NYSAFP Advocacy Commission

Minutes, Discussion and Recommendations for Action


Marc / Price, DO / Chair
Anita / Ravi, MD / Resident
Philip / Kaplan, MD / Adv/past President
Cathleen / London, MD / Member
Elizabeth / Lynn, MD / Resident
Chelsea / McGuire / Student
Bob / Reid / Staff
Leon / Zoghlin, MD / Member
Nick / Teletan / Resident

Dr. Price convened the meeting of the NYSAFP Advocacy Commission at 8:30PM on October 15, 2014. The Commission members approved the minutes of the July 2014 Meeting

Bob Reid of Reid, McNally & Savage provided the Commission with a verbal Election Update noting contentious races including the eight open seats in the State Senate. Overall, Reid predicted statewide incumbents (Governor, AG and Comptroller) were likely to cruise to re-election. In addition, the Assembly lead by Speaker Sheldon Silver will remain a Democratic Majority with a majority that will likely exceed 100 of the 150 votes. At this point Reid noted recent polling that showed strong support for the Republican in the Senate taking back a majority of the seats in Senate but he shared that any prediction at this point was purely speculative given the divergent races across the state.

The Commission next addressed Old Business and noted the completion and follow up of the issue from the July meeting including a meeting with the new Secretary for the Board of Medicine, Steven Boese (list attached).

The Chair, Dr. Price, then moved on to new business which is highlighted in discussion and action items below:

Direct Primary Care Advocacy Toolkit

Discussion: The Commission discussed this proposal from the AAFP and felt that both its intent and implementation based on its similarities to “concierge medicine” were not in line with our current policy of a single payer system. And while we are in support of the AAFP offering alternative models of care and practice, we didn’t feel that there was a need for model legislation or promotion of this model of practice on the state level in NYS. However, commission members were willing to seek further information from NYSAFP, members’ if this model of care was something in which NYS members were interested.

No Action requested

Workers Compensation Proposal (MSSNY LETTER)

Discussion: The Commission discussed the letter in which NYSAFP supported (attached) increased fees for all physicians under the Workers Compensation program and was provided background by Dr. Kaplan on how the letter was modified to incorporate the position of the Academy. Specifically, the Academy strongly believes premium dollars must be allocated to primary care services within the Workers Compensation system. At this point the issue appears to have stalled at the Workers Compensation Board based upon opposition from a variety of interest groups including the AFL-CIO. Dr. Kaplan proposed continued monitoring of the issue

Action: Monitor

Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances

Discussion: Members discussed the issue of the upcoming March 27, 2015 mandate for Electronic Prescribing in New York State and requirements for e-prescribing controlled substances.. Reid reported to the group that MSSNY was seeking a six month extension to the mandate and the commission recommended support for such an extension.

Action: Request that the Academy provide further information to the membership on the mandate and its efforts in support of a six month delay in the implementation date. In addition, the Commission recommends that the Academy provide the membership assistance on how to achieve compliance.

New Business

Dr. Kaplan also serves as a county delegate in the development of the MSSNY Legislative Agenda for 2015 requested that the Commission endorse a number of positions relative to issues regarding RIHOs and the disclosure of patient information. Dr. Kaplan provided some explanation of the issues to the Commission and promised to forward additional information and a copy of a pending MSSNY resolution on the issue.

Recommendation :Without prejudice the Commission took no action on the endorsement of these issues but will forward further information to the membership as provided by Dr. Kaplan and forward any action regarding endorsement of a position as appropriate to the President and Board of Directors.

To date, no further actions have been requested by Dr Kaplan. Therefore – no action requested

Finally, Dr. Kaplan made the Commission aware of a recent requirement requiring the screening of employees of Medicare providers such as professional and clerical office staff.

Recommendation: The Commission recommended that the Academy disseminate information and legal guidance regarding the Medicare requirement though our academy attourneys.