10th SEPTEMBER 2007
The Meeting commenced at 16:30 pm and concluded at 18:00 pm
Councillor Jeff Allen – Elected Member (Chairman)
Colvin Aldous – Governor Representative (Vice-Chairman)
Councillor Peter Adams – Elected Member
Keith Newman – Ashdown Technology College
Mrs Elizabeth Jones – Ashdown Technology College
Councillor Mrs Moore – Elected Member
Anthony Rogers – Leisure Services
Karl Miles – SLM
Iain Stokes – SLM/Ashdown Leisure Centre
Dale Gregory – Ashdown Technology College
Jon Bland – Ashdown Technology College
Tom Darlington – Poole Hockey Club
Lisa Gardner – Legal & Democratic Services
Members of the public present: 0
Apologies for absence were received from Jennie Sykes (Poole Athletics Club).
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th June 2007, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Representative from Children & Young People’s Integrated Services
Elizabeth Jones enquired whether Children & Young People’s Integrated Services would be represented at future meetings of the CUMC following Peter Cotton’s retirement from the Borough and it was agreed that an update in respect of this would be sought prior to the next meeting.
(Post- Meeting Note: Children & Young People’s Integrated Services subsequently advised that they would send a representative to the meeting on an as-needed basis and confirmed that they wished to receive full paperwork for future meetings).
Perimeter Fencing
Iain Stokes informed members that the Perimeter Fencing would cost approximately £14,000 to complete and priority areas for completion had been identified in recent weeks. The CUMC noted that S106 Planning Obligations Funding had been obtained for the fencing installed to date on the basis that it enhanced a borough-wide facility, but observed that the business case for the remaining fencing would be strengthened if Ashdown Technology College SLM provided a financial contribution towards the works -
(i)That Ashdown Technology College and SLM consider the financial contributions that they could provide towards completion of the perimeter fencing;
(ii)That consideration be given to presenting a business case for the remaining fencing to the Planning Obligations Working Party once the above information (i) had been obtained.
Hockey Goals
Members were advised that new hockey goals had been purchased recently and consideration would be given to whether the old hockey goals could be renewed. Further attention would also be given to how the hockey goals were stored to ensure they were better protected.
Tom Darlington highlighted an additional concern that the hockey goals had been used by pupils to climb over the fence adjacent to the pitch and the CUMC: -
That an update be provided to the next meeting.
Keith Newman reported that regular meetings took place between the School and SLM to resolve issues of detail and there were no matters to report to the CUMC at the current time.
Tom Darlington expressed concern that the removal of the bar facility from the Leisure Centre had resulted in the loss of a community resource and advised that Poole Hockey Club was now needing to meet at the local Community Centre after matches and for social functions. There was a need to provide refreshments for three hockey teams whilst also catering for the under 16s team which had recently entered the Hampshire League.
The Committee noted that a small room would be provided within the Leisure Centre for clubs to have refreshments and considered that whilst this could not accommodate as many people as the previous bar/function room, the new leisure facilities should serve to benefit the community as a whole.
Vending Machines
Elizabeth Jones expressed concern that more healthy snacks were not included within the Leisure Centre vending machines and commented that providing high-calorie snacks was not complementary to the schools healthy eating programme which was a theme of the Healthy Schools Standard. Consideration could be given to including healthier snacks in the vending machines during school hours or to moving the machines to locations inaccessible to pupils.
Members noted that the vending machines included some healthy options although SLM undertook to explore extending the options provided with its Food & Beverage Officer.
Iain Stokes explained that the Leisure Centre would only be accessible through the main entrance following completion of the works, so pupil access would be restricted in this sense in the future.
That consideration be given to including further healthy options in the vending machines in the Leisure Centre.
Iain Stokes reported that the capital works were running to schedule and the Leisure Centre would be open to the public from Friday, 28th September. The Leisure Centre would be opened officially by the Mayor and CUMC Chairman, Councillor Allen, on Friday, 5th October at 3.00pm and all members of the CUMC would be invited to attend.
Iain Stokes, Senior Manager, provided a verbal update and advised members of the following:-
Staff had been recruited for the new fitness suite, one of whom was a former pupil of Ashdown Technology College;
The new Fitness Manager would be attending school assemblies during September to talk on the benefits of regular exercise;
An open-afternoon for Ashdown Technology College staff would be taking place during the week commencing Monday, 24th September;
Fitness programmes, daytime sessions and early-bird classes would commence on Friday, 28th September;
A leaflet drop was to take place across Canford Heath, Broadstone and the neighbouring areas informing residents of the Leisure Centre opening;
Usage figures for April – August 2007 were lower than for the same period last year, due to closure of the leisure facilities whilst the capital works were progressed;
No fitness courses had been provided during August due to concerns over the safety of visitors whilst the capital works were underway;
Virginia Bailey (Leisure Services) and SLM were exploring opportunities to provide after-school and holiday activities;
SLM aimed to secure 850 members by April 2008 and 1,200–1,300 members overall as total capacity;
Membership would be interchangeable between the three Leisure Centres (the Dolphin Swimming Pool, Rossmore and Ashdown Leisure Centres), with a membership fee of £17 per month for Access-to-Leisure holders;
A 4-page advertisement would feature in the Advertiser to coincide with the official opening, with discount vouchers included for activities in all three Leisure Centres;
Free car-parking was a good selling point for the Ashdown and Rossmore Leisure Centres.
Anthony Rogers proposed that projected usage figures were prepared for presentation to the relevant Council Committee and it was –
(i)That the report be noted; and
(ii)That a report detailing projected usage figures be prepared for consideration by the Council.
Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) / Athletics Track
Iain Stokes advised that the company which had prepared an independent report on the condition of the Tennis Courts had confirmed that it could also assess the condition of the Athletics Track and provide quotes for different types of surface for a charge of £50. Under the Partnership Agreement responsibility for the maintenance of external facilities remained with the Council.
Members considered that planning obligations funding could be explored for enhancing the Athletics Track as a borough-wide facility and that improvements could include the addition of two further lanes and installation of changing rooms by the Track.
Funding for Recreational Facilities
Anthony Rogers explained that a PPG17 assessment on recreational facilities was due to be completed by October 2007 and would help to provide justification for investment in leisure facilities across the Poole and Bournemouth conurbation.
Monday, 26th November at 4.30 pm at Ashdown Technology College.