Minutes – Committee Meeting73

Monday 13th June 2011. Start time – 4.00 pm

Falcon Chambers, London

  1. Attending

Keith Murray,Barry Denyer-Green,Alison Barker,Colin Cottage,Mark Barlow,Charles Lazarevic,Colin Smith,Paul Astbury,Charles Norman,Paul Singleton,

  1. Apologies for absence

Philip Maude,Matt Bodley, Raj Gupta,Richard Honey,Robert Walton,

  1. Previous Minutes

The Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted after amendment

  1. Matters Arising

Minute distribution. Minutes should only be sent to convenors once the committee has approved them; and about the same time when posted to the website.

Agendas should be circulated to convenors in advance of committee inviting them to comment in advance of the meeting meetings.

  1. CPA Reforms
  • Localism Bill
  • PA reported that CPA and CLG met and had a good meeting
  • Impact Assessment has been sent to CLG
  • RH has material yet to be sent; and PA is still liaising with CLG on some matters
  • Continued thanks to R Owen, PA and his team
  • Table 2 Rights
  • AB explained the issues involved, but in the absence of lawyers, discussion was held over for the next meeting
  • Law Commission Report
  • It has come to our attention today that the Law Commission has published its report on Easements, Covenants and Profits a Prendre. No-one has yet read it
  • Tribunal Procedure Committee Consultation on Judicial Review in the Upper Tribunal
  • Thanks to RH. We agreed with his comments. Agreed to send it on. KBE TO do please.
  1. Scottish Reforms
  2. PM has spoken to Stephen Jones. A new draft circular is being prepared
  3. It was recalled that the Scottish Law Commission was reviewing CPO Law. PA shall explore what has happened to it
  4. Events
  • Drinks
  • This went well. KM to write to PM with thanks
  • Conference
  • Bookings are 156 to date
  • IPC Meeting
  • Meeting 13 July. CS can attend with PM. CN is a maybe
  • CPA – NW
  • Good event, good feedback
  • CPA NE
  • Marketing has been sent
  • CPA - Yorkshire
  • Nothing yet to report
  • CPA – SW – 13 July
  • Marketing has been sent
  • CPA – AGM – 10 October
  • Marketing has been sent
  1. Elections
  2. MCB explained the same principle would be adopted this year in sending out nomination forms early to the membership.
  3. MCB sought an indication of which committee members would be wishing to stand
  1. IRWA
  2. PM is now at Atlanta with IRWA. Leather wallets were produced as gifts.
  1. International Conference
  2. Nothing more to report.
  1. Website
  2. PA reported that a we need to post a few agendas and minutes
  3. The S10 link doesn’t work
  4. HS2 is a button with nowhere to go
  5. Need to lose LT Rules
  6. Could we ask the web people to give us some stats on the website – eg hits of various pages. Kate to ask about Google Analytics
  1. Research Topics
  2. MCB reported that he had had a meeting with a UK funding body about the prospect of securing funding for research initiatives. To test out the value of the opportunity we need propose some research areas and see whether funds are forthcoming and what steps need to be taken
  3. Given its European money, there has to be some sort of relevance to European work; and may require support by business or academia in two or more EU countries.
  4. Possible topics suggested included Blight, Land disputes, Incidence of suicide and deaths of claimants affected by cpo’s
  5. Committee members are invited to add to the list.
  1. Membership - New members accepted
  1. AOB
  2. 10 year celebrations should focus on the national conference
  3. NIPA has launched and there is a call for members. Agreed to circulate CPA members
  4. Sponsorship – agreed not to do this year, but that we shall look to do something next year
  5. PS has been asked to attend a CLG meeting on the 24 June on the control of changes in land use
  6. Getting CC onto the signatories at the bank is frustrating exercise.
  7. Thanks to Falcon Chambers for the meeting room

Meeting closed at 17:32

Next meetings

  • Thursday 23rd June 2011 - CPA National Conference 2011
  • Monday 11th July 2011
  • Monday 12th September 2011
  • Monday 10th October 2011 - AGM Meeting

Compulsory Purchase Association

4a WoodsideBusinessPark, Whitley Wood Lane, Reading. RG2 8LW Tel: 0118 987 3345 Fax: 0118 987 3366
