30 JUNE 2010


The Meeting commenced at 7pm and concluded at 9:30pm.


Councillor Brooke (Chairman)

Councillors, Brown, Godfrey, Mrs Long, Maiden and Mason

Members of the public present: approximately 43


No apologies for absence were received.


Councillors Brooke, Godfrey and Mason declared a personal interest in Agenda Item No.4, Playbuilder Funding, having received written and verbal representations.

Councillors Brooke and Mason declared a personal interest in Agenda Item No.9, Youth Provision, as Members of the Broadstone Youth Centre Management Committee.

Councillor Maiden declared a personal interest in Agenda item No.5, Merley Park Road, having received written and verbal representations.



Subject to the following Amendment:

Minute 43.09 – Bridleway Management and Maintenance.

Page 5, last paragraph. Delete “Magna Road” and replace with “Gravel Hill near Delph Woods”.

The Minutes of the last Meeting of the Broadstone, Merley and Bearwood Area Committee, held on 24th February 2010, having been previously circulated,be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


BMB43.09, Bridleway Management and Maintenance

Councillor Mrs Long informed the Meeting that she could now confirm that the bridleway referred to in the Minutes was Bridleway No.27.

BMB44.09, Public Footpath No.5

Councillor Brooke informed the Meeting that to date no further action had been taken regarding Footpath No.5 and stated that he would contact the Rights of Way Officer for an update.

Councillor Brooke reminded the Meeting of the circumstances surrounding the planning application withdrawal by Broadstone Golf Club.


Richard Nicholson, Green Space Development Team Leader, presented a report informing the Committee of the Playbuilder Year Two Programme to improve play areas for the 8 – 13 year range, using Playbuilder Funding from the Department of Children, Schools and Families (DCSF).

Year Two sites within the Broadstone, Merley and Bearwood Area, were as follows:

  • Broadstone Recreation Ground
  • Charter Road, Bearwood
  • Fenners Field, Merley
  • Selkirk Close, Merley

It was noted that a process of engagement with children and young people in the local community had begun. In addition, surrounding Residents, had a leaflet drop inviting them to give their comments and to attend local meetings.

The Green Space Development Team Leader stated that originally the Playbuilder Funding had been “ring-fenced”. However, this was no longer the position and, as a consequence, details regarding the availability of funding would not be known until mid July 2010.

Reference was made to displays at the Meeting that highlighted indicative ideas for play equipment at the four sites in the Broadstone, Merley and Bearwood Area. The Green Space Development Team Leader stated that the Playbuilder Funding could only be used for upgrading existing play areas and could not be utilised for new sites or the relocation of existing sites.

The Meeting noted that Officers had received mixed feedback from residents regarding the indicative lists of play equipment, with the most contentious item being the installation of “zip wires”, particularly at the Broadstone Recreation Ground.

Mr Law, Resident, presented the Committee with a petition of over 100 signatories, most of whom were park users or residents surrounding the park, objecting against the installation of a “zip wire” as it would be a “magnet” for anti-social behaviour. Mr Law stated that the residents had been informed that the Playbuilder proposals for Broadstone Recreation Ground were “all or nothing” and that as a result, changes to the play area specification could not be made. He added that a proposal for a “zip wire”, that was unfenced and which would be open to use 24 hours a day, showed a lack of understanding and disregard to residents who enjoyed the park.

Mr Law commended Officers on their level of consultation with the younger age group regarding the play areas but added, however, that consultation with other groups had been sadly neglected, with only token consultation taking place. He added that there was a solution to the problem, in that the “zip wire” could be sited on the edge of the football pitch with the installation of other play equipment on the proposed site, with fencing where possible.

The Green Space Development Team Leader informed the Meeting that the proposals were not “all or nothing” and that at this stage the specification for the play areas was still under consideration.

In response to a complaint from a Resident regarding Consultation, the Green Space Development Team Leader apologised if some residents had not received a leaflet. He added that, to his knowledge, all affected residents had been provided with the consultation leaflet. He added that there had been two advertised meetings for residents regarding the Playbuilder proposals.

Councillor Brooke informed the Meeting that a real effort had been made by Officers to consult as effectively as possible regarding the proposals, it appeared, however, that some of the mail-drops had failed to reach a few of the residents.

A Resident stated that two daytime meetings, a leaflet drop and details on the website did not constitute adequate consultation.

