Minute of June 2013 Monthly Meeting, Chamber, Duleek Civic Offices, Wednesday 19th June 2013
Cllr. Wayne Harding presided as Cathaoirleach.
Other Councillors Present:
Cllr Jimmy Cudden, ,Cllr Eoin Holmes,Cllr Arian Keogan,Cllr.Anne Dillon Gallagher,Cllr Sirena Campbell,
Officials Present:
Fiona Lawless, Director of Services , Eugene Farrelly Area Administrator, Gillian Mangan Asst Engineer; Frances Hughes Assistant Staff Officer, Michelle Whelan Tourism Officer
The members were advised of the provisions of Part 15 of the LG Act 2001 and the code of conduct for Members, Officials and non-elected Council committee members regarding declarable interests of themselves and of any connected person as set out in the Ethical Framework Document included with the Agenda Documentation.
Item 1.0 Confirmation of Minutes of the March Area Meeting
Cathaoirleach Harding welcomed all to and opened the June Slane Area Council Meeting,
1.1 May 2013Monthly meeting held on Wednesday 15th May, 2013
On the proposal ofCllr Dillon-Gallagher seconded by Cllr Cudden the Members confirmed the Minutes of the Meeting held on the above date.
Item 2.0 Matters Arising from the Minutes
No Matters arising
Item 3 To Receive a presentation from Slane Forum on developments in the town
Cathaoirleach Harding welcomed the group led by Pat Doyle to the meeting, and congratulated the groups involved for the many positive developments that had occurred in the village under the auspices of Slane Local Heroes programme which was in place for such a short time.
Mr Doyle thanked the Members for allowing them the opportunity to outline the progress the Slane Community Forum which is an umbrella group for the voluntary and business groups in the town of Slane ,had made from the first open meeting held in January 2012.The central strategy of the Forum is “,Through community involvement,to create a great place to live and a destination village for heritage, culture, arts, crafts and food.” .He also invited any of the members or Officials to call into the Hub Office –the Groups headquarters in Slane .
The new Teams that have been set –up to complement existing ones are:
- Tourism
- Enterprise and Employment
- Heritage
- Arts and Crafts
- Communications
- Fund Raising
- Village Environment/Tidy Towns (organisation re-vamp)
- Community Alert Scheme/Group
- Slane Striders Walking Group
- Mums and Toddlers Group
Specific Project Teams that have been set-up:
- Business Directory
- Flame of Slane /gathering Event
- Slane Mill gathering Event
- Walking Festival gathering Event
- The Johnstons festival
- Gourmet Food Festival
- John Cassidy memorial
- Ledwich day
- Slane Loop walk/trail.
- Slane Youth café and youth club -50 members operating temporarily from the parish hall.
Business Premises that have opened from inception -9No
- Cunningham Arms Hotel
- Corner Shop
- Clothes Shop
- Indian Restaurant
- Patisserie
- Slane Crafts Collective
- Bakery
- Launderette
- Arts Studio
Mr Doyle informed the meeting that the initiatives and achievements to date have transformed the community in terms of involvement, business improvement and a general uplift in community spirit to a much more positive outlook.
Achievements to date have included recipient of the Meath Business and Tourism Award 2012
Longer Term Projects include:
- Community Center
- CommunityPark
- Large car-park for town
- Canal restoration
- Slane Youth Café –permanent premises
Slane Tidy Towns/Village Enhancement
The following are issues that have arisen that require immediate improvement with regard to maintenance and enhancement works for the town
- Kerbing on both sides of the Navan Road (green margin being eroded)
- Dog fouling signage to be erected
- Additional litter-bins needed at Murray park Picnic area on Collon Road .
- Replacement and new Litter bins around the town with cigarette stub trays
- Hedges need trimming around the town particularly east of the Credit Union
- Recycling Bins at Graveyard car-park are an eyesore
- Council worker presence in the town –particularly Litter warden is essential
- Wildlife/plant study of Lynches Field –south of SlaneBridge with a view to development.
