ESL 119
Cuyamaca College
Fall 2016
ROOMS: M 12:30-3:20 Rm B159
W 12:30-1:20 Lab B154
1:30-3:20 Rm B159
Dr. Lyn Neylon
ESL Department
Hours:Posted on door
Class Materials:
Steps to Success in College Composition by Lindy Brazil
Student Workbook (available in bookstore)
Persuasion, Jane Austen
3-ring binder with lined paper
Pencil / Eraser
Dictionary and thesaurus
Catalog Description
Fifth core course in the study of English reading, writing and grammar to prepare ESL students for entry into English 120. Students will practice the writing process by composing essays with effective and accurate expression and will develop academic literacy by employing advanced techniques of essay and research writing with an emphasis on critical thinking, argumentation or other rhetorical strategies, synthesis of research materials, and academic citation. Includes effective strategies for reducing errors in grammar, punctuation and usage, and developing self-editing skills. Software/Internet-based modules are designed to reinforce and develop the reading, writing, grammar and research skills introduced in class.
“C” grade or higher or “Pass” in ESL 106 or equivalent or assessment
Student Learning Outcomes
Students having successfully completed this course will be able to:
1) Produce a successful essay citing sources in MLA Format. The measure of success for this essay will be the clarity of thesis, the appropriateness of support including citations, the ample use of appropriate transitions, and the logic and clarity of a relevant conclusion.
2) Produce a college-level essay relatively free (less than three errors per 250 words) of grammatical and syntactic flaws.
GRADING:Students will be graded on a point scale.
4Quizzes (25 pts each) =100
Essay 1 at home (20 points) = 20
Essay 1 In-Class (40 points) = 40
Essay 2 at home (30 points) = 30
Essay 2 In-Class (60 points) = 60
Essay 3 at home (40 points) = 40
Essay3 In-Class (80 points) = 80
Peer Reviews (10 Points) = 30
Homework/ Journals = 20
A = 90-100 % or 378-420 points Excellent work A
B = 80-89 % or 336-419 points Superior work B
C = 70-79 % or 294-335 points Good / Average work C
D = 60-69 % or 252-293 points Poor work D
F = 0 - 59 % or 0 -251 points Fail F
Writing Center (B-167, 660-4463)
To help you succeed in this class, sign up for Supervised Writing tutoring at the Writing Center. All tutoring sections are FREE. Tutors can assist you in analyzing sentence and paragraph structure to improve your overall writing skills, and your grade!
Class Policies
Attendance / Tardiness
Being in class is very important as most writing is done in class. Not all assignments will come from your book. Students who attend class regularly, answer questions, work in groups, and come prepared (always bring your book, paper, and pen or pencil) may receive bonus points towards their grade. If you are absent for more than 4 days you will be dropped!!! Students who arrive late / leave early cause class disruption and will be marked tardy. 3 tardies equals one absence, and the above drop rule applies.
Your respectful participation in this class is essential for your learning and the learning of your classmates. Students who commit disrespectful or distracting/ non-participatory behaviors will be asked to leave class, and will be marked absent. The above attendance policy applies.
The ESL Department has a zero tolerance policy for cheating or plagiarism.
According to the Cuyamaca College Catalog, Student Code of Conduct, Academic Dishonesty such as cheating or plagiarizing, is grounds for instructional and administrative sanctions. That means that if you present the words (even three or more in a row), ideas, or work of someone else as your own, or if you have your work heavily rewritten by someone else and turn it in as your own, your instructor has the right to fail the assignment. The same is true if you are seen or otherwise caught cheating on a quiz, exam or other non-collaborative assignment. In addition to whatever penalty the instructor applies to your graded work, he/she will report your misconduct to the Department Chair, the Instructional Dean and the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. The Associated Dean of Student Affairs will keep a master list of cases of student misconduct. Any student who is reported to have cheated or plagiarized twice will be called in for a meeting with that dean. It will be up to the dean's discretion to determine what action to take, but students may be SUSPENDED FROM THE COLLEGE OR PERMANENTLY EXPELLED for repeated acts of cheating or plagiarism. Please feel free to consult the college catalog for further information or visit
Quizzes:You will take 4 quizzes based on the chapters, lectures and handouts we cover in class. The last two quizzes will focus on the novel. There are no make-up quizzes!If there is a problem, you must notify the teacher 1 week before the quiz is given.
At Home Essays:There are 3 at home essays. In class, we utilize the writing process to create complete essays with clear introductions, detailed bodies, and solid conclusions. You will have an opportunity to work on these essays at home, take them to the Writing Center for assistance, and get feedback from peers and your instructor before you turn in the final draft.
