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Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held at the Village Hall, Colnbrook on Tuesday 26th April 2016, commencing at 7.30pm.
Members of the Public: 6
Members Present in the public seats: Cllrs Angell, Bedi, Bryant, Grewal, Jackson, Richardson and Smith.
Chairman: Cllr Hood
Officer Present: Mrs K. Jones - Clerk & Finance Officer
The Chairman welcomed everybody present to the meeting.
Cllrs Brooks, Laxman, and Kinane
It was noted that these had been approved at the Council meeting held on 2nd June 2015 so this was just to look at matters arising.
The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting and gave his report for the year,
The most significant matters dealt with in the last twelve months included: -
· Community Cup – awarded to Mr Laurie Paeseno
· Parish meeting called to discuss Heathrow & SIFE issues. 16.06.16
· Magna Carta celebrations great success, hoping to follow for Queen’s 90th Birthday
· New Web site launched
· Second Bi-election
· Apple Fair Success
· Fly infestation – still being investigated.
· A4 Highway Issues – SBC appear not to be willing to put the alterations back. Bus stop moved but not the bus shelter as understand that this might contravene the law as footpath is also a cycleway.
· Fire Tender – Will be relocating the fire tender and hopefully get it involved with the Queens 90th birthday celebrations.
· Solar Farm Proposals turned down by SBC but an appeal has been lodged which might give a one off commuted payment to the parish if successful.
· Highways inspection with SBC to identify problems / issues. Noted that SBC to be asked to remove the raise table outside the Ostrich PH as large hollow in it and if 2 separate humps Buses go through at a slant.
· SBC call for sites – letter sent to SBC with suggestions. Noted that all future developments in the flood plain must include sustainable drainage.
· Orchard Surgery closed and an application submitted to turn back into flats. Colnbrook Surgery under threat and Parish Council is making enquiries into listing it as a Community Asset. Needs community support.
· SALC met twice and raised concerns regarding the conservation area, street cleaning, and the condition of the street furniture. Cllr Swindlehurst agreed to look into the issues.
· Neighbourhood Plan – discussions taking place but suggested wait until after the Heathrow/SIFE decisions.
· Star and Garter – understand the applicant still interested in making it a Costa Coffee.
· Change of ownership of the Pharmacy
· PCSO Contract – Still awaiting revised contract.
· Tour of the parish with CEO Heathrow to highlight problems caused by Heathrow traffic and taxis. Task force to be set up.
A full copy of the report is attached.
On the subject of the potential expansion of Heathrow Mr C Burke commented that it had been reported that the ancillary roads and rail networks would cost £18 Billion and this may affect the feasibility of it going ahead. If Heathrow was demolished it could solve the West London Housing problems and all neighbouring boroughs could build upwards. This would benefit the whole of London and reduce the noise and air pollution which at present is detrimental, especially to young people and school development.
The Chairman referred to the attendance chart (attached) and thanked members for their commitment and efforts over the year and also to those who chair other committees.
St Thomas Church (Jenny Gregg) – Reported that they were very pleased that the community is using the Church more for meetings and events and the congregation is also increasing. Growing slowly for the future. Full report attached.
Colnbrook Community Association (Vicki Brenner) - Reported that they felt that the people on the ground were the best to share experiences of the village. They were looking for volunteers to join the team and help run the youth club. Full report attached.
Colnbrook Village Hall Trust (Ray Angell) – Reported that last year was very successful. The main hall is booked out daily and the rooms are booked for training sessions The turnover was 3 times higher than the previous year as a result of the refurbishments. Overall a really good facility for local people. AGM in September.
NAG (Raymond.Jackson) – Current Issues being looked at are Flytiping and SBC have been involved in dealing with this with Ester Mathews co-ordinating collections, although it still continues to be an issue. Also Anti-social behaviour issues which have seen street lighting being regularly hit by catapults. SBC have managed to bring forward LED lighting which is less susceptible to type of damage and so far this has been a success. TVP have put ASB Orders out to know offenders, for action to be taken.
Another caravan has been dumped at the Poyle end – ongoing battle.
Colnbrook Community Partnership (Ray Angell) – Alderney Park – trying to get new footpaths and planting for wildlife, and a sculpture trail in partnership with CVT and SBC.
Colnbrook Residents Association (Sean Kelly) – Continuing to organise events such as the History talk, Christmas Party, CAST pantomime for the village children in December, Apple Fair, Skittles evening, Easter egg hunt and the Clean for the Queen etc. Sept 17th this year the Apple Fair will be back on the Recreation ground the good causes being supported are the 2 local schools, St Thomas church, Vishal aid, the Scouts and the Village Museum project.
Aside from the normal case work as ward councillor been working closely with the parish council and assisted on 4 main areas of concern;
i) Opposing the SIFE (Slough International Freight Exchange)
ii) Persuading a scrutiny panel of SBC that the changes the Borough has made to the A4 part of the London Road in Colnbrook, including filling in bus laybys and changing the road to a three-lane highway, have made the road more congested and, worse still, more dangerous
iii) Responding to SBC’s “Call for Sites”
iv) Protecting and enhancing a footpath access from Old Bath Road to Poyle New Cottages
Full report attached.
Cllr Mrs Cheema did not attend
The Apple Fayre will be held on 17th September 2016.
The Chairman thanked all those who attended for coming and for their reports. He felt that this year it had worked better as a separate meeting which had been both more informal and informative.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm.
SIGNED: ......
