School News
Congratulations to:
Our Head Boys and Head Girls:
Connor Rodden and Angus Rollo
Tamara Gill and Heather Christie
Our Pupil Council:
Our House Captains:
Red KitesBlue OspreyYellow Buzzards
Vice Captain:
As winter approaches, please ensure that your child comes to school dressed appropriately for playing outside in all weathers. As we still seem to have drivers speeding past the school, a Hi-Viz vest is ideal for coming and going.
Children should not arrive at school until 8.30am at the earliest. Please note that there is no supervision in the playground before school starts. Please park with consideration for the safety of all children.
Lost and Left Property
An increasing number of children are leaving jumpers, lunch boxes and coats under the shelter both after lunch and at 3pm. Children are responsible for looking after their own belongings and finding them when they leave them lying. School staff remind the children regularly to collect their belongings. From now, this property will be collected up each day and put in a big box by the door. Property not collected or claimed will be put into the Blytheswood box at the end of each month. It helps your child identity their own belongings if they are clearly named.
Supporting the Role of Parents
A huge thankyou to Torrin, Brodieand Tyree and their mum and dad who painted our new tables and fitted them under the canopy.
It was lovely to see such a good turnout at the recent open afternoon. We hope you enjoyed looking at the work with your children.
Folios will go home with all pupils on Friday 30th September and should be returned to school on Monday 3rd October.
Enclosed with this newsletter is a leaflet outlining how support is provided for learners’ in Highland schools.
Drama Workshops
As part of our curriculum in drama and literature, pupils in P5-7 will take part in a creative workshop led by the Eden Court Creative Team on 10th November, based around The Titanic.
Children in P3-4 will participate in a shorter workshop on 7th November called STOP - THINK - ACT!, a health and wellbeing drama workshop specifically aimed at resolving conflict, communication and managing feelings.
P6-7 Residential Trip – June 2017
P6-7 will be going to Alltnachriche from 12th to 16th June, along with children from Ferintosh, Marybank and Strathconon Primary Schools. The cost of this trip is £302 which includes transport, activities, meals, accommodation and a visit to Landmark. A £30 deposit is required by Wednesday 5th October to secure a place. The balance can be paid either in instalments or in full through Mrs Waters in the school office.
Many thanks to all parents who responded to the survey on the pantomime. Almost all parents who responded indicated that they would like this trip to go ahead. The trip will be on Wednesday 14th December. The final cost of this trip and more details will follow.
School Improvement
We are pleased to say that the fire alarm system in the school and nursery has been upgraded.
We also have a new door system to make the school more secure, which includes a camera to monitor visitors to the school.
A new notice board has been ordered for the fence at the front of the school. This will save parents having to be at the back of the school to see the notices which are currently pinned there.
We have a new greenhouse round the side of the school and hope to soon get going growing seeds even over the winter months. If you have any spare pots or compost now that the season is nearly over, we would be very able to make use of them.
Thanks too to Mrs Bain, who painted the beams under the canopy, making it look much brighter and smarter.
If you would like to help in any way around the school, please do get in touch.
School Improvement
During the recent INSET days, two members of our staff attended the French training as part of the Scottish Government’s 1 + 2 language initiative.
Our PSAs attended training in writing social stories, and the Nursery staff looked at developing the use of Words Up.
We also worked on developing learning and teaching in Technologies, and agreeing standards for skills development in this curricular area.
Sustainability and Enterprise
Next term, as part of our sustainable learning programme, children will be working in house groups planning and preparing Christmas and winter events.
Why are we doing this?
To develop in pupils:
- A motivationand ambition for change
- Confidence in their capabilities and the validity of their own viewpoint
- Ability to transfer their creativity skills to other contexts
- Ability to lead and work well with others
- Understanding of the range of roles and opportunities in society
- Self-awareness, self-worth and respect for others
- Confidence in meet challenges, manage change and build relationships
- A sense of personal achievement
If you feel you have the skills and would like to lead a group, please get in touch. This may be in filling shoe boxes for Blytheswood, planning a singing event for a care home, making gifts and craft to sell for profit or organising the Christmas parties. It would involve a weekly commitment to leading, preparing for and supporting a group of children.
Dates for the Diary
4th Safe Highlanders – P7
7thSchool closes at 3pm for October break
24thSchool reopens at 9am (nursery at 8.40am)
1stPhotographer - individual/family photos
7thP3-4 Drama workshop – Think Stop Act
10thP5-7 Drama workshop – Play in a Day
17thDrums lessons for P7 pupils
7thFlu vaccines
14th Pantomime at Eden Court
15thCarol singing in Tesco
23rd School closes for winter break – 3pm