Bailie Willie Sawers, Dundee City Council
Councillor Brian Gordon, Dundee City Council
Gordon Birrell, Chairperson, Dundee City Council
Jill Bennett, Community Representative, Whitfield
Michael McLaughlin, City Development Department, Dundee City Council
Fraser Scott, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Lynn Cathro, Children & Families Department, Dundee City Council
David North, Police Scotland
Douglas Barr, Environmental Section, Neighbourhood Services
Mike Welsh, Communities Officer, Neighbourhood Services
Ron Neave, Community Representative, Fintry
Kathryn Torode, Community Representative, CR Forum
Bruce Forbes Voluntary Sector Representative
Kim McCrae Voluntary Sector
Dave Gibson Police Scotland
Gordon welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Councillor Gordon stated that he felt it was worthwhile noting his congratulations and that of the Partnership to a local resident, George Roberts, who has been nominated as Citizen of the Year for Dundee City. In addition, acknowledgement was made of Ron Neave’s nomination for an Evening Telegraph award for his service to the Fintry community.
Gordon indicated that, in relation to the cycle of thematic meetings, the theme of mental wellbeing had been identified for today’s meeting. Due to the complexity of this issue and the way in which it affects a large number of residents within the North East Ward, he asked members of the Partnership to suggest potential aspects of mental health and wellbeing that should be addressed through discussion. There was a lengthy discussion held on this and it was agreed that inviting someone from the Corner, a representative who could talk about growth mindset, a charity such as SAMH and Equally Well who deliver training around a similar topic would provide a depth and variation of speakers that would provide data and analysis vital to the Community Planning Partnership identifying appropriate outputs. / All members
Gordon asked members that any other suggestions over individuals should be passed to Mike over the next few weeks and the theme would be discussed at the next meeting in May.
These were agreed as a correct record.
4.1 / Themed Meetings
In addition to the agreed theme for the May meeting, the themes of transportation and anti-social behaviour would be chosen for the respective meetings in August and November.
4.2 / Welfare Reform Event
Bruce Forbes had agreed to organise an events around Welfare Reform and its implications to the Ward, but no feedback on this had been received.
Bailie Sawers indicated that a report on this topic will go to Committee soon and he offered to share this with members. / Bailie Sawers
4.3 / Bus Shelter outside Lothian Crescent Spar
Councillor Gordon indicated that he had received an e-mail from John Berry of the Transportation Section regarding the development of a bus shelter in this area. Whilst it was reported that this may be a possibility for the future, a decision on the future use of this land was needed before a conclusion could be reached.
Mike reported on the interim results from the Engage Dundee consultation that was held over the summer and autumn of 2016. In addition, the conclusions of a number of working groups and resident organisations had been taken into consideration.
Mike also provided an overview of statistical data that had been extracted from the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation, the latest census data and recent Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics which was available in a handout prepared by Corporate Planning Department of Dundee City Council. This provided a good overview of some of the headline issues for the North East ward i.e. it has the highest proportion of young people and children in all the Wards within the city, there appears to be a low percentage of free school meals provided whilst the number of children living in poverty was high and there is a smaller average number of pensionable age population but a higher than average emergency admissions rate for the over 55 age group.
Mike indicated that the Local Community Plans would be formatted under the main themes contained within the Local Outcome Improvement Plan which were Children and Families, Community Safety and Justice, Health and Wellbeing and Work and Enterprise. In addition the theme of Building Stronger Communities would be created to capture those items not contained in the key four themes.
5.1 / Community Call Back Event
As part of the planned feedback of Engage Dundee data, it was agreed to organise three community call back events in each of the main communities of the North East Ward, i.e. Whitfield, Fintry and Mill o’ Mains/ Dalclaverhouse. Mike agreed to organise the events in March. / Mike Welsh
5.2 / Identification of Priorities
It was agreed by the Partnership that they would have a specific meeting in April to identify the key priorities taken from the call back events. This would formulate the key outputs and outcomes for the Local Community Plan which would be contained within a one, three and ten year programme. / All members
6.1 / North East Regeneration Forum
It was pointed out that the Forum had allocated all it’s funding for the financial year. At its latest meeting the Partnership heard that the residue of funds had been allocated to the hosting of an open day to celebrate the construction of Fintry Park. Councillor Gordon indicated that the Xplore Bus Company was interested in participating and contact should be made to encourage their participation.
