Charlevoix Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting, April 13, 2017
Trustees Present: Conlan, Doskoch, Heid, Kiteley, Smolenyak, Dixon
Trustees Absent: Madison
Director Present: Linda Adams
Guests Present: None
- Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by President Smolenyak. The agenda was accepted.
- Friends of the Library. Linda Adams provided a report from the Friends of the Library. She discussed the changes on the Friends board. She noted that many books are available for sale, and that the Adult Lifelong Learning Programs proved very successful.
- Approval of Minutes. Moved by Doskoch to approve the Minutes of the meeting of March 9, 2017. Motion supported by Smolenyak and approved by unanimous vote.
- Financial Reports.Moved by Smolenyak to accept the financial reports for March, 2017. Support by Dixon. The Board noted that tax receipts are in above budget. Following discussion, approval carried by a unanimous vote.
- Director’s Report. Please see attached written summary.
- Adams advised that the “Depot 125” program is scheduled for June 25 and 26, 2017. Also the Book Sale will be held that weekend.
- Carpeting is currently being installed in the stairwell.
- Adams updated the Board on the marketing video being created by Chris Matye for use in the Theatre, and other PR opportunities.
- Old Business.
- Staff Salary Review. Adams provided the Board with a recap comparing our salary compensation to other similar libraries. We are on the low-end of averages. The Board asked Adams to work larger percentage increases into the next draft of the 2017/2018 budget while maintaining a balance.
- Policy updates. Please refer to Policy Book for approved changes.
1)Purchasing Policy. Moved by Heid, supported by Doskoch, to approve the update to the purchasing policy including a 3 year maximum extension in paragraph 7. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
2)Meeting Room Policy. Moved by Dixon, supported by Smolenyak, to approve changes as presented. Carried by unanimous vote.
3)Makerspace Policy. Moved by Conlan, supported by Dixon, to approve the new policy as presented. Carried by a unanimous vote.
- 2017-2018 Cleaning Contract. Moved by Conlan, supported by Smolenyak, to approve and extend the cleaning contract with the current vendor for one year in accordance with the updated Purchasing Policy. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
- Gardens. Heid discussed the Garden Club’s desire to include the library on the 2018 Garden Walk. The Board discussed our current garden maintenance agreement. Heid will work with staff to develop a strategy for updating and improving the gardens in preparation for next year, and report back to the Board.
- New Business.
- 1st Draft – 2017/2018 Operating Budget. Adams briefly reviewed the first draft budget. The Board will discuss the next draft in more detail once they have had an opportunity for further review. Adams will update the Board regarding the effects of changes in taxable value at the May meeting.
- Toni Wood Recognition. Toni was honored by the Board for her ten-plus years of outstanding service to the Library. She was presented with an antique photo to be displayed at the Library in her honor.
- Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the Board, the next meeting was scheduled for May 11, 2017, and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, T. F. Conlan for Carol Madison.