Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held in The Reading Room, Netherbury at 7-30pm on 22 September 2015
Apologieswere received from Mr Hawkins and Mr David.
PresentMr Bowditch in the chair; also present Mrs Mann, Dyke, Hanford and Pearce, plus Messrs Huxter, King, Bailey and Goodfellow. District Cllr Roberts and County Cllr Mrs Knox and the Clerk. There were no members of the public.
Minute of the last meetingwere confirmed and signed .
Public discussion –no one present.
County Cllr Report. Mrs Knox said that more savings need to be made and transport use is being looked at and how costs can be reduced. There has been a slight increase in traffic ; there is a need for more driver education. It is aimed to encourage more people to walk to work.. There is a £300,000 pot available and there will be more discussion on the best ways to use it. Mr Bailey asked if the proposed play equipment for Salway Ash could benefit from it. Mrs Knox said that the Clerk will be getting an email on the matter.
Mr Bowditch said that it had taken him 15 years to get DCC permission for a R.O.W footpath to be moved - everything takes far too long. The 2004 Countryside Act which was supposed to have smoothed out such problems, had not done so. Mrs Knox suggested that the P.C. write to Mr Letwin (with a copy to Mike Harris) who are anxious to reduce red tape.
Blair Turner has replaced Dave Maunder on Highways.
Mrs Knox introduced Andrew Bradley who has been working on the School pavement project. The agent is now more amenable and there is just a short length needing landowner’s co-operation; there is a positive attitude. Mr Bradley produced a large scale map showing the proposed route. It includes a single lane pinch point. Part of the protected hedge will need to be relocated, and there is a mains sewer to be avoided. He said that atpresent, the bus needed to get the children to school safely is costing £50,000 p.a.. Mr Bradley has arranged for the map to be displayed to members of the public at Salway Ash Village Hall on Tuesday 11 October.
District Cllrs’ report. The WDDC Local Plan is almost approved. Cllrs continue to discuss the allocation of reduced funds to discretionary applicants, such as Bridport Museum and the Arts Centre. Mr Roberts said that the WDDC is looking for combining working with neighbours without actually combining with them into larger group. Mr Roberts recommended that Mr Bailey go to WDDC’s Nick Thornley for help with funding for the exercise equipment.
Matters arising.
The Clerk reported that she had sent the mandate forms to HSBC and has heard nothing since.
There had been a bill of £97-91 from BT between meetings. After discussion, it was agreed that this be paid immediately. The Clerk is awaiting a D/D form from BT, and after further discussion, it was agreed that this should be completed by the Clerk and submitted to BT without delay.
Correspondence and Notices; WDDC Had sent Mr Pawley a notice that the War Memorial has been included in a list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest compiled by Historic England.
WDDC sent notice that Pineapple Farm has applied to erect an agricultural building under General Permitted Development.
WDDC sent notice that The Upper Marshwood Vale Neighbourhood Plan Area Designation has been approved.
Weymouth and Portland Local Plan/ Community Infrastructure Levy – Inspector’s report “….concludes that it provides an appropriate basis for the Planning of the District and Borough Councils providing a number of modifications are made to the Plan…
C.B.Reid sent details of new demands, starting 1st July 2017 with respect to new duties for all employers whose employees meet certain criteria. Not applicable to the Parish Council.
a)Clerk’s expenses, post, etc;£21-70, travel £14-70; total £36-40. It was agreed that this be paid.
The BDO Audit Return opinion – they had asked for further details of the Asset Register so the Clerk had photocopied the whole Register. This was later followed by a letter from BDO saying that they had mislaid the copies and asked that the Clerk do it again. This was done on 15 August. Nothing heard since.
The Clerk reported receipt of the half yearly precept of £4000-00 - and another one for £10,000 which proved to be for Broadwindsor. The Clerk had phoned WDDC who said they would look into the matter, but nothing heard since.
Planning Applications:-.
a)Chapel Cottage, Salway Ash, erect two storey extension and porch, “No objections.”
b)Higher Kingsland Farm, Salway Ash; change of use of agricultural store to self contained holiday accommodation, with occasional ancillary use in conjunction with the farmhouse to include associated work and erection of bike shed. Erect porch to the west elevation of the farmhouse and make interior alterations. – “No objections.” Mrs Pearce Declared an Interest and took no part in the discussions.
c)Amber House, Hingsdon Lane, erection of self contained residential annexe for use as a Retreat. The Chairman declared an interest and did not comment. WITHDRAWN
Results, REFUSED, Forest Oak, Melplash 1420, amendment to Approved position of new gateway.
Salway Ash telephone kiosk.
Mrs Dyke said she will speak to Mrs Varndell and Mike Morse about it.
Office Allowance to the Clerk. Mrs Tubridy explained that Broadwindsor PC had made an allowance , and if they had thought of it at the time, almost certainly Broadwindsor would have asked Netherbury to pay half of it. The monthly allowance of £36-89 was to cover rent for office space, cleaning, heating and lighting and there had been an agreed increase of 10% starting in April when the Clerk retired in March.To appear on the agenda again in November. Mr King said he would speak to DAPTC . Mr Roberts said he will make enquiries.
Adoption of formal Risk Assessment document. The Clerk had obtained copies of three possibilities but as one was more suitable for Tesco, had sent only the other two to the Chairman. Mr Bowditch said he would arrange to circulate all Cllrs. To appear on the next agenda.
Anti-virus protection for computer. The Clerk explained that none had been in place for several months since the previous one had expired. She mentioned it to the Chairman when expiry warnings were appearing on the screen. Recently, the Clerk had not been able to get rid of something called “tiles” which covered the entire screen so she had no access to emails etc. After discussion, which included the possibility of Allen Computer Services in Crewkerne , or William Knapman, being asked to ook at the problems, it was agreed that the Clerk should phone William Knapman the following day. Answerphone saying he would be back on 8th October so Clerk got permission from the chairman’s wife to contact the Crewkerne, firm. The Clerk asked whether or not she should do anything about the Windows 10 noticeswhich frequently appear on the screen. Cllrs’ advice was to ignore them.
The Neighbourhood Plan. Mr Bailey said that with so many people on holiday, there had been no chance to do anything in Salway Ash yet. The Chairman reported that Mrs Harmer of Little Strode is willing to help.
Any Other Business. Mrs Dyke said that she had been approached by residents complaining about the traffic in Salway Ash, also car parking by residents on the verges and at junctions. Mrs Dyke had been told that a 20mph limit is needed. Mr Roberts said he would speak to the police. The Chairman asked Mrs Dyke to reply, suggesting that the complainants speak to the local CSPO.
Mr Bailey reported that half of the fingerposts requiring attention had been done; the comment was made how good they look. Mr Bowditch enquired about the North Bowood name plate which had been close to Tel El Kebir . It had been chewed up by Council hedge trimmers. The Clerk to contact Mr Blair Turner.
Mrs Pearce said that she and Mrs Handford would be attending a DAPTC Course.
The signed cheque for £300, dated May, is still awaiting the necessary invoice re, the Melplash Speedwatch expenses from Mrs Murray. The Clerk to write asking whether or not she intends to go ahead?
Mr Bailey referred to the transparency info which the Clerk had emailed to everyone. Mr Bailey said that it is available on the web site. Funding for such as the Neighbourhood plan is available. Mrs Pearce offered to obtain the application and to send it off after she had completed it.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9-30pm