Draft Minutes of the Athy Area Committee Meeting

held at 10.00 am on Monday, 13th October 2003,

in the Athy Area Office, Municiple Building, Athy

Members Present:Councillors R. Hendy, (Chairperson), M. Miley and A. Kane

Apologies:Councillor J. Lawlor

Also Present:Mr. D. O’Flaherty (Area Engineer), Ms. C. O’Grady (Meeting Administrator), Mr. Pat Cleary, Engineer Roads Design, Ms. E. Drennan Finance Section, Ms M. Keenan I.T., Ms. D. Halpin I.T. and Ms. P. Pender (Corporate Affairs)


Resolved on the proposal of Councillor Miley seconded by Councillor Kane that Councillor Hendy remain as Cathaoirleach of the Athy Area Committee.

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Councillor Miley asked if Development Levies were up to date or if monies were outstanding. Ms. Eileen Drennan, Finance Department, informed members that there were arrears. Ms. Drennan stated that details on unfunded balances were awaited from Transport, Water Services and Housing departments.

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Ms. O’Grady read out a report received from the Planning department outlining that requirements would further be considered following the review of the County Development Plan and the Strategic Planning Guidelines. Development proposals would be considered on their merits in the interim and the need for Local Area Plans would be reviewed again in due course.

The Cathaoirleach strongly urged that this situation would be addressed and village plans put in place through a simple plan thus avoiding ad hoc developments. Councillor Miley requested that a draft plan be put to the members for consultation prior to approving developments not afterwards.

Resolved:The Cathaoirleach proposed that a scheme, on a smaller scale to the one in place in Crookstown, be drawn up and presented to members.

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On the proposal of Councillor Hendy seconded by Councillor Miley, that the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th July, 2003 be confirmed and taken as read.

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No matters arising.

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Mr. Pat Cleary, Roads Design Office, advised members of the forthcoming changes proposed by the Minister for Transport. Under EU Directive metrication of all speed limits must be in place by 2005. The Council has been asked by the Minister to review all speed limits for the county and prepare a report prior to September 2004. Mr. Cleary proposed to present the review to members for discussion prior to implementation to include issues previously raised. Mr. Cleary asked members if they would defer specifics in relation to items on the agenda until the review was presented. The Cathaoirleach welcomed the new proposed speed limits on rural roads particularly in areas such as Blackrath and Narraghmore. Councillor Kane welcomed the new proposals and hoped that speedometers would be altered to show the change to metrication. Mr. Cleary stated that this would be the case for new cars purchased after the implementation date.

Resolved:Mr. Cleary to present review to members for discussion prior to implementation of new guidelines.

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Ms. O’Grady read out a report from the Transportation Department outlining that traffic calming measures were not possible in this instance because it is a regional road. The provision of a footpath is also problematic due to the reduction in road width. The 40 mph speed limit is currently in place and will be reviewed under the proposed national guidelines due to be implemented. Councillor Miley informed members that he had been made aware of a need for a disabled parking area in front of the school. Mr. O’Flaherty outlined similar work that had been carried out at Levitstown. He advised that the placement of a footpath would cause other safety issues for the traffic overtaking parked cars at the school.

Resolved:Mr. O’Flaherty to assess the provision of a disabled parking area outside the school.

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Mr. O’Flaherty informed members that it was intended to start work this year from Timolin. The provision of lighting has already begun and poles not in place should be up by the end of the week. A footpath would be in place from Shackleton Village to Byrnes garage. Funding has been provided from members’ discretionary funds and other sources. The project will be a huge improvement to the area when completed. The Cathaoirleach again referred to the funding promised by the NRA to provide a footpath when the Moone/Timolin by pass was completed and which has not been forthcoming.

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A report issued by the Economic Planning department informed members that Duchas have confirmed their commitment to carry out development works to put in place a car park at the Moone High Cross once the church ruins and surrounding graveyard have been vested in their care. The Cathaoirleach welcomed the report and seconded by Councillor Miley proposed that the funds be made available to conclude the sale as soon as possible. Councillor Miley asked if the lands would be in the ownership of the Council or Duchas. Ms. O’Grady pointed out that Duchas were not in a position to fund projects unless they are vested in their care. Mr. O’Flaherty felt that Duchas had the expertise to carry out this work to the satisfaction of all concerned.

Resolved:That funding be made available to conclude the sale of lands.

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Motion – Councillor Miley

“That a 40 mph speed limit be erected from current 30 mph limit to about ¼ mile at Mrs Cummins House (at bad bend) as many children use this stretch of road at Woodlands East, Castledermot.”