6.2 / Police Scotland Report
David indicated that the Community Safety Report had previously been circulated around all members. He made his way through the report picking out key figures and operational duties that Police Scotland and the Community Safety Wardens had been involved in. One of the main issues had been the number of calls relating to young people’s behaviour and in particular some extreme cases of anti-social behaviour. A range of responses had been planned and implemented to tackle this issue including provision of plain clothes officers, a CCTV van and targeting hotspots where behaviour had been at its worst. As a result the significant amount of success had been achieved and the number of callouts had gone down.
David reported that a new Locality Inspector and Sergeant had been appointed for the North East Ward. Chris Boath and Dave Gibson respectively would be introduced at a future Community Planning Partnership meeting.
Lynn reported on the development of Police Scotland Youth Volunteer Initiative in the east of the city. She pointed out that Grove Academy, Craigie High School and Braeview Academy were working together to encourage young people to volunteer with this organisation. She pointed out that six young people had been recruited from Braeview Academy and would be participating in preparation sessions with a view to starting volunteering soon.
6.3 / Voluntary Sector Report
No report was available.
6.4 / Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Fraser reported on a number of positive outcomes from the last three months of activity. He indicated that all targets were going down apart from secondary fire setting. He outlined the difficulties that the service had had in the north part of the Ward with a doubling of fires set on open ground. He added that 48 bins had been set on fire and a specific meeting had been held the previous week to look at measures required to combat this anti-social behaviour. He reported that two initiatives targeting relevant properties with community engagement to minimise the removal of bins for fire setting purposes would be implemented soon.
In addition he reported that successful discussions had been held at the meeting about tackling the well-known secondary fire raising area at “Tarzan’s Island”. The owners of the land were prepared for Fire service, Criminal Justice Service and Scottish Prison Service to trim back vegetation and remove this prior to the spring.
6.5 / City Development Report
Michael reported that the demolition at the Whitfield Shopping Centre had been complete. He indicated that grass seeding would be added in the near future and that the area would be tidied up to remove surface stones. This area of land will be put forward for marketing to prospective developers in the near future. A request was made to Michael to consider part of this land as a proposed drop off zone for the new school hub which was going to be developed to replace Longhaugh and St Luke’s and St Matthew’s Schools. He agreed to pass on this request to the architect. / Michael McLaughlin
Michael reported on the success of the new dentist surgery that had opened at the Crescent and he was hopeful that a new hot food takeaway would open soon in the same locality.
6.6 / Mill o’ Mains Regeneration Programme Update
Gordon reported that Phase 3 of construction was progressing well. He added that handover of houses was likely to take place in March and April. In addition, Phase 4 planning would be initiated in the next few months whilst demolition of the existing blocks along the Forfar Road takes place. The mix and design of this site is not known at present but he reported that all units built here would be for the social rented housing market.
Councillor Gordon raised the issue of the poor condition of the shop units at Hebrides Drive. Discussion took place on the difficulties associated with achieving improvements to the shops due to them being in private ownership.Any possible options for improvement will continue to be considered
6.7 / Whitfield Regeneration Update
Gordon reported that both Merchant Homes and Invertay Home developments in Whitfield were selling well. In addition the site in Aberlady Crescent, which is owned by D J Laing, was progressing towards the construction phase. Other sites in the area were to be marketed soon and further housebuilding is anticipated over the next few years.
It was agreed that new housing at Summerfield would be visited as part of this year’s walkabout.
6.8 / Community Organisations Update
Jill reported that Whitfield Development Group is in the process of ordering new equipment for Whitfield Green. A lengthy period of consultation had been held and residents had selected two new roundabouts and new toddler swings. It was hoped that this development would take place in the coming month’s once individual lottery funds had been transferred to Whitfield Development Group.
6.9 / Environment Section Update
Douglas reported that a number of initiatives are taking place at the present time. He indicated that the Fintry Park construction was nearing completion with the planting of wild flowers, trees and bushes expected in the next couple of weeks. In addition, Finlathen Park has seen a range of improvements instigated recently including cutting out gorse bushes and improving the site lines for residents using the park. Feedback from local people has been positive.
He indicated that the development of Mill o’ Mains Park is progressing with the installation of wooden bollards to stop people parking on the grass areas when watching football games. In addition, large rocks and gates have been put into place to stop drivers using the park pathways as a short cut to Millo’ Mains.
The next meeting date will be held on 8th May in The Crescent at 6 p.m.
In addition it was agreed, following discussion, to host a walkabout to identify environmental priorities on 23rd June 2017.
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