Date of Meeting:
Chaired by:
Recorded by: / Tuesday January 19 at 12:12 p.m.
Terrain group Boardroom, 55 Discroll Crescent, Moncton, NB
Dave Kozak, Chair
Geneviève McIntyre, Secretary
Attendees: / Position / Attendees:
David Kozak / Chair / David Kozak
Réjean Hall / Vice-Chair / Réjean Hall
Tina Levesque / Communications & Web site / Tina Levesque
Mark Bellefleur / Provincial Council / Mark Bellefleur
Pierre Plourde / Treasurer / Pierre Plourde
Véronique Haché / Social / Véronique Haché
Tony Desjardins / Professional Development / Tony Desjardins
Marise Gallant / UdeM Representative / Marise Gallant
Geneviève McIntyre / Secretary / Geneviève McIntyre
Maryse Doucet / Provincial Council / Maryse Doucet
Maryse Doucet / Past Chair / Maryse Doucet
Serge Doucet / Branch Councilor / Serge Doucet
Absents: / Position / Absents:
TBF / UdeM Student Representative / TBF
Philippe Losier / Past-Chair / Philippe Losier
Key Items discussed: / fax: 506.658-0468
Item / Description / Action by
1.1 / Welcome and call to order
Meeting called to order by David Kozak / Record
1.2 / Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Mark Bellefleur, seconded by Serge Doucet / Record
1.3 / Approval of minutes of last meeting – November 27, 2009
a)  To modify point 1.6 – Université de Moncton: Réjean mentioned that the ‘’Save Industrial Engineering’’ Committee of Alumni and industry representatives convened on November 17 with Dean Chiasson at the Engineering building to discus the University‘s consideration of abolishing the IE options. The branch Executive would consider a vote or a petition as a complement to the committee’s strategy.
b)  To modify point 1.3: replace March 17, 2009 with November 27, 2009.
Moved by Véronique Haché, seconded by Maryse Doucet / Record
1.4 / Business arising from the minutes of last meeting
·  Tony mentioned that Luc told him that the Aquatic Center’s visit can be done any night of the week and that they are ready to accommodate us. The Branch Executive agreed to have the visit on March 16th, 2010.
·  Tony also stated that the Molson Tour will be held on Thursday May 11th, 2010 at 7 p.m. Registration will be taken be Tina. A follow-up will be done mid April.
·  Réjean mentioned that the ‘’Save Industrial Engineering’’ Committee was successful and that a sub committee has been created to evaluate the program. The industrial options will not be abolished. / Tony
1.5 / Treasurer’s Reports
Pierre presented the treasurer’s report. Today there’s $12,362.86 in Expenses and $8,634.87 in Revenue. Please see attachment for more details about the report
Moved by Pierre Plourde Seconded by Tina Levesque / Record
1.6 / Committee Reports
Provincial Council
·  Mark mentioned that the council has in reserve over $700,000.00 in case of lawsuit. A committee was crested so this amount can be reevaluated so a part of it can be used for something else.
·  Mark added that next year it will be the Association’s 28th anniversary; they will decide what they want to do to celebrate at the next meeting.
·  Mark also stated that the association got the pleasure to meet with the new lieutenant governor. They used some of the reserve money for a scholarship under his name; this scholarship will be available for the average student.
·  Mark mentioned that regarding the liability, a follow up letter has been sent to Murphy.
·  Réjean stated that UdeM will hire more people to fill the new ‘’Centre de la santé et des technologies’’ building.
Professional Activities
Social Activities
·  Véronique mentioned that 32 members are registered to the Members Reception that will take place at the Mexicali Rosa on January 20, 2010 was a great turn out.
·  The Branch Executives all agreed to have the Wildcat game on March 14, 2009. Members will be able to get free fries & pop when they buy a ticket, $10.50 for youth and $13.50 for adult.
Tina mentioned that she sends the monthly Moncton Branch news every first week of the month. In her next news letter she will talk about all the up coming mentioned activities.
Université de Moncton
Geneviève mentioned that the Student council’s Extern V.P. should be the student representative on the Branch Executive. Marise will follow up. / Record
Véronique /
1.7 / New Business
a)  Point 1 – UdeM, Equinox request funds
Equinox is a group of student that work at building a solar power vehicle. The Branch Executive agreed to donate $ 250
Moved by Pierre Plourde Seconded by Mark Bellefleur / Pierre
1.8 / Next meeting
The next meeting will be held March 16, 2010 at Terrain group Boardroom, 55 Discroll Crescent, Moncton, NB. / Record
1.9 / Adjournment
Meeting Adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Moved by Véronique Haché, Seconded by Geneviève McIntyre / Record

www.moncton.apegnb.ca 1