St. Thomas' Report for Annual Parish Meeting 2016
We are very pleased that the church is able to take part in so many community events, working with village organisations and sometimes being central to the plans. Our mission statement is, ‘We are here to provide a place of worship and celebration before God and to serve Christ in the Community.' We hope that this report will show some of the ways we are working on this.
· In June last year we took part in the events and held the service for the hugely successful Magna Carta celebrations and it was marvellous to see the church so full.
- We enjoyed taking part in the Apple Fayre in September and everything we made on our stall has gone towards our fund raising for a badly needed new sound system in church.
- On the first Sunday of the month we have joint service with the United Church held alternating the venue. This is an opportunity for everyone to meet and worship with fellow Christians.
· We are always very pleased with the support the community gives to our annual harvest, fish and chip supper and quiz. Again the profit made last year has been put in the sound system fund.
· We are pleased that the CRA use the Quiet Garden for their Easter Egg Hunt
· We are looking forward to the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations.
· We had a very successful Palm Sunday service in which Jillie the donkey, from the special needs farm, took a leading role. Lots of people came. Taking part in the procession was a significant experience for everyone.
- On Holy Saturday, we held a service called 'The Blessing of the Easter Baskets', which is a Polish Tradition. The Church was packed, and it was lovely to see so many Polish families coming to church and actively taking part.
· Both primary schools come to church for special services throughout the year, each class from Colnbrook C of E Primary also use the Quiet Garden for reflective walks and discussions.
· The Scouts & Beaver groups meet in church each week.
· The youth club run by the CCA was meeting weekly but is now on hold due to funding problems.
· A new venture has started on Monday & Wednesday mornings called ‘Tablet & Tea’. This is run by a church member teaching OAP’s how to enjoy computers and the internet
- Little Fishes is our toddlers and carers group which meets every Friday morning for toys, activities, singing, refreshments and friendship.
• The Quiet Garden and grounds are maintained by a small group of willing church volunteers. We are grateful to the Parish Council for their annual support which pays for petrol for the mower and maintenance of the tractor mower.
• We are pleased that many people use the grounds for lunch time breaks away from work, to walk their dogs and to enjoy the peace.
• One sorry story to relay is that we have suffered damage to many of the stained glass windows and our floodlighting, broken by vandals throwing stones, this is in the hands of our Insurers and repairs will be carried out in the near future.
• Community Payback groups have been organised to prune and tidy up and this has been very useful.
We welcome everyone who would like to use or support the church in any way. Churches do not get state funding and so any fees we receive from lettings go towards the running costs, which are at least £400 per month.
St. Thomas' Church is a beautiful building which we want to keep in good order for future generations.
We will also hope that the church can continue to take an active part in community events..
Colnbrook Community Association
Submission to Annual Village Meeting
26th April 2016
The Colnbrook Community Association continues to work with our members and residents throughout our communities, including Poyle, Colnbrook Village, Brands Hill and Westfield to improve our local environment.
During the past 12 months we have also developed our social media presence via an increasingly active and engaged Facebook page and Twitter account to supplement our very successful website. We encourage residents to use our Facebook page as a “rapid response” vehicle to spread news about local events, traffic issues; local crime and general ASB issues.
These social platforms allow residents to share their experience, concerns etc with others in order to establish matters that may need to be addressed directly with our partner agencies such as the Parish Council, Slough Borough Council and Thames Valley Police.
We also promote community events, educational opportunities, youth matters and other activities being held in the Colnbrook Communities by village based groups and the surrounding villages.
Following the sad closure of the Colnbrook Youth Club at the end of March 2016 we are now in discussion with various agencies, groups and individuals regarding other projects that would be beneficial to the younger community. We are looking for volunteers to join the team to run our youth activities in Colnbrook.
We continue to work with our members and residents throughout the wider village to improve our environment. The matters covered overgrown hedges; fly tipping; broken drains, broken street lights, pot holes, thefts, planning matters, and many other “one off” situations.
We are expanding our network of Caring Neighbours who are ordinary residents who volunteer to make a difference without the obligation of attending regular meetings. They report issues, such as those mentioned above, to us so that we can build up a picture of what the concerns of the communities are; and then we communicate those concerns to the agencies at regular meetings.
Looking ahead for 2016, we are hopeful that provision can be established for the Youth Group and a possible re-introduction of a Summer Camp.
Report from Cllr Dexter Smith,
(Ward councillor on Slough Borough Council, as well as a Parish Councillor)
There have been four big issues, over the past year, where I have been able to exploit the fact that I serve on both the Parish and the Borough Council for the benefit of residents. These are:
1. Opposing the SIFE (Slough International Freight Exchange) planning application at Appeal; I was able to write and present the Parish Council case, which added local colour and definition to SBC’s rejection of SIFE and its defence of the strategic gap in the Greenbelt that is squeezed by the expansion of both Slough and Greater London. I was encouraged to explain how SIFE would impact on the lives of Colnbrook residents. I also knew that the picture I was painting and the arguments I was expressing were reflecting the case the Parish Council (but not SBC) were putting forward against a third runway at Heathrow. Free from the requirement that fell upon SBC’s officers, to justify their opposition to SIFE in terms of the Borough’s planning policies, I used logic and common sense counter the overblown claims of SIFE’s salesmen, and their glossing over of the negative impacts of this proposed development. We still await the outcome of this Appeal hearing; the Inspector’s report has now been sent to the Secretary of State, but we have recently been told that there will be no decision until after the local elections in May – possibly only a few weeks ahead of the Government’s decision for or against a third runway at Heathrow.