- Redevelopment of toilet area with landscape architects plan and public consultation process envisaged.
One of the main issues having a negative impact on developing the tourism potential of the town and the holding of casual visitors through the town, is the lack of adequate parking in a town -centre location .The following solutions have been proposed which the Council might consider going forward:
Short Term Parking Solutions
- Limit duration of parking hours etc with enforcement by warning signage and litter/traffic warden
- Utilise the open space opposite the Hotel for parking;
- Agreement in principal by the owner
- Potential paid parking possibility
- Input of interested parties required –public consultation
Long-Term Parking Solution
- Acquire and develop a suitable site for car-park.
- A bus-shelter is urgently needed for bus passengers taking busses from Chapel Street
A large number of tourism projects are underway in this, The Gathering Year, in Slane such as:
- The Mill Gathering
- Conemara Pony Show
- Gourmet festival
- Walking Festival
- Slane Brochure and Map
- DIT Study
- Walking Trail
The following matters have come up for discussion regarding the above ventures such as the potential for Slane being used as a venue for stop-overs for various press groups touring Ireland
- Road Signage from M1 Route to Slane
- Footpath to Hill of Slane –delay with same
- Twinning process of Slane with similar type town in Europe.
- Recognition and accreditation of the Hub Office as a Tourism Ireland Office
- Proper fence needed around Hill of Slane Site by OPW.
- Cross-Border Linkage with tourism groups e.g St Patricks Way, Religious Groups.
Slane Concerts
Given the impact on the Community, SCF is seeking more involvement with all parties concerned with the planning and delivery of Slane Concerts having regard to the following:
- SCF to be party to constructive meetings with the promoters MCD/MCC
- Contribution of €10,000 made to Meath County Council per Concert in recognition of the impact of same on Slane and intended for the use of the Community.
- Consultation between SCF and MCC on the best use of these funds in relation to Community Projects.
Slane By-Pass
Mr Doyle introduced Michelle Power who is chair of a group is seeking to advance the case for a by-pass of Slane ,who outlined the issues arising on foot of the recent refusal of permission by An Bord Planeala to the proposed By-pass of Slane. She outlined in a written report which was circulated to the members, the points that should be raised with the Dept of Transportation in advancing the case for a by-pass of the village.
The Cathaoirleach thanked Mr Doyle and Ms Power for their detailed and comprehensive presentations regarding achievements to date and the future aims of Slane Community Forum and congratulated the various groups on their many individual achievements in such a short period of time. The Members all joined with the Cathaoirleach in wishing the Group further success in achieving their aims and it was proposed that a Special Meeting of the Area Council should be arranged to discuss in detail the issues arising from the Presentation as the scope of same was very wide-ranging . It was also agreed that the Report received in respect of Slane By-pass should be referred to Nicholas Whyatt Senior Engineer in our Transportation Dept who has been liaising with the Consultants engaged regarding this matter. The Members agreed to the Area Office writing a letter of support to Pobal in support of their application
The proposal to hold a Special Meeting to discuss the SCF presentation was adopted by the Members .
Item 4. To Receive a Presentation from Michelle Whelan on Tourism Projects in the BoyneValley
Cathaoirleach Harding welcomed Michele Whelan Tourism Development Officer to the meeting ,who commenced her presentation to the members outlining the following :
Meath and Louth Co Councils joined forces in promoting the BoyneValley for tourism under a single Tourism Development Officer in 2012 with the following programme agreed for same.
