Minutes Bay Indies Homeowner's Association
Board of Directors Meeting
December 11, 2015, Indies Hall
The meeting was called to order at 1:30PM by Co-President Dick Lovelace
Roll Call
Present: Carl Kruse, Greg Schwartz, Rick Petruzzi, Joan Sass, Veronica Wasserman, Tony Tremonto, Dick Lovelace
Absent: George Alexander, Barbara Colgan
The minutes of the November 6, 2015 Board workshop meeting and the November 13, Regular Board Meeting were approved. Motion made by Greg Schwartz and seconded by Carl Kruse. Passed unanimously.
Treasurer's Report
The November 2015 treasurer's report was approved. Motion made by Veronica Wasserman and seconded by Rick Petruzzi. Passed unanimously. Treasurer Carl Kruse also mentioned that from now on dues checks would be deposited into the checking account rather than into the savings account due to fees being charged for deposits into savings. See attached.
Co-President Dick Lovelace reported that the HOA received a thank you note from the Wood Carvers Club for the storage cabinet the HOA gave to them. The cabinet was located in the HOA office and was not needed there. Dick also mentioned a letter from Professional Insurance who wrote to say they would be visiting Bay Indies in the near future to present an informational program on Flood and Homeowner's Insurance.
There was no other correspondence.
Committee Reports
Service Committee – Joan Sass
The Service Committee met with management on November 30, 2015. A discussion was held on the bathroom improvements at Indies House. Management said they are continuing to solicit bids but at the present time they have received no acceptable bids for this work. Discussions were also held to address the ongoing lighting problems in the park. Many Resident Complaint Forms have been submitted relating to lighting problems. Management advised the committee that the electrical study has been completed and repairs are scheduled to begin in mid-December. The Service Committee continues to monitor Police sites and reports any park arrests in the Park to management for further action. The committee also acknowledges the many improvements being done to the club houses and throughout the park and continues to work with management to improve the quality of life for our residents. Joan also noted that the Service Committee is looking for two replacements on the Service Committee due to resignations. Candidates must be computer literate and available to attend a monthly meeting.
Membership Committee – Veronica Wasserman
Veronica reported that as of the meeting date the HOA had 260 paid members. The committee is grateful to the residents for this show of support for the HOA. Also mentioned was the membership campaign to be held in January, 2016. Invoices will be sent via email where available and also through USPS. The membership committee is also still looking for Block Captains. Those interested should see Greg Schwartz.
There were no other committee reports.
Park Manager – Ron Juneman
Ron was unable to attend the meeting.
Activities Manager – Kerri Gibson
Kerri reported on the success of the December Carport Sale where over 70 homes participated. She also mentioned the New Year’s Eve party. The Bay Indies business office will be closed on December 24 and 25, 2015 and also on January 1, 2016. The Recreation Office will also be closed from December 21 through December 28, 2015. Upcoming events include a Frankie Valli tribute concert on January 9, 2016 and a comedy show on January 23, 2016. Finally, Kerri mentioned that Lite Touch Photography would return from January 19-23, 2016 to continue taking photographs for the picture directory planned for Bay Indies.
New Business
Board Support of Venice Comprehensive Plan
A motion was made by Joan Sass and seconded by Greg Schwartz that the Board send a letter to the city outlining our concerns over the new master plan. This letter would specifically mention density, reconstruction and our desire to see Manufactured Home Parks be considered affordable housing, offering certain protections to the parks in terms of future zoning changes. The motion passed unanimously. It was also decided that the HOA would send representatives to the public meeting on the comprehensive plan scheduled for December 14, 2015 at 4PM to be held at the Salvation Army headquarters on Albee Farms Road.
HOA Cabaret December 12, 2015 – Dick Lovelace
The Vocal Vixens will perform in Indies Hall at 7:30 PM. Doors open at 6:30PM.
Trivia – Dick Lovelace
December 11 will be the only Trivia Night in December and the last for 2015. In January, 2016 Trivia Nights are scheduled for January 8 and January 22.
Network for Progress Update – Greg Schwartz
New Board members will have 723 training on January 24, 2016 at Colony Cove.
Becker and Poliakoff – Law Firm – Motion to pay Retention Fee
A motion was made by Greg Schwartz and seconded by Veronica Wasserman to pay a $200.00 retention fee to Becker and Poliakoff, the Law Firm used by the Board. The motion passed unanimously.
Non-Compliance Letter Update – Dick Lovelace
The Board has sent a letter of non-compliance to ELS with regard to the lighting problems in the park. These problems have been going on for far too long and the HOA has fulfilled its contractual obligations by sending this letter of non-compliance to ELS. The Board is monitoring the results. On December 10, 2015 the Board asked for a copy of the electrical study recently done. This is our only way to know about the problems here at the park and how they are being addressed. While we have been told that electricians are currently working in the park the HOA is still of the opinion that ELS is in non-compliance relating to this issue.
Moving Board of Directors' Meetings
A motion was made by Rick Petruzzi and seconded by Joan Sass to move the Board of Directors' meetings back to the Arts and Crafts Room at Bay House. Motion passed unanimously. Beginning in January of 2016 the meetings will be held at the Bay House Arts and Crafts Room. Carl Kruse questioned whether or not this move was advertised in the January Bay Indian. Dick Lovelace stated that the new location would be noted in that publication.
Negotiations Update
There is nothing to report at this time. 2016 is the last year of our current three year contract which includes rent increase protection and other issues important to residents. It is a slow process and it must be noted that ELS is not required to negotiate at all. The HOA is, however, trying for another long term contract with ELS.
Purchase of Recorder from Cindy Shepard
When Cindy Shepard was recording secretary she purchased a recorder which is still being used by the Board. A motion was made by Joan Sass and seconded by Carl Kruse to purchase this recorder from Cindy for $40.00. Motion passed unanimously.
Nomination Meeting for New Board Members
Dick Lovelace explained that due to a change in Florida law nominations for the election of new Board members could be made only at a special nominating meeting to be held on January 6, 2016 at 4:00PM. There would be NO nominations permitted from the floor on the day of the election in February of 2016. Dick noted that there would be three positions open for nominations as the terms of Carl Kruse, Rick Petruzzi and Greg Schwartz were expiring.
Resident Joe Dahm of 964 Haiti East asked to address the Board concerning Bay Indies' Memorial Day Ceremony. He started by expressing how very nice the ceremony was. His only complaint was that the lawn company was cutting the grass right near the Veteran's Memorial Park while the ceremony was taking place. He asked if the HOA and/or the Board could speak to management to prevent this from happening in the future. Joan Sass suggested that Joe send an RCF to the office about this. She said that the Service Committee would then follow up.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:07 PM
Respectfully Submitted
Fred Ceruti
Recording Secretary
Joan Sass