The Meeting commenced at 16:30pm and concluded at 17:50pm
Colvin Aldous – Governor Representative/Vice Chairman (in the Chair)
Jon Bland – Ashdown Technology College
Councillor Mrs Moore
Elizabeth Jones – Ashdown Technology College
Clive Smith – Leisure Services
Keith Newman – Ashdown Technology College
Tom Darlington – User Representative (Poole Hockey Club)
Peter Cotton – School Advice and Support Services
Jenny Sykes – User Representative (Poole Athletics Club)
Lisa Gardner – Legal & Democratic Services
Members of the public present: 0
The Chairman welcomed Elizabeth Jones, the new Headteacher for Ashdown Technology College, to her first meeting of the Ashdown CUMC.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Allen, Bill Craig, Councillor Adams, Kelvan Finch, Tim Hill and Iain Stokes.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 June 2006, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Student Representative
Jon Bland reported that Ashdown Technology College had nominated Danielle Batty, a 6th form student, to be the Student Representative on the CUMC and it was anticipated that Danielle would be joining the Committee in the coming months-
That the nomination of Danielle Batty as Student Representative on the CUMC be noted.
Role of CUMC/Voting rights
The future of the CUMC’s was to be reviewed now that the management of the Leisure Centres was being undertaken by SLM on behalf of the Council and the CUMC had proposed that the School SLM be granted voting rights on the Committee.
Clive Smith confirmed that he was reviewing the Community Use Management Agreements with a view to facilitating a discussion on the future of the Committees and it was ~
That an update be provided to the next meeting.
Educational Funding
Peter Cotton explained that it was not possible to access funding from the School Advice & Support Services’ (SASS) budget to assist with the capital improvement works as all of the SASS funding for 2006/7 had been devolved to the Schools.
There were no declarations of interest.
Councillor Mrs Moore expressed concern that one of the local User Groups, the Top Cats Nursery, had received one month’s notice to quit giving insufficient time to find alternative premises.
The Early Years Team was able to accommodate Top Cats at the Community Centre for 4 mornings per week, although the group needed premises for 5 mornings per week to access Early Years funding. Top Cats’ departure would affect many families in the area and it would be grateful if its booking could be extended until other premises were found.
Clive Smith advised that Leisure Services had commenced dialogue with Top Cats in July 2005 and the moving date had been earlier than the group anticipated. Leisure Services and the Early Years Team had suggested potential contacts for Top Cats to follow up and it was very unfortunate that no suitable premises had been found as yet.
Peter Cotton explained that this matter had been discussed at a recent Head Teacher’s Forum and no solution had been identified that could be activated within a short timescale. The Scout Hall was already in use at the required times although the Adult Training Centre at Montacute School could be considered as a potential alternative –
(i) That Clive Smith/Leisure Services liaise with SLM over a possible extension to the Top Cats booking until alternative premises were found; and
(ii) That Clive Smith/Leisure Services liaise with other Service Units within the Borough to identify alternative premises for Top Cats.
Keith Newman advised that the School and the Governors wished to raise the following points with regard to the progress to date with the Leisure Centre Partnership:
Leisure Centre Partnership
· The Leisure Centre Contract was felt to have been signed before the Final Plans were revealed to the School and the School was yet to receive written confirmation that it would have access to the enhanced leisure facilities;
· The School needed to obtain copies of the Leisure Centre Contract and the Final Plans as a matter of urgency;
· The Final Plans should be presented to the next meeting of the Cumc for feedback;
· Ashdown Technology College had been informed initially that the changing facilities would be enlarged to provide four separate units, although was subsequently advised the current facilities were to be refurbished only;
· There was a need to liaise with the School in respect of the capital works scheduled to commence at the end of October;
· Ashdown Technology College was participating in the Healthy School’s Initiative and the recent installation of five vending machines was felt to be incompatible with the scheme;
· Concerns were expressed in relation to a suggested lack of consultation, openness and plan-sharing with the School and over engagement with the School, Clubs and User Groups.
Clive Smith confirmed that a key objective of the Leisure Centre Partnership was to reinvigorate the site with a view to generating more income from the facilities and to provide significantly enhanced leisure facilities for the School and local community. The capital works for Ashdown Leisure Centre were scheduled for completion from 30th October – 5th March with all works for Rossmore Leisure Centre programmed for November.
The proposed enlargement of the changing facilities would have increased the bid to £30,000 over the best and final offer, although SLM had advised that other capital works could be progressed, whilst further consideration was given to upgrading the changing rooms. SLM was also leading various projects which it had identified independently, e.g. The Sports England initiative for Activity in the Summer.
The Committee agreed that a separate meeting be convened as soon as possible to consider the progress to date with the Leisure Centre Partnership and it was ~
(i) That a meeting be held between Keith Newman, SLM, Councillor Mrs Moor and, Clive Smith, to consider the progress to date with the Leisure Centre Partnership;
(ii) That copies of the Leisure Centre Contract and Final Plans be forwarded to the School as soon as possible; and
(iii)That the Final Plans be presented to the next meeting of the
CUMC for feedback.
Poole Hockey Club
Tom Darlington advised that Poole Hockey Club might need to consider relocating to another site due to the league requirement for food to be provided at matches which was more problematic following removal of the bar facility. The Hockey Club had been unaware of the timing of the bar closure and removal of the facility was felt to represent the loss of a significant community resource.
The Committee noted that the bar had been more profitable than the gym in recent years although the projected figures indicated that the gym would generate more income in the future. SLM had benchmarked the facilities against those within other Leisure Centres that they managed for local authorities and had evidenced how additional income had been generated in comparable Leisure Centres.
Poole Athletics Club – Risk Assessment
Jenny Sykes (Poole Athletics Club) presented the following issues noted by the Club during the completion of a full risk assessment of the Athletics Track in July 2006:-
· The Athletics Track needed to be brushed before evening training sessions due to the danger of using spikes with debris on the track and it was suggested consideration be given to using street cleansing equipment on the surface;
· When subsistence was repaired on the back straight start-line (North Eastern corner of the track), the curb had been broken and was yet to be repaired;
· The Stoney Path used to access the Long Jump area to the West of the track was overgrown and would present real challenges to disabled visitors including officials. The alternative gate from the track was far too steep for wheelchair access and the Council was asked if this met the Disability Discrimination regulations;
· Due to significant use the field section near the Javelin throws area had eroded quite significantly providing a risk of tripping due to the level of drop;
· The Leisure Centre needed to supply soil in the vicinity of the Hammer circle and the holes produced by throwers could be filled in by the throws coaches and athletes at the end of each session;
· There was an on-going problem as to the standard of lines on the Track and a commitment was requested that the worst areas be repainted before the 2007 season;
· The hole that secured the right-hand gate for the throws cage was badly worn and in windy conditions it would not hold the gate open thus presenting a risk;
· The Track User Group had agreed to pay for securing bolts for the Long Jump covers and a request was made as to how the quotes were progressing;
· The run-ups to the long jump pits did not meet health and safety requirements;
· Concern had been expressed about removal of the throwing nets during the Winter months preventing athletes from training and further consideration could be given to including a promotional banner on the boundary fence highlighting the facilities available on the site.
That a response be sought from Leisure Services and SLM in respect of the above.
Monday, 27th November 2006 at 4.30p.m. at Ashdown Community College.