welcome and Introduction of members

All members were welcomed to the meeting which was chaired by the DPG-Health Chair.Self- introduction of the members and guests followed. The DPG-Health chair introduced KOICA as a new DPG-Health member, represented by Mr. Shinyoung Pyeon and Dr. Myoung Kim

Adoption of the Minutes, Agenda and Matters Arising

Minutes of the DPG-Healthmeetingwere approved by the members and agenda for the July meeting was adopted.

Updates on SWAP events

The meeting was informed that, the next SWAp meeting was scheduled to take place on 18th September, with the main agenda item update on BRN, HSSP4 and JAHSR. The JAHSR technical review meeting will be held from 6th -7th November 2014, and the JAHSR policy meeting on 20th November

Also it was reported that, the Joint Monitoring field visit will not take place before the JAHSR as it is not possible to organize it in two months. Hence the meeting was requested to select a small team to take the planning forward, whereby Irish Aid, UNFPA and CANADA volunteered

HSSP4 Design

It was reported that, a shortlist for the lead consultant role has been drawn up. The deadline for submission of the proposals will be on 8th September. Consultant is expected to start in the last week of October.

Updates on Health Basket Fund (HBF)

Disbursement of Health Basket Fund for the 2014/15 fiscal year

It was reported that, After the Government has sent requests for disbursement of Basket Funds after the signing of the side agreement and having met all the triggers,. The current status is:

2 DPs (Ireland and UNICEF will disburse in the week of 1st – 5th September)

2 DPs (Swiss and Denmark) will disburse in 2 weekstime

3 DPs (UNFPA, Canada and World Bank) will disburse later. They all need signed annual income and expenditure statements.

Coordination meetings:

The HBF coordinators from GOT and DPs met on 26 August and agreed on priority activities to be followed up closely. These include;

Following disbursements from Donors to HBF and from HBF to councils;

Convening the task team for developing the new MOU for HBF, the team will consist 3 DPs and 3 GOT representatives;

Fast tracking the HBF evaluation.

The DPs have prepared a draft MOU that is being finalized before getting GOT inputs. There is need to fast track the process so that it is completed by end of October or latest mid-November

Audit Subcommittee Report format.

Canada will prepare a format for regular reporting by ASC so that we are able to focus on major strategic issues that have impact on DPs confidence on government processes and system

Updates on Global Fund

It was informed that TNCM funding has been approved by Global Fund Secretariat and Bank account for TNCM is now available. Moreover, TNCM has endorsed TB bridging fund.Decision on the HIV Costed Extension (for commodities July – Dec 2015) is still pending.

Also it was reported that, TNCM chair was informed that minutes of PIPP meeting still have to be agreed upon. Irrespective of this agreement, GFATM is not ready to disburse PIPP as GoT has not come up with new proposal as required by GFATM (mainly concerning beneficiaries with high ranking GoT officials to be excluded).

More information can is found at

Big Results Now

Preparation for the Laboratory meeting;

it was reported that, the Presidential Delivery Bureau and Malaysian Team are working on the analysis following the pre-lab meeting and will pull together a lab pack. The Lab will be organized along three work stream; Financing, Human resources for Health, as well as Commodities. The meeting agreed that, DPs who are experts on the identified areas should be considered for the representation in the BRN Lab meeting. However, the dates for the Lab meeting have changed from 15th September – 24th October, to 22nd September – 27thOctober. Concerns were raised that, Troika to contact the PDB regarding the DPs consultation.

Critical issues from TWG

Updates from MNCH, PIFWG, Health Financing, TWGs were shared and can be accessed through the DPG H website:

Updates on key/upcoming events

1.18th September, 2014; TC SWAP meeting

2.6-7th November; JAHSR meeting

3.20th November; JAHSR Policy meeting

4.22nd September -31stOctober; BRN Lab meeting


In the AOB, the meeting was informed about a Ebola Virus Disease outbreak, and the country’s preparedness. Where by it was noted that; National Task Force has been formed and it is led by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The NTF constitutes technical members from different departments of Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Dar es Salaam Municipalities, Muhimbili National Hospital, National Institute of Medical Research, FELTP, WHO and CDC. The NTF meets once every week. Moreover,Temeke Isolation Unit has been identified for DSM region and needs assessment is on-going to strengthen the facility. DPs were advised to think on what can be done to support the Government’s effort on Ebola preparedness.

Also the meeting was informed that, GAV is organizing for the media trip on 24th September to Tanzania,in coordination with MoH, with the support from WHO, and UNICEF. The team is expected to visit Arusha region after the launch will take place at Dodoma.

The DPG-Health chair informed the meeting on the Rapid Budget Analysis and performance assessment framework (PAF) report, and report on the underlying principlesand requested DPs to participate in the process. The following task force team will coordinate on these reports

Rapid Budget Analysis (RBA)

UNICEF (Usha Mishra) lead

Ireland (Simon Moshy/Carol Hannon)

Denmark (Sarah Mikkelsen)

Canada (Dr. Jean-Jose Padou)

USAID (Susna De and Shannon Young).

PAF and UP Assessment

Ireland (Karen Zamboni/Carol Hannon) lead

UNICEF (Mary Mwanyika Sando Mary /Sudha Sharma),

USAID (Shannon Young),

Canada (Catherine Hakim),

Germany (Claudia Imwolde-Kraemer), and

World Bank (Yahya Abdallah Ipuge).

The next meeting for PAF was in the Embassy of Finland at 10 am on Friday,5th September.

Next DPG H meeting

The meeting ended at 4.00pm. The next DPG-Health meeting is scheduled to be held on 1st October 2014

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