Music is an important part of our lives and studying and performing music provides many countless benefits. Performing music provides a wonderful setting for learning and growth and provides and outlet to express feelings and emotions while giving the musician a feeling of accomplishment and achievement as music is learned and mastered.
The vocal music offerings here at Minooka Community High School are a significant part of our schools curriculum and thusly enhance the high school experience. Being a part of the choral program of MCHS involves an understanding of what choir means and what the expectations are for each individual.
A Choir is a group of individuals who work together in order to achieve a common goal that is dictated by the wishes of the composer. Our choral community will be strengthened by our love of music through singing, teamwork, mutual respect and hard work.
Outlined below are guidelines that will help each person become a contributing member of their choir.
1. Be PROMPT-Be on time to every class and every rehearsal. School policy will be adhered to regarding absences and tardies. Being on time helps your mind better prepare for the rehearsal.
2. Be PREPARED-You must have your music and a pencil at every class. Have you, your music and pencil in your seat one minute after bell. Keep these in your folder in the choir room. Practice at home is encouraged and you may sign out a practice folder if you wish.
3. PARTICIPATE-Choir is a competency based class. This means that you must be able to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the choir material. If everyone is at his or her best, then and only then will the ensemble be at it's best. Enjoy your time with each other in class but don't put the work in second place.
4. Be PATIENT-Music learning requires it. If at first you don't succeed, then try it again in a new and more effective way. Also, remember that we learn at different speeds so stay patient knowing that we will all end at the same place eventually. Helping each other through the music is great leadership.
5. PLAN AHEAD-Life is hectic and busy for anyone in high school. Use your planner to write down events, things that are due, and what to bring the next day. Read your choir newsletter and choir website to stay informed. Being organized now will carry over to the rest of your life.
6. PERFORM and enjoy yourself-Music for me is life! Aren't you glad you have an opportunity to enjoy music and life?
1. Attendance at Performances
Part of being in a music class and being on a "team" involves performances at times other than school time. It is very important that all team members be present for these events, as an absence of even one performer can make a big difference in the success experienced by the whole group. Because performances are very important parts of choir (similar to final exams in other classes), attendance is ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED. Missing a performance without following the established excuse procedures may hurt the "team" and result in a lower grade. Each case will be dealt with individually and the Choir Director, in collaboration with school administration, will make determination of excuse validity and legitimacy. Do not assume your excuse will be valid. There are three reasons for being excused from a performance: (a) unavoidable conflict (games, other situations where all options have been tried for rescheduling before the event/note required before event; (b) student illness (that day of performance/note required within two school days after their return), and (c) a personal or family emergency (an unplanned and/or unpleasant family crisis, such as a death or impending death-a note required after). Communication with Mr. Benware or Mrs. Tischer about conflicts prior to the day of an event/performance is required.
Students excused from a concert are responsible for the music performed and will be given an assignment based on the music studied in order to earn missed concert attendance points. Excused absence credit will not be applied to the concert grade until both the hand-written parent note and completed alternative assignment are submitted. A conference or meeting with student and/or parent may be required to discuss the absence.
Extra-curricular activities conflicting with curricular concerts must be notified of student absences in advance. It is the responsibility of the student to inform coaches or sponsors of impending absence at the beginning of the season, rather than the week before. Students are expected to work out these conflicts even if the event has been rescheduled. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in an unexcused absence. Please let me know if you need any help communicating with any coach, sponsor or boss to work through conflicts.
2. Behavior in class/performances
Each student is expected to show respect for self, teacher, fellow students and chaperones at all times. This
included being able to listen quietly to instructions and being able to carry out those instructions in a responsible
manner, whether in a classroom, a concert, or a field trip setting. This type of discipline must come from the student
him or herself. Students who are interested in singing are expected to remain committed to representing themselves, their families and
their school in this manner.
