BALCHINJohn, 1890
Date of birth:18/7/1859
Accepted:21 July 1890
Placed on Disabled Fund:1 June 1931
Died:16 October 1937
Years served: 41
Minute book references:
p.30, July 14, 1890
The Sub Committee reported favourably of John Balchin, a candidate, who was interviewed by the Committee. It was agreed that he be sent to the Examiners.
p.33, July 21, 1890
The Examiners letter respecting John Balchin were on the whole favourable, though he was considered backward on Scripture knowledge. It was agreed that he be accepted on probation. Salary £74.10.0 per annum.
p.88, Dec 8, 1890
The Sub Committee reported favourably of John Balchin and Joseph Lawson, probationers. It was agreed that John Balchin be fully accepted.
p.187, July 13, 1891
A free grant of £3 was made to John Balchin on account of illness.
p.164, Dec 19, 1898
John Balchin was granted £5 on account of domestic affliction.
p.196, June 30, 1930
It being reported that Mr John Balchin aged 71, and Mr Richard Wright, also 71, had purchased residences at Billericay, Essex, involving much time travelling to and from their districts, it was agreed that both missionaries be placed on the Disabled List at the end of the year (December 31).
p.257, Nov 24, 1930
On the recommendation of the Secretary permission was granted to Messrs J Balchin and R Wright, both due to retire at the end of December, to continue their special work amongst railmen and busmen respectively until 31 March next.
p.189, Oct 18, 1937
The death of a Disabled Missionary, Mr John Balchin, was reported. Mr Balchin was born in 1859 and had joined the Society in 1890. The first ten years of his missionary service were spent in domiciliary work, and on the second of his districts, in Fulham, he was the instrument in God’s hands for the conversion of Mr Jim Bryant, now a well-known evangelist. The thirty-one years that followed were spent among the employees of the Great Western Railway, in which sphere he was much blessed. Mr Balchin retired in 1931, and his death occurred on October 16th.
Articles on retirement from magazine of 1931, p27,p39
Article from magazine of 1938, p4, James Bryant
Obituary Notice from magazine of 1937, p170
THE death has occurred, at the age ofseventy-eight, of Mr. John Balchin,a retiredmissionary. During hisforty-one years with the London CityMission, Mr. Balchin was much used ofGod. He had two domiciliary districtsin the first ten years of his missionaryservice, and it was on the second of these,in Fulham, that he was the instrument inGod's hands for the conversion of Mr.Jim Bryant, now himself an honouredevangelist. Thirty-one years of Mr.Balchin's life were spent among the employeesof the Great Western Railway, inwhich sphere he was greatly blessed. Theend came on October 16th, after six yearsof well-earned retirement.
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