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Board Room, Assynt House /

16 November 2006 – 10.30 am


/ Mrs Anne Gent, Director of Human Resources (Acting Chair)
Ms Diane Fraser, RCN, New Craigs (Joint Chair)posit
Mr Trevor Bell, AMICUS, RaigmoreHospital posit
Ms Marilyn Davidson,FCS, Raigmore Hospital
Mr Stephen Davison,SOR, Radiotherapy, RaigmoreHospital
Mr Allan Gowie, Clinical Area Manager, Mental Health & Learning
Mrs Anne MacKenzie,Support Manager, SE Highland CHP
Mrs Janette McQuiston,UNISON, RossMemorialHospital
Mr Dave Mellis, AEEU, Estates Department, RaigmoreHospital
Mrs Caroline Parr,Partnership Support Officer
Ms Vicki Samuel,BOS, RaigmoreHospital
Ms Christine Temple, Community Dental Officer
Mr Andrew Ward, Directorate General Manager, Woman and Child Health
Ms Audrey Urquhart,SoCAP
In attendance / Mr Tony Cowan-Martin, Service Development Manager (OH and H & S)
Mr Fraser Brunton,Director of Medical Physics and Bio-engineering
Mrs Lynda Davidson,Infection Control Nurse, RaigmoreHospital
Ms Linda Rawlinson, Nurse Manager, Occupational Health
Mr Colin Shields, Health & Safety Adviser
Mr John Swatman, Head of Estates, NHS Highland
Mrs Barbara Simpson, Board Committee Administrator


1.1Ms Pauline Craw, Ms Elaine Mead, Dr Eric Baijal, Dr Steven Ryder, Dr Lesley Anne Smith and Mr Ron Ward.

1.2Update on Replacement Head of Health & Safety

Mrs Gent updated members on the position with regard to the replacement of the Head of Health & Safety. An appointment had not been made as a result of internal advertising within NHS Highland and arrangements had been made to advertise internally within NHS Scotland. In the interim, Mr Colin Shields had agreed to take on the role of Health & Safety Team Leader with Pat Tyrrell managing the Health & Safety Team in the Argyll & Bute CHP and Mr Tony Cowan Martin had agreed to cover Health & Safety for Corporate Services.


  • Page 3 (c): Second sentence to be shown as an action.
  • Page 4, second para.: Replace Ms MacLeod with Ms MacLean.
  • Page 4, 6.2: Replace Ms Mo Fraser with Ms Mo Kerr.

Taking account of the foregoing, the Minute of the meeting was approved.


An updated Action Plan from the Health & Safety Committee meeting held on 17 August 2006 had been distributed previously. Members went through each action point and noted the position. The following points were highlighted:

(a)Item 5.1(a) – Staff Uniforms: Mr Cowan- Martin confirmed that discussions with Dr Lesley Anne Smith had revealed that there was no consistent uniform policy in NHS Highland. There was a need to decide that one was needed and who would undertake this work. Mr Cowan-Martin agreed to discuss this matter with Ms Heidi May, Director of Nursing.

(b)Item 5.1 (c) – HSE Management Inspections Report Action Plan – Control of Infections: Mrs Gent asked Mr Shields to review the plan, show what problems had been identified and where, and incorporate any ongoing issues in Argyll & Bute CHP.

(c)Item 5.1(d) – Stress: Mrs Gent informed members that Mr Steven Hodges, Health & Safety Adviser was that day giving a presentation on sickness absence at a national conference. Unfortunately, no senior managers were able to attend to give support as they were all otherwise engaged on business.

(d)Item 7.1 – Presentation on COSHH: Mrs Gent reminded members that an audit to identify key risks so that a business case for a database for COSHH could be considered would require a large amount of work. In the circumstances Mr Shields agreed to ask Ms Rosie McGee, Health & Safety Adviser (SSU) to provide a general update on progress with COSHH before an action plan was drawn up.

(e)Item 8.1 - Working Group Reports – Health & Safety: Members noted that a meeting had been arranged on 23 November 2006 to discuss agency staff training.

