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Name of meeting: / Sapphire to Woolgoolga highway upgrade community information sessionLocation of meeting: / EmeraldBeachsite compound training room from 10.30am to 11.30am.
Meeting facilitator: / Janice Smith
Date: / 30 November 2013 / Time: / 10.30am-11.30am
NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) has engaged Leighton Contractors and Fulton Hogan to design and construct the 25 kilometre Sapphire to Woolgoolga Pacific Highway upgrade.
The session provided an update about the roadwork, as well as information about traffic management.
Emerald site compound training room - 10.30am – 11.30amA recent newspaper edition reported a budget “blow-out” on the project. Is the current concrete remediation works responsible for this and will this “blow-out” affect final delivery of the project? / The budget increase is not due to the current concrete remediation works on the bypass. The project will still be delivered according to the design.
What is the timeline for the project delivery going forward? / The project is on track to be in final stages by the second half of 2014. When the dual carriageways open to traffic between Sapphire and south Woolgoolga there will still be a need to manage traffic to enable placement of stone mastic asphalt and final linemarking.
What will be done to address any damage done to local service roads by project vehicles? / Repairs will be undertaken to remediate those sections of road affected.
How are the predictions of noise levels validated? / Once the dual carriageways are open to traffic and running in their final configuration, a post-completion operational noise assessment will be carried out. The outcome of this assessment will be used to guide any further noise mitigation measures, if necessary.
How will noise sampling locations be determined? / A noise consultant will be engaged and locations determined based on previous studies.
Will the local service road have an asphalt surface? / It may in some sections where it has currently been used for highway traffic. The remainder will be a spray seal finish.
If the operational noise assessment confirms the predicted noise levels but the community still won’t accept them, what options are available? / There are avenues through which the issue can be raised, however noise mitigation is designed to comply with the project’s conditions of approval.
How far does the noise wall in the southern section of the project extend? / It extends from Coachmans Close up to a point just south of the Nautilus entrance. It then resumes northward from the Nautilus entrance along the western edge of the old highway (now the local road) to a point several hundred metres south of Split Solitary Road.
The new noise wall at the southern end of the project has removed the ocean view for passing motorists. / The installation of the noise walls complies with regulatory requirements for the highway upgrade.
Noise is now echoing off the retaining walls constructed along the new alignment and increasing noise levels. What can be done about this? / Once the dual carriageways are open to traffic and running in their final configuration, a post-completion operational noise assessment will be carried out. The outcome of this assessment will be used to guide any further noise mitigation measures, if necessary.
Can community members still lodge noise issues so that they can be taken into consideration. / Any issues raised here will be recorded and considered.
Will the earthern mound which was removed at the Graham Drive south intersection be replaced to provide some noise reduction? / Once the dual carriageways are open to traffic and running in their final configuration, a post-completion operational noise assessment will be carried out. The outcome of this assessment will be used to guide any further noise mitigation measures, if necessary.
Does the project have a remediation budget? / The project must comply with regulatory authority requirements and quality control specifications set out in the project design. This is not affected by budget.
There were concerns raised over the level of illumination of some overhead lights at new roundabouts and bridges. / While each location can be looked at and assessed individually, there is always going to be a need to strike a balance between safety and community impacts.
When will all the ramps at the MooneeBeach overpass be completed and operational? / All ramps will be commissioned for use once traffic is switched onto the new dual carriageways, sometime in the second half of 2014.
How long will the current access into MooneeBeach just to the south of the shopping centre remain in use? / There is a proposal to shut down the temporary link and intersection with the highway early in 2014 and for northbound traffic to access the MooneeBeach overpass via the Wakelands Road intersection and service road. Southbound traffic will be able to access the overpass and MooneeBeach using the current exit ramp.
A property specific drainage issue was raised in relation to stated 1 in a 100 flood levels. / The issue was deferred to discussion with the property owner at the conclusion of the meeting.
The signage for traffic wanting to exit the old Pacific Highway (now the local service road) and travel towards CoffsHarbour is not very clear. / The construction contractor noted this comment and undertook to look into the matter.
Can anything be done to improve the look of the noise walls? / In some instances plantings are used to soften the look of the noise walls however it does take time for the plants to establish.
The northbound turn into Hunter Close is difficult because of the shortness of the deceleration lane and due to lack of lighting at night. The pavement at this intersection is also breaking up. / The current intersection is only temporary and helps to provide access for traffic in and out of the Sapphire residential area. The deceleration lane does meet design requirements. Prior to Christmas, the intersection will be repaired with an asphalt overlay to improve its durability.
Signage at Bucca Road and Killara Avenue is confusing. / The contractor undertook to review this issue.
Have speed limits been determined for the new highway and service road? / The ultimate speed of the new highway will be 110km/h however this will only be implemented on completion of the project. The speed limit on the local service road has not yet been determined.
Signage at Crystal Drive and Headlands Road near the bridge is confusing. / The contractor undertook to review this issue.
Pedestrian access along Crystal Drive to access the bridge and shops is very limited due the works being carried out. / This will be rectified prior to Christmas.
Can Crystal Drive have a continuous centre line to help keep vehicles on their own side of the road and hence avoid accidents? / The contractor undertook to review this issue.
The traffic controllers are often holding traffic for very long periods. / The contractor undertook to review this issue.
Regarding the cycleway strategy, some areas designated for development between North Sapphire and MooneeBeach are too narrow to accomodate a separated cycle facility. / RMS is currently looking at ways to extend the width available.
Arrawarra Creek bridge is too narrow to accommodate a separated cycle facility. / This is a design issue which will be reviewed.
What about the safety of children going to school along the local service road? / At project completion, the old highway will be re linemarked and a separated cycleway delineated. The community will be engaged for comment early in 2014.
A community member presented a visual presentation showing how a separated cycleway could be created by changing linemarking on the local road pavement. / It was noted that this represented what was trying to be achieved where possible.
CanRMS confirm that the separated cycleway will only be on one side of the local road network. / This is a design issue and is still being determined.
Given that the funding for the cycleway is to be jointly shared by RMS and Coffs City Council, has RMS committed to the funding split? / Yes
Cycleway access to Sandy Beach Primary School will be difficult if the cycleway is located on the northern side of Graham Drive south. / This is a design issue and is still being determined.
Why is the stop sign at the Sugarmill Road intersection with the service road facing service road traffic? / For safety reasons because of the change in cross fall of the temporary pavement at the intersection.
Community information session at the Emerald site compound closed at 11.30am.
For further information please contact the toll free line or visit the project website (see details below).
Sapphire to Woolgoolga upgradePO Box 9090, Moonee Beach NSW 2450
Community information centre, Fiddaman Road, Emerald Beach, (Mon - Fri, 8:30 - 5pm)
I T 1800 63 63 63 (toll fee)
This project is funded by the Australian and NSW governments /
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