A Resident informed the Meeting that the Broadstone Area had an unusually high number of irresponsible dog owners and expressed his concern for the safety of young users of the “zip wire” as many dogs had never come across such a piece of equipment.

The Green Space Development Team Leader stated that no problems with dogs had been experienced during the Year One Programme, but noted the concerns expressed.

A Resident stressed the concerns of local residents regarding the “zip wire” being a “magnet” for anti-social behaviour and informed the Meeting that there was a real concern regarding “fire risk”, as youths regularly smoked in the area, with some using drugs, and requested that the “zip wire” be sited in another area of the Recreation Ground.

The Green Space Development Team Leader stated that all equipment should be positioned within the sight of parents for safety reasons. He added that the “zip wire” was designed for children and was not the kind of installation that would appeal to older teenagers.

In response to a question by a resident, Richard Nicholson outlined the size of the “zip wire” and stated that the speed of travel depended on the size of the user.

Councillor Godfrey stated that the “zip wire” was designed for the 8 – 13 year range of young people and he welcomed the introduction of new equipment to Broadstone Recreation Ground. He added that anti-social behaviour was a separate issue that affected all areas, not just Broadstone, and that great efforts were being made to resolve the problem.

Councillor Brown stated that due to the extensive consultation with children, he anticipated a high level of “ownership” by the younger members of the community, with regards to the equipment.

Councillor Brooke stated that no decisions regarding the proposals were being made as consultation was still under way. He added that if Residents had any further concerns, they should discuss them outside of the Meeting with one of the Ward Councillors.

Councillor Brooke continued by carrying out a “straw poll” of the Residents affected by the proposals. The results were as follows:

Broadstone Recreation users who were concerned regarding the location of the “zip wire” = 20 concerned; 5 not concerned; 5 abstained.

Selkirk Close play area, users who were concerned regarding the location of the “zip wire” = 0 concerned; 1 not concerned; 3 abstained.

RECOMMENDED: that the report be noted.

The Chairman thanked the Officer for his presentation.


Mr Martin Baker, Senior Engineer, Road Safety, presented a report requesting the Committee to consider requests for safety measures in Merley Park Road.

It was noted that Merley Park Road was a relatively narrow rural road with a series of bends and accesses. The Area Committee had considered a number of requests for traffic calming and lorry bans in the past. Whilst traffic calming and lorry bans could not be justified, the Area Committee had approved 30 mile an hour roundels at the start of the 30 mile per hour zone and subsequently the provision of “unsuitable for HGV” signs. It was noted that there were already additional signs along the road including:

  • Two pairs of horse warning signs
  • A “concealed entrance” sign
  • Two pairs of “ice” warning signs
  • A “z” bend sign

The Senior Engineer, Road Safety, added that it was unlikely that adding more signs would change the way drivers used the road. He added that 5 injury collisions had been recorded by the Police along the whole length of Merley Park Road in the four year period to 9th May 2010. The trigger-point for a further Accident Investigation was seven or more injury accidents in a four-year period and that currently, there were 36 such sites in the Borough awaiting investigation and funding of improvement works.

The Senior Engineer informed the Meeting that the Department of Transport had issued guidance on reviewing speed limits in 2006 and the Council had been using this guidance to review speed limits on the Borough’s main (classified) roads. He added that it was proposed that the speed limit in Merley Park Road be reviewed using these guidelines, along with Ashington Lane and Willetts Road. It was noted that any proposals following the reviews to lower the limits would be subject to approval by the Police, who would not support unrealistically low limits due to public expectation of enforcement.

A Resident who lived by Ashington Bridge stated that Residents were concerned with the level of dangerous driving, especially to the left hand side of the Bridge.

In response to a question from a Resident, the Senior Engineer informed the Meeting that, when assessing roads, everything was taken into account including vision, road width, access and user numbers.

Councillor Mrs Long stated that she had been in contact with Mr S Dean, Principal Engineer, Traffic, regarding the proposals and was informed that following a similar exercise at Arrowsmith Road, 30 mile an hour restrictions had been introduced to good effect.

Councillor Brown suggested that in addition to the recommendation in the report, the Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) be instructed to carry out speed checks on the existing 30 mile per hour zone on Merley Park Road. Councillor Brooke endorsed Councillor Brown’s suggestion and added that the feasibility of appropriate signage at Ashington Bridge be carried out.