The Committee:

aNoted the update on the Action Plan.

bRemitted to Mr Cowan-Martin and Ms May to discuss a uniform policy for NHS Highland.

cRemitted to Mr Shields to review the HSE Management Inspections Report Action Plan, show what problems had been identified and incorporate any ongoing issues in Argyll & Bute CHP.

dRemitted to Ms McGee to provide a further update on the business case for a database for COSHH before an action plan was drawn up.


4.1HSE Visits and Reports

Mr Cowan-Martin advised the Committee that no formalinvestigations or visits had been made by the HSE since the last Committee meeting in August 2006. He further informed the committee that analysing and consolidating the various HSE reports from past HSEvisits, including Argyll & Bute CHP,in order to produce an up to date action plan was a complex task. As advised in Item 3 (b) the Health & Safety team would produce an updated action plan for the Committee to approve at its February 2007 meeting.

The CommitteeNoted the position.

4.2Update on Safety Management System

A progress report on the roll out of the Safety Management System by Mr Tony Cowan-Martin, Service Development Manager (OH and H&S) had been circulated previously. The current situation was that SMS training had taken place in the Mid & North Highland CHPs as well as in SSU. Those who had received training were now in receipt of the Workbook and associated CD rom resource disc containing relevant support information. CHPs/SSU were also being issued with paper based back up resource folders on a limited distribution. Training in SE Highland and Argyll & Bute CHPs was planned but had not yet commenced. Corporate Services Directorates had yet to nominate those who were to manage the SMS. Current issues were discussed and contact details for the relevant H & S Advisers were given. Mrs Gent asked for feedback, including how progress was to be made in Argyll & Bute CHP, for the next meeting of the Committee

The Committee:

aNoted the update.

bRemitted to Mr Cowan-Martin to provide feedback, including how progress was to be made in Argyll & Bute CHP, for the next meeting of the Committee.

4.3Update on Upgrading of Fire Alarm System at RaigmoreHospital

Members noted that no report had been provided for this item. Mrs Gent asked for feedback from members and confirmed that a similar update was to be discussed at the Area Partnership Forum the following day. Ms Fraser felt that there had been little staffside involvement despite this having been agreed at the last Health & Safety Committee meeting. Mr Shields confirmed that the Health & Safety Team had been involved in these discussions. Ms Fraser agreed to discuss this matter with Mrs Susan Eddie, General Manager (SSU).

The Committee:

aNoted the update.

bRemitted to Ms Fraser to discuss staffside representation on the working parties involved with upgrading the Fire Alarm System at RaigmoreHospital with Mrs Eddie.

4.4Progress Report on the Implementation of the NHS Highland Glove Selection Policy (Additional Item)

An additional report on Progress on the Implementation of the NHS Highland Glove Selection Policy by Mr A Gunter, HWL Regional Health & Safety Adviser was tabled. Mr Cowan-Martin confirmed that the Policy, as regards the stock holding of non latex gloves, had been implemented. The use and cost of gloves would continue to be monitored. On the point being raised by Ms Fraser regarding the policy for patients Mr Cowan-Martin confirmed that there had been a draft latex policy for patients in the past but that the existing policy was purely for staff. Mrs Rawlinson confirmed that the old patient latex policy had never been finalised and that such a policy identified clinical risks rather than risks to staff. The draft policy was currently with Dr Lesley Anne Smith, Head of Clinical Governance and Risk Management. Mrs Rawlinson agreed to check progress and report back to the next meeting of the Committee.

The Committee:

aNoted the report.

bRemitted to Mrs Rawlinson to check progress of the patient latex policy with Dr Smith and report back to the next meeting of the Committee.


5.1Health & Safety Flowchart

A flowchart showing the integrated Highland, Argyll & Bute Health & Safety Structure had been circulated previously. Mrs Gent confirmed that the flowchart would be updated and recirculated once the position in Argyll & Bute CHP was clear. Ms Fraser informed members that she had originally asked for a flowchart showing where Health & Safety staffside representatives fitted in. It was important to raise the staffside representatives’ profile to allow them to be involved and consulted in Health & Safety matters. Ms Fraser, Mrs McQuiston and Mr Shields agreed to discuss this further.