***SafeAssign ***
To prevent plagiarism, paragraph and essay assignments must be submitted to SafeAssign through Blackboard and will not be graded without a report of submission attached. Upon submission, your work will be added to a nationwide database. All writing assignments are due in SafeAssign on the date assigned.
In-Class Essays:Each in-class essay will utilize the same rhetorical mode of the previous at home essay. The goal is show how well you can complete the writing process while in a test situation. For each in-class essay, you will use topics presented and complete a pre-write, outline, and essay draft. These assignments test your knowledge of essay and sentence structure as well as preparing you for college essay exams in content classes as well as the writing placement exams given at 4 year colleges.
Peer Reviews:Bring 3 copies of your final draft of the at home essay to class. In groups, you will read and make comments on everyone’s work in your group. This will help you practice your editing skills, allow you to see others’ work, and get help from peers to improve your work. You are also required to meet with your instructor after the peer review session to review your paper before you turn it in for a grade.
Journals:We use journals in this class to practice writing on essay topics. Some will be done at home and some will be done in class. The more you practice writing essays, the better you will write essays!
Homework: You are expected to give or show your homework to the teacher on the date due.Late work is not accepted!Homework is due at beginning of class written on a separate piece of paper. You will turn in your homework as you enter the classroom. Make sure your name, page numbers and exercise numbers are written on your paper. In case of absence, call a classmate, learn what you missed, and maybe s/he can drop your homework off for you if you cannot attend class.
Student Name Telephone #
Student Name Telephone #
Participation and Preparedness:
Everything you do in your college career as well as your working career is based on your ability to understand and analyze material. Once you have done that, you will need to present your ideas in a clear and concise manner. That is what ESL 119 is all about. It is designed to help you increase your abilities to understand the world around you and make yourself understood by others.
This class requires your involvement in reading, writing and communicating your ideas. The class is interactive, and your opinions are IMPORTANT! Your participation in discussions and peer evaluations will keep the class interesting for everyone.
As with your other college courses, you may expect to spend approximately two to three hours of time outside class for every hour spent in class. Since this is a six-hour class, expect to spend six to eighteen hours per week outside class to pass. If you are unwilling or unable to devote this much time, please consider withdrawing from this course, or be prepared to take it again.
Students with disabilities who may need academic accommodations should discuss options with their instructors during the first two weeks of class. It is also recommended that you contact Disabled Students’ Programs & Services (DSP&S) in A-114. You may also call DSP&S at 660-4576 to schedule an appointment.
Fall 2016 Calendar
Calendar Subject to Change
DayDateClass Focus
M8/22Introduction to class & Steps to Success
W8/24Lab, The Structured Paragraph & Analysis of An Advertisement
M8/29In-class drafting body paragraphs, SQ3R, Understanding Advertising
W8/31Lab, Moving from Paragraphs to Essays
W9/7Lab, In-classdrafting Essay #1 and Grammar in Context
M9/12Awesome introductions and Conclusions
W9/14Lab, Revision and Editing – what are they really?
M9/19Peer Evaluation ESSAY #1, Revision and Editing, Quiz #1
***Essay #1 due to Blackboard by Wed 12pm
W9/21Lab, Evaluating Essay #1 & How to Write in-class Essays
M9/26In-Class Essay #1
W9/28 Lab, Review in class Essays, Begin Essay #2 – single source
M10/3Watch Film Supersize me
W10/5Lab, Obesity Epidemic, SQ3R Extra Large Please
M10/10Pre-writing and Drafting Essay #2, Incorporating Sources
W10/12Lab, Grammar in Context
M10/17Instructor Meetings – Start Reading Persuasion NOW!
W10/19Lab, Revision and Editing
M10/24Peer Evaluation, Revision & Editing – Quiz #2
**Essay #2 Due to Blackboard by Wed 12:00pm
W10/26Lab, Review Essay #2 and go over reading Prompt for in-class Essay
M10/31In-Class Essay #2
W11/2Lab, review in class Essays - Writing a research paper
M11/7Novel Persuasion Chapt 1-6 , Characters, settings, Time
W11/9Lab, More on Persuasion, Choosing a topic for your research Paper
M11/14Novel Persuasion Chapt 7-12, Library Research Day
W11/16Lab, Outlining and Drafting your Research Paper
M11/21Novel Persuasion Discussion, Working on your research paper
W11/23Lab, Quiz #1 Persuasion
M11/28Novel Persuasion Chapt 13-18, Discussion
W11/30Lab, Peer Evaluation, Revision & Editing
M12/5Novel Persuasion Chapt 19-24, Discussion
**Research Papers Essay #3 Due before 12pm Wednesday to Blackboard
W12/7Lab, Review Research Papers, Your in-class Essay, Quiz #2 Persuasion
FINAL EXAM – 12/12 at 12:00pm : In-Class Essay #3 on novel Persuasion