Resolved:Motion to be included in the review of new speed limit guidelines.

AY 10/1003

Motion – Councillor Miley

“That a 30 mph speed limit be extended from Eamonn Kane’s to Crophill Cross, Castledermot as steep hill and bad bends are on this stretch of road”.

Resolved:Motion to be included in the review of new speed limit guidelines

AY 11/1003

Current Motion - Councillor Kane

“That appropriate traffic calming measures i.e. speed ramps be put in place along William Pearse Terrace, Castledermot.”

Ms. O’Grady read out report provided from the Roads Design department. Members were informed that this work could not be accommodated in the 2003 programme but would be listed for assessment. Priority is currently being given to locations in the vicinity of schools. The Cathaoirleach asked if this could be reviewed over time. Councillor Kane asked in what time frame the work would be carried out. Mr. Cleary stated that a large number of traffic calming submissions had been received and completed. The priority is road safety and is subject to funding. Resolved: Members will be presented with a programme for traffic calming projects for 2004

AY 12/1003

Current Motion – Councillor Kane

“That a turning lane be put in place along the route of the N9 at the exit for Narraghmore.”

Ms. O’Grady informed members that a report was requested from the NRDO and would be available at the next meeting. Mr. O’Flaherty informed members that it was intended to put a turning lane in place to incorporate Blackrath junction and Rathsallagh. It would take out the existing lay by where containers are being parked. The Cathaoirleach said he would be delighted to see trailers removed.

Resolved:Report to be available from NRDO for next meeting.

AY 13/1003

Current Motion – Councillor Hendy

“That traffic calming be installed at Crookstown National School and Church.”

The Cathaoirleach stated that a number of representations had been made to him concerning the speed of traffic outside the church and the school. He asked if a cushion effect could be put in place. Mr. Cleary informed members that this item would be listed as a priority for 2004.

Resolved:Councillor Hendy requested a review of the prioritisation of this request.

AY 14/1003

Demonstration of the Extranet of Kildare County Council

Ms. Mairead Keenan and Ms. Dawn Lynch presented an overview of the Extranet service due to be made available to all Councillors. Members were requested to advise I.T. section of any specific information they would like to see included on the extranet facility, which is for the sole use of Councillors.

Resolved:That minutes of area meeting would not be listed on the extranet until they are adopted by the Committee.

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Ms. E. Drennan asked members to forward their submissions and recommendations to the Finance Department before Wednesday 22nd October 2003. Councillor Miley asked that Kilkea bridge and Cloney bridge be taken into consideration. The Cathaoirleach agreed that these bridges were a priority. Mr. O’Flaherty informed members that submissions had been put forward to the DTO and work would be prioritised accordingly. Councillor Kane requested a copy of last years Budget by post.

Resolved:Ms. E. Drennan to forward copy of Budget 2003 to Councillor Kane.

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Minutes of Special Meeting with NRA

Councillor Miley requested the minutes of the Special Area Meeting held with the NRA last July. Ms. O’Grady informed members that the minutes were awaited and would be available to the committee at the next scheduled meeting.

Provison of Bus service – Ballitore/Moone/Timolin

The Cathaoirleach referred to previous meetings and issues raised in relation to provision of a bus service to the Ballitore/Moone/Timolin area. Mr. Chris Conway, Inspector for the Kildare area Bus Eireann attended the meeting to discuss the matter with members. Mr. Conway informed members that it was not possible to service these villages with the expressway service from Dublin to Waterford. One route from Kilkenny to Dublin already included Moone in its timetable and may be diverted to the old road at Ballitore. The bus could then exit at Crookstown garage back to Dublin. This service returned to Kilkenny in the evening. Councillors Hendy and Miley welcomed this proposal and appreciated that it would be a start. Mr. Conway stated it could take some time to implement but that he would initiate the process immediately. Bus Eireann do not provide bus shelters they are positioned by an advertising agency called Adshell. Members thanked Mr. Conway for attending the meeting and it was agreed that a report when available would be forwarded to the area engineer, Mr. O’Flaherty.


Mr. O’Flaherty presented members with a list of proposals for 2003 community route lighting funded by discretionary grants. Councillor Miley asked if an extra light could be placed at Kilmead opposite the car park. It was agreed to place a light on the back of the existing one in place.

Meeting concluded.

Next meeting Monday 10th November at 10.00 a.m.

Minutes of Athy Area Committee meeting of 13th October 2003