Junior Carnival Subsidy Policy

This subsidy policy has been set up with the intention that only legitimate applicants would apply and to discourage claims that are not justified.


Preference will not be given to applicants who are able to afford to pay the carnival entry fee themselves. However, if a partial subsidy is provided, the balance of amounts payable must be paid when due. Failure to do this will result in the subsidy being revoked.


All applicants for a full or partial subsidy must complete an Application for financial assistance.
NSW Maccabi will not consider any request unless an Application for financial assistance is completed and submitted to NSW Maccabi.

The application for financial assistance shall ask sufficient personal circumstances questions so that the applicants will have to disclose a reasonable amount of information in order to be considered for a subsidy or loan.

Applicants must agree to provide proof of information provided if so requested by NSW Maccabi.

Where an applicant has received a subsidy in the past, they will none the less be required to complete a new application form for any future subsidy request.

Applicants are required to submit their application prior to the closing date for applications to the carnival.

NSW Maccabi shall form a sub-committee to assess the applications for financial assistance to be known as the Financial Assistance Sub-Committee. The sub-committee shall be made up of the following people:

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Executive Director

Following the closing date for applications the sub-committee shall review the applications and establish which applications have been approved, rejected and which require further confirmation of information prior to approval or rejection.

Successful applicants for assistance may be provided with a full or partial subsidy. These subsidies may also be provided by way of a loan, to be repaid as and when the applicant’s financial position changes.

The decision of the sub-committee will be advised to the applicants in writing as soon as is practical after the decisions have been made.


NSW Maccabi acknowledges the different types of financial difficulties that families may experience. They may be:

  1. for the foreseeable future where the income earned by the family is not sufficient to support the family or insufficient to be able to pay for some or all of their children to attend the carnival, or
  1. temporary where the major breadwinner is temporarily unemployed or is experiencing temporary difficulties which are expected to be remedied at some future point in time, or
  1. asset rich but currently cash flow poor making it difficult to pay for the carnival without liquidating assets or borrowing money against those assets.

Each application for financial assistance needs to be assessed on its own merit. General guidelines for proving assistance are as follows:

Where the financial difficulties are expected to be for the foreseeable future a full or partial subsidy will be provided by way of reduction in fees

Where the financial difficulties are expected to be temporary in nature with a full financial recovery expected, then an interest free loan for the full fees or part of the fees will be provided rather than a subsidy.

Where the financial difficulties are such that the family is asset rich with temporary cash flow difficulties with a full financial recovery expected, then a loan with interest for the full fees or part of the fees will be provided rather than a subsidy.

General circumstances under which a subsidy or loan would be considered:

  • Family with 1 dependent child would need to be earning less than $XXXXXXX per anum
  • Family with 2 dependent child would need to be earning less than $XXXXXXX per anum
  • Family with 3 dependent child would need to be earning less than $XXXXXXX per anum
  • Family with 4 dependent child would need to be earning less than $XXXXXXX per anum
  • Family business would need to be in liquidation
  • Major bread winner temporarily unemployed