(i)that approval be given to carry out a review of the speed limits in Merley Park Road, Ashington Lane and Willetts Road, plus speed checks be carried out by SNT on existing 30 mile per hour zones on Merley Park Road

(ii)That the feasibility of appropriate signage at Ashington Bridge be carried out

(iii)That Officers should report back to the Broadstone Merley and Bearwood Area Committee with the results.


Martin Baker, Senior Engineer, Road Safety, presented a report requesting that the Area Committee approve the Committee’s programme of minor traffic items for 2010/11.

Councillor Brooke explained to the Meeting the Funding for Area Committees and informed Members that the Budget of £5180 had not changed for the last three years.

The Senior Engineer made reference to the suggested programme as set out in paragraph 3.3 of the Report and added that the request for additional investigations agreed in the previous Report would need to be added to the costs.

Members discussed the Proposal for the “Merley Lorry Ban Revocation” and Councillor Brooke stated that more information would be required regarding lorry movements before revoking the ban. He added that if it could be demonstrated that virtually no lorries used the Merley estate, then there was not a problem. However, if it was used, then the ban should stay. Members agreed that the Proposal re the Merley Lorry Ban Revocation be amended to “carry out a survey of lorry usage in Merley”. Councillor Maiden stated that he would be totally against any proposal to revoke the lorry ban in Merley.

Lynn Fisher, Broadstone Access Group, informed the Meeting that the Poole Parking Manager had been invited to a meeting on 9th July 2010 at 2pm until 4pm, at Broadstone Methodist Church to discuss irresponsible parking.


(i)Thatapproval be given to implement the following schemes in the 2010/22 Financial Year:

  • Higher Merley Lane – provision for possible speed limit - £1500
  • Lower Blandford Road – service road, yellow lines - £500

(ii)That an investigation be carried out with regard to the proposed Merley lorry ban revocation and that the remaining budget be allocated to new Schemes that come forward later in the year.


The information-only Report was noted.


Councillor Brooke informed the Meeting that he was in the process of analysing the Broadstone Merley and Bearwood Area Committee Finances and in particular income streams from Section 106 Developer Funding.

He informed the Meeting that initial indications were that since 2003, more money had been spent or allocated than had been approved by the Committee.

Councillor Brooke gave examples of areas of concern such as expenditure at Lewesdon Drive Play Area and the Broadstone Memorial enhancements.

Councillor Brooke stated that he would report back to a future meeting once he had concluded his investigations.


Councillor Brooke stated that following on from the issues raised under “Playbuilder Funding”, Members were considering the provision for 13-19 year olds. He added that discussions were continuing regarding the use of the Broadstone Youth Centre and stated that at present the Centre was anunder-utilised resource and that everything possible was being explored for the 13-19 year age range.

In response to a question from a member of the public, Councillor Godfrey stated that people wishing to become involved as volunteers with Youth Provision should contact him in the first instance.


The Meeting discussed issues surrounding road-sweeping and weed growth in the Broadstone, Merley and Bearwood Area. Residents reported instances of poor weed clearance in their areas and Councillor Brooke informed the Meeting that he had sent a strongly worded email to Environment and Consumer Protection Services (ECPS) regarding the lack of action regarding the problems.

A Resident informed the Meeting that she had cleaned the road gutters outside of her house as no action had been taken by the Council.

It was noted that some areas still had rotting leaves in the road gutters from last autumn.


Councillor Brooke informed the Meeting that he and Councillor Brown were part of a Working Party established by Council 15/6/10 to assist Officers to review cuts to the service provision due to the further reductions in local Government funding following changes in priorities and funding streams as a consequence of the new coalition Government. He added that it would be interesting to hear from Residents regarding their views as to what could be sacrificed regarding front line services, and whether expenditure such as road-sweeping and weed clearance were high in priority. A Resident stated that details of expenditure needed to be made available before such decisions could be made.

A Resident stated that a 5% reduction in administration could easily be achieved at the Council through natural wastage.

Councillor Brooke stated that he was closely investigating two areas of the Council, Media & Communications and the use of Consultants, where he believed savings could be made. Councillor Brooke asked Residents to think about areas of saving and get back to him outside of the Meeting.

A Resident requested clarification as to what action was being taken in controlling the problem of urban foxes. Councillor Brooke agreed to investigate the matter and report back to the next meeting.

Councillor Mrs Long updated Residents on the works to the Wimborne Bridge. It was noted that bespoke lighting was due to be installed and Councillor Mrs Long agreed to ascertain the timescale for the completion of the works.


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