5.2Incident in SCBU

Mr Davison raised concern regarding an incident of violence and aggression in the SCBU and that the incident had not been highlighted to staff. Mr Shields stated that there was a legal duty for staff to be informed and Mrs Gent confirmed that there were PIN Policies in place to deal with such situations and it was important to make sure that advice and policies were implemented appropriately.

The Committee:

aNoted the flowchart.

bNoted that the flowchart would be updated and recirculated once the position in Argyll & Bute CHP was clear.

cRemitted to Ms Fraser, Mrs McQuiston and Mr Shields to discuss the flowchart further.


6.1Annual Staff Survey 2005/06 – Provided with an Improved and Safe Working Environment

A report on Staff Survey – Safe and Improved Working Environment Response by Mrs Caroline Parr, Partnership Support Officer had been circulated previously. Mrs Gent spoke to the report and a number of points were highlighted for discussion as follows:

(a)Staffs’ home and work life balance was positive with two-thirds of staff (65%) feeling that they were able to strike the right balance between their work and home life.

(b)It was noted that 28% of NHS Highland staff, in the last two years, had personally experienced a violent/aggressive incident and that the group looking at the survey felt that this should be an area to focus on. Mrs Parr confirmed that a group was being led by Ms Morag Kerr, Management of Violence and Aggression Adviser,to look into violent/aggressive incidents in Highland.

(c)Although two-thirds of staff felt that their working environment was safe and therefore felt that health and safety was taken seriously by the organisation, a far smaller proportion of staff felt their safetyduring their journey to work was taken seriously by NHS Highland. It was confirmed that once off NHS Highland property and when not on NHS Highland business, staffs’ commute to and from work was not the responsibility of NHS Highland.

(d)Mrs Gent drew attention to the last page of the report and asked Mr Gowie if he had any particular comments to make regarding the figures for New Craigs. Mr Gowie commented that risk was inevitable when in close physical contact with patients at New Craigs and no matter what system was in place it was difficult to reduce this risk.

(e)Sickness absence figures were discussed and Mrs Gent confirmed that a report went to the Staff Governance Committee regularly on staff sickness absence.

The CommitteeNoted the response of the Staff Survey relating to the “Provided with an Improved and Safe Working Environment” element of the Staff Governance Standard.


7.1Health & Safety

A proposal for the future structure of the Quarterly Health & Safetyreport by Mr Tony Cowan-Martin, Service Development Manager (OH and H&S), had been circulated previously. Mr Cowan-Martin spoke to the outlined proposal for the quarterly report and it was agreed that future reports should be produced along these lines. An Occupational Health & Safety Incidents/Absence Quarterly report was tabled. Thesereports are to be produced for both the May and November Committees, however, a technical problem had meant that not all the appendices were available for this meeting and would be issued to members as soon as practicable thereafter. Mention was made to delaying the May and November meetings by one week so as to capture as much information as possible for the Incidents/Absence reports.

Mr Cowan-Martin took members through the Health & Safety Advisers Report/Appendix and highlighted:

  • Total Personal Accidents/Violence, Abuse and Harassment: Number of Incidents
  • Key Performance Indicators – Patient/Other (Personal Accidents/Violence, Abuse and Harassment)
  • Stress Related Absence

7.2Infection Control

An Infection Control Report by the Infection Control Team had been circulated previously. Mrs Davidson spoke to the report covering washer disinfectors, the fire alarm upgrade at RaigmoreHospital and pandemic flu and provision of PPE. Confirmation was given that Wassenberg scope washers have been installed in the SSU, Belford, Lawson Memorial and CaithnessHospitals.


Mr Swatman spoke to the Estates Report which had been tabled. Capital schemes at Raigmore, Belford, Caithness General, Ian Charles and St Vincent’s hospitals were noted. A number of issues on works to ensure statutory compliance had arisen and risk assessments were now being undertaken which may, as appropriate be added to the Board’s Risk Register. Concern was noted regarding the on-going issues.