BoyneValley Tourism Plan 2012-2014
- Boyne Valley Drive in partnership with Failte Ireland,
- Signposting to each Heritage Site in the BoyneValley -225km
- BoyneValley Guide and Map in English/Frensh/Germain/Italian/Spanish
- Website –App and Audio Guide
- Attended promotional shows in Belfast/Dublin /Londan/Barcelona/Blooms /Tattersalls
- Boyne Valley Golden Years Brochure targeting over 55s and retirement groups
- Boyne Valley Summer Festivals campaign 16th June -14th July
- Boyne Valley Golf Guide launched on 28th May 2013
BoyneValley Gathering Events
- Launched on 19th July 2012 in Conyngham Arms Hotel Slane
- Training workshop on 10th October 2012
- Website and Social media campaign launched on 5th December 2012
- Showcase and launch on 6thMarch 2013 in Drogheda
Cathaoirleach Harding thanked Michelle for her detailed and comprehensive presentation and opened the discussion to the members.Cllrs Holmes and Dillon Gallagher suggested that she engage with the many Battle of the Boyne Commemorative Groups in the North in marketing the area .Cllr Campbell suggested that the coastal area and in particular Mornington/Bettystown beach should also be actively be promoted for its tourism potential.
Michele thanked the members for allowing her time to make her presentation and also for their feedback items which could be included as links in the BoyneValley Web-site .
Item 5 To receive a Report on the 2013 Roadworks Programme
A written Report was circulated to the Members on the road works programme for 2013 as follows:
Roads Budgets 2013
National Primary Roads Maintenance €14,989
National Secondary Roads Maintenance €31,750
Regional/Local Road – Restoration and Surface Dressing€1,442,453
Roadworks programme 2013
Road Ref / Location / Road Ref / LocationR-163-4 / RushRushwee / L-1605-0 / Newtown
R-150-142/136 / Duleek / L-16184-0 / Gibblockstown
R-108-10 / Clinstown
School Road Duleek / L-5611-0 / Redmountain
L-1013-34 / Rathdrinagh / L-16071-0 / Bru na Boinne Road
L-5619-0 / Leggonhall
Beybeg Road / L-1625-7 / Harlinstown
L-16181-0 / Laceystown / L-5602-35 / Hopkinstown
L-1615-30 / Kilnew / L-5602-35 / Hopkinstown
Low Cost Safety Scheme (Non National Roads) €68,000
Road Ref / LocationR-163 / RushGormanlough
L-1618 / Stadalth Cross
Low Cost Safety Scheme (National Roads) –no budget yet allocated
Safety at Schools – Donecarney School €9,000
Miscellaneous Works
The change outlined in the Report from May was the inclusion of Donecarney School in the Safety at Schools Scheme on foot of a meeting held with The School Principals (boys and girls schools) ,Michael Finnegan Road Safety Officer where the danger of the crossing on the Colpe-Mornington Road was seen to be extremely dangerous due to fast moving traffic .
It was proposed to the members that the available budget be targeted to improving warning beacons and signage on the approach roads to the School and for the recruitment of a temporary school warden to be put in place from September 2013 .The inclusion of the locum for a set of signalled pedestrian lights was also agreed to be referred to Transportation Dept for inclusion in an application to the NTA for funding in 2014.It was noted that the building of the new school is well underway at present with an expected finish date of May 2014.
The Report as outlined was adopted by the Members
Item 6 Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach
The Members raised the following issues:
- Update on dumping-waste issue in Ledwith Hall, Slane – Refer to Planning/Environment Dept
- Spring on gate at Playgound in Bettystown –Refer to J Colwell Duleek
- Potholes at Demanstown/Heathstown Crossroads-Refer to J Colwell Duleek
- Update on Hedge Cutting at Sheephouse, -Refer to Jim Colwell Duleek
- Bollard erected on Southern Side of the Nanny in Kilsharvan - in the event of an emergency services cannot get to the river –Refer to N Whyatt Transportation Dept
- Provision of road markings at Ardcath Primary School.-Refer to J Colwell Duleek
- Provision of road markings at Pilltown Road.-Refer to J Colwell Duleek
- Verge cutting at Pilltown and Minnistown junctions – Refer to J Colwell Duleek
- Top of Maiden tower seems to be unstable –Refer to J Colwell Duleek for ownership status
- Update on Slane By Pass – Fiona Lawless to discuss with Nicholas Whyatt and Co Manger.
