MIS 485
Ethics and Information Systems in Organizations
Dr. Marius Janson
Fall 2000
Project #2
Project Advice
A finished project should be no longer than twenty-five typed double spaced pages (includes figures, tables, and references). The finished project is a piece of scholarly work and has to be properly cited (see any article in a scholarly business journal). The project grade will depend in part on in-class presentation, strength of argument, and content, correct use of English and scholarly execution of the project. It is advisable to start on this project immediately so that there is time to contact me in case of questions. In fact, it is best to discuss your approach to the project and subsequent progress with the instructor as soon as possible. Do not postpone the project to the end of the semester.
There are multiple approaches to ethical behavior - we shall consider some of these. First, relativism holds that what is considered ethical in one society may be considered unethical in another society. In other words there really is no absolute right or wrong. Instead behavior should be judged in the society in which it occurs. Second, universalism holds that right and wrong are right and wrong everywhere. Third, consequentialism holds that behavior should be judged ethical if its outcome with respect of the common good is positive. Fourth, ulitarianism holds that behavior is ethical if the happiness it increases outweighs the unhappiness it causes. Fifth, deontolgists hold that ethical behavior consists of following generally accepted rules without regard of its consequences. Sixth, Emanuel Kant stated that ethical behavior is defined as: if you act in a particular way you should have no objections when someone else behaves in the same way.
1.Your task is to analyze the particulars of the Belgian company and to determine whether its stated objectives agree or conflict with the above stated ethical systems.
2. Evaluate software piracy in light of the above stated ethical systems.
3. You are a systems analyst developing software that will result in massive layoffs of company personnel. What are the ethical implications in light of the above stated ethical systems.
4. You are a programmer developing software that cannot be integrated with legacy systems of the customer. What are the ethical implications in light of the above stated ethical systems.
5. A hacker breaches security of a company's information systems without causing any damage. Is the behavior ethical or unethical?
6. Consider gathering data on customers using websites for eCommerce purchases. These data are then used to profile customers with the purpose of sending them marketing information. What are the ethical implications?
7. Consider four additional IS issues of your choice and evaluate their ethicality.
In addressing these issues you should substantiate your answers.