Confirmation was given that CHP/Estates staff had attended asbestos awareness refreshers and annual fire awareness training. Risk assessments on slips, trips, falls and fire, had been completed for “old” Highland and were now being evaluated and prioritised. The overall costs to achieve compliance, by priority, were being calculated.

With regard to fire evacuation in community hospitals, the Nominated Officer (Fire) has attended all CHP, excluding Argyll & Bute, Managements Teams and updated senior staff on the process, ongoing, of revising Fire Evacuation Policies for each hospital. The policy for BelfordHospital was currently being revised for implementation in January 2007.

7.4Occupational Health

An Occupational Health Report, July to October 2006 had been circulated previously. Mrs Rawlinson spoke to the report and expanded further on the following:

  • Service Delivery
  • Employee Rehabilitation Service (NHS Scotland OHS Extra)
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Influenza Campaign

With regard to the Argyll & Bute CHP, Mrs Rawlinson confirmed that a nurse and an administrator are based in this area and meetings were held monthly with them.

7.5Radiation Protection

A Radiation Protection Report by Mr Fraser Brunton, Director of Medical Physics and Bio-engineering had been circulated previously. Mr Brunton spoke to the report and advised on the temporary arrangements for provision of statutory radiation safety advice to NHS Highland to cover the extended sick leave and subsequent departure of the Board’s former Radiation Protection Adviser. His department were working through a particularly difficult period and it was intended that the temporary radiation protection adviser arrangements would remain in place until the current radiation protection staffing difficulties in NHS Highland have been resolved satisfactorily. Future provision of the Radiation Protection Services was discussed. Member noted that significant progress had been made in reviewing service requirements and addressing underlying issues. Recruitment was also underway for two Radiation Protection Advisers and a Clinical scientist vacancy which was to be welcomed.

Other matters covered included the Radiation Protection Adviser for Argyll & Bute CHP where it was noted that the Glasgow department would continue to provide its existing RPA cover in 2007/08. Also covered was that the SEHD report on the Radiation Incident at the Beatson Oncology Centre in Glasgow had been received. The report made a number of recommendations, some of which applied to the other Scottish Cancer Centres.

7.6Clinical Governance/Risk Management

A report on Clinical Governance & Risk Management by Dr Lesley Anne Smith, Head of Clinical Governance & Risk Management had been circulated. In Dr Smith’s absence Mrs Gent asked members if they wished to comment on the report.

Discussion arose around needlestick injuries and Ms Rawlinson stated that the same policy should be adhered to if a patient received a needlestick injury. The policy was seen as difficult to follow relating to patients and Mrs Rawlinson agreed to pick this matter up with Dr Smith.

The Committee:

aNoted the Advisers’ Reports.

bNoted Estate’s concerns regarding the on-going statutory compliance works.

cNoted that an updated Occupational Health & Safety Incidents/Absence Quarterly Report would be issued to members as soon as practicable.

dRemitted to Mrs Rawlinson to discuss the needlestick policy with regard to patients with Dr Smith.


8.1Workplace Hazards Advisory Group (WHAG)

The minute of meeting of the WHAG dated 20 October 2006 was circulated previously. Mrs Rawlinson took members through the items on the minute. Confirmation was given that the updated Latex Policy has been forwarded to Clinical Effectiveness for comment and that the Policy would come back to the Health & Safety Committee. Regarding gas storage, Mrs Rawlinson agreed to ask Dr Steven Ryder to contact Ms Fraser to discuss who the relevant Health & Safety Groups were.

The Committee:

aNoted the Minute of the WHAG meeting dated 20 October 2006.

bNoted that the Latex Policy would come back to the Health & Safety Committee.

cRemitted to Dr Ryder to contact Ms Fraser to discuss the relevant Health & Safety Groups involved with gas storage.

9Any Other Previously Notified Competent Business

9.1Distribution Format of Committee Papers

In an effort to reduce the costs of governance of committees, members were asked to consider whether they would prefer to receive papers by either email or hard copy format. It was agreed that the agenda and papers for future Health & Safety meetings would be forwarded by email.