- Update on funding from North East Funds
- Potholes on Julianstown Road – R150 –Refer to J Colwell Duleek
- Derelict Site beside Greyhound Bar, Duleek – E Farrelly will raise this with the Derelict Sites Section for update, they have active files on this property.
- Update on Pedestrian Crossing at top of Village of Duleek – Refer to N Whyatt Transportation Dept
- Dangerous high kerb in the Steeples Estate, Duleek – E Farrelly to check to see if this estate is in charge.
- Cars parking on road near GormanstonCollege causing danger to motorists-Refer to J Colwell Duleek
- Provision of grass cutting at MoorechurchCemetery– F Lawless said that this will be done.-Refer to J Colwell for update
- Pony and Trap on beach outside specified permitted hours – MCC doing what they can but if it occurs again please contact An Gardai Siochana.
- Dublin Bus permitted to drop concert goers off close to the concert in Slane while private bus companies had to drop people off a few kilometres outside the village, can we check with organisers as to why this happened – E Farrelly Duleek will ask the organisers and respond at the next meeting.
- Allocation of income received from the Slane Concert – F Lawless advised that she is not aware of any additional income from the Slane Concert except for the Event Licence Fee. She will look into this further and revert to next meeting.
- Provision of grass cutting in the green area near Laytown Playground.-Refer to J Colwell Duleek
- Update on provision of marked Pedestrian Crossing at Narroways Road, Bettystown.-Refer to J Colwell Duleek
- Clarification on PL Insurance cover for graveyard committees or groups if an accident should occur-Refer to L Whelan SEO Environment for response
Item 7 To Receive a Report on matters raised at the May 2013 Area Meeting
Eugene Farrelly circulated a Report on the issues raised at the May Area Meeting which were individually discussed and any issues raised by the members were clarified by the officials present .
Item 8 Correspondence /Issues raised
The members were issued with maps indicating the realigned boundary of the new Laytown/Bettystown Electoral Area as agreed at the previous full Council meeting.
Eugene Farrelly outlined the following schedule of event dates for the information of the Members:
Summer Events proposed for the Slane Area -2013
Beach Kite and Sandyachting Event – Saturday 20th-Sunday 21st April
Boyne 10k Road Race Sunday 5th May
Cystic Fibrosis 10k Duleek Run Sunday 5th May
- Rehab 10k Fun-Run –Laytown Loop Saturday 29th June
- Cricket on the Beach Event –Bettystown Beach Saturday 29th June
- Oldbridge Country Fare OPW Saturday 29th June
- Dip in the Nip Charity Swim –Gormanstown Beach Sunday 30th June
- Sandcastle Event–Bettystown Beach Sunday 30th June
- Bellewstown Races – Friday 5th -Sunday 7th July
- Laytown Festival Event –Laytown Village Sunday 4th August
- MECA - Bettystown Beach – Monday 5th August
- Motor Enthusiasts club –Clonalvey Saturday 17th - Sunday 18th August
- Duleek Town Fair Day – Sunday 18th August
- Bellewstown Races - Wednesday 21st –Thursday 22nd August
- Golden Sands Fun-Run –Bettystown Beach Saturday 31st August
- Ardcath Street Festival Sunday 1stSeptember
- Laytown Races - Laytown Strand Tuesday 3rdSeptember
Item 9 To discuss natters in accordance with the recommendations of the protocol Committee
The Forthcoming Planning Decisions Report as circulated was noted by the members present with no matters arising,
Cathaoirleach Harding thanked all for their contributions and formally closed the June Meeting.
Minutes June 2013 meeting 19.06..13
Meath County Council, Duleek One Stop Shop, Main Street, Duleek, CountyMeath