Student’s Name: ______

Project Title: ______

Teacher’s Name: ______Grade Level: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

If my project includes Humans Vertebrate Animals Microorganisms
rDNA Tissues, I understand that it requires prior approval by a review committee before I start my project, and it requires additional forms that are my responsibility to request and complete. I may not start my project until I have completed the required forms. If I do not obtain approval, my project will not be accepted.

To Be Completed by Student and Parent

a) Student Acknowledgment:

• I understand the risks and possible dangers to me involving my project.

• I understand safe lab practices and equipment and will use safety equipment and safe behavior throughout my project.

• I have read and will abide by the following Ethics statement

Scientific fraud and misconduct are not condoned at any level of research or competition. Such practices include plagiarism, forgery, use or presentation of other researcher’s work as one’s own, and fabrication of data.

Fraudulent projects will fail to qualify for competition in affiliated fairs or the Intel ISEF.


Student’s Printed Name Signature Date Acknowledged

b) Parent/Guardian Approval:

• I have read and understand the risks and possible dangers involved in my child’s Science Project

• I consent to my child participating in this project and will supervise my child’s safety throughout the project.

• I understand that if my child continues beyond the campus level, there will be additional paperwork to complete.

The date on this consent form will be the date established for all additional paperwork.


Parent’s Printed Name Signature Date Acknowledged

The following is a partial list of items not allowed for display during presentation

o  Living organisms, including plants

o  Soil, sand, rock, and/or waste samples

o  Taxidermy specimens or parts

o  Preserved vertebrate or invertebrate animals

o  Human or animal food

o  Human/animal parts or body fluids

o  Rare Earth Magnets

o  All chemicals including water

o  All hazardous substances or devices

o  Sharp items (for example, syringes, needles, pipettes,


o  Flames or highly flammable materials

o  Batteries with open-top cells or wet cell batteries

o  Glass or glass objects