
Test review: Chapter 25Date:


3. ______mass is a mass of a fissionable material that will produce enough neutrons to create an increasing rate of fission reactions

7. ______are the processes by which new elementsare formed from nuclear reactions

11. the ______model of radiation holds that below a certain level no significant damage from radiation occurs

12. ______elements are synthetic elements produced by super colliders

13. A ______a self sustaining nuclear reaction

15. ______counters detect radiation when it ionizes a gas that causes an electric current to flow causing a clicking sound

16. A ______a measure of radioactivity based on its effects on a biological organism such as a human

17. a type of reactor that produces more fissionable amount of material than it uses

18. the amount of mass needed to sustain a fission reaction

19. ______mass is a mass of fissionable material that will not sustain a fission reaction

23. ______counters produce and record flashes of light when struck by radiation


1. ______are radioisotopes that can be used to find out how certain substances move through a body or an ecosystem

2. ______stability is the stability of a nucleus as determined by the differences in energy levels between a nucleus as a whole and its substituent parts

4. ______ability is the ability of a type of radiation to pass through materials and is important in determining the relative danger of a radioactive substance

5. process by which light nuclei are joined to form heavier nuclei

6. the time it takes for half the mass of a radioactive substance to decay

7. nucleon quite often used to break apart atoms

8. an element in the form of graphite that is used as a moderator in a nuclear reactor

9. process by which heavy nuclei are split to release energy

10. ______are substances that slow neutrons down so they can be absorbed

13. an element used to absorb neutrons in nuclear reactors

14. ______are devices which contain neutron absorbers and are used to slow down a fission reaction in a nuclear reactor

19. ______damage is damage done to nonreproductive, or body cells

20. ______is the energy that holds nuclei together

21.______stability describe the likelihood that a nucleus will undergo decay

22. The ______the difference in mass between the products and reactants of a nuclear reaction

24. ______ability is the ability of a type of radiation to form ions and is important in determining the relative danger of a radioactive substance

1. Calculate the energy change of the following nuclear reaction:

Given: mass of Rf-261 atom = 261.10875 amu

mass of Lr-258 atom = 258.10190 amu

mass of alpha particle = 4.00150 amu

mass of neutron = 1.00866amu

mass of beta particle = 5.4466 x 10-4 amu

mass of electron = 5.4858 x 10-4 amu

2. Calculate the binding energy of the gadolinium-159 nucleus given the mass of the gadolinium-159 atom has a mass of 158.926385 amu.

Answers: 1. -1.16 x 1012 J 2. -2.09 x 10-10 J