Students are expected to:
a. Be punctual.
b. Be in class. Any unexcused absence or tardy brings your participation grade down and any quarter of more than 5 absences will also affect that grade. (MCHS Handbook p. 21-24, 45)
c. Put your classmates needs ahead of your own.
d. Gum chewing, eating and drinking is not tolerated on stage, in the Choir Room, practice rooms or lab. Water is allowed in rehearsal.
e. Any needs (make-up work, conflicts) are discussed before school, at break, after class or after school.
f. Pick up after yourself before you leave class, especially music and books.
g. Section leaders and officers are to be respected and listened to: they are trying to help the group and make us a better ensemble.
h. The piano, the white board, sound equipment and choir director’s desk are off limits to students without express permission from the choir director.
i. At concerts, be on time, stay quiet back stage and in the audience at all times, and put your outfits and music back where they belong. When in and out of the building, remember you are representing MCHS and should behave accordingly and by the regulations established by MCHS. (Handbook p. p. 15, 24-25, 29, 35, 37, 41)
3. Concert Attire and Maintenance
In the classroom student individuality is fostered and encouraged as a critical part of the creative process. On stage, the final product is presented as a unified team offering that has captured this individuality and channeled into a single piece of art. In addition, an audience obtains an immediate impression about the attitude, effort, and quality of an performing ensemble even before music has been made.
With this in mind, every choir student will wear concert attire for formal performances and you will be fitted for your concert attire and are responsible for maintaining these outfits during the year. Your attire will be worn by other choir members each year, so special care is needed for them to last. All choir members are to:
- Arrive to each concert or performance and leave ample time to dress in their appropriate concert attire.
- Any rip, dirt, loss, or not turning in of the singer’s outfit will be at the members' expense.
- You may not change outfits or take outfits home without consent of Mr. Benware or Mrs. Tischer.
- Any misuse of your outfit, disrespect to the costume chairperson or each parent costume chair in regard to your outfit, or any outfit that is incomplete (i.e. wearing white socks) for a performance after the uniform inspection is occurs prior to the concert, will result in the lowering of the student’s concert grade one letter.
- Any student not hanging up correctly or turning in of the concert attire after the concert’s culmination will also be deducted one letter grade for their concert grade.
CONCERT CHOIR: Men-Tuxedo jacket, pants, tuxedo shirt, cummerbund, black bowtie,
black socks, black tie or buckle dress shoes.
Ladies-Lieder formal dress, nylons, black buckle dress/character shoes.
WOMEN'S CHORALE:Brielle formal dress, pearl necklace, nylons, black buckle dress shoes or character shoes.
TREBLE CHOIR:Black choir robes, orange stole, nice outfit under, dress shoes.
MIXED CHORUS:Men-White tuxedo shirt w/ formal vests, black tuxedo pants, bowtie, black socks, black tie or black buckle dress shoes.
Ladies-Dahlia formal dress, nylons, black buckle dress/character shoes
JV MADRIGALS &:Men-Tux outfit w/vests, tuxedo shirt, black shoes, (no coat);
JAZZ TRANSITLadies-Red sparkle tops, black dress pants (shoe length), black character shoes. JV Madrigals will also wear Madrigal costumes from the choir closet for Madrigal dinner and some concert/community performances.
VARS. MADRIGALS:Renaissance and Madrigal costumes.
ESSENCEMen-Dress pants, button shirt, tie, coat(opt.), dress shoes.
Ladies-Dress or something "jazzy", etc., dress shoes
The concert attire is required for all MCHS choir concerts (Fall, Winter, Midwinter, Spring), IHSA Organizational Contest, festivals, talent shows, and Tour. Any changes will be addressed well before the event. All outfits must meet MCHS Handbook requirements (MCHS Handbook p. 35-36).
The following is prohibited as Concert attire: 1. Gym shoes 2. Sandals and flip-flop 3. Shoes with a height exceeding 2 inches 4. Strongly scented perfume and cologne; 5. Hair that is covering the eyes and face
A “casual” black polo MCHS Choir shirt is to be purchasedin the Fall for students to wear for choir promotion or causal performances. Madrigal and Vocal Jazz groups will also need to pay for their black polo shirts they will wear for their casual performances. Used shirts in good condition are sometimes available for reduced prices.
4. Folder/Music Maintenance
Every member of choir receives their own music and folder. Please do not write on folders. Any music/folder lost or damaged will be the member's responsibility. The cost of music is $2-$5. A folder costs $12.00. Your folder is to stay in the choir room at ALL times unless noted. Sign out a class choir folder for practicing on the black podium by classroom door or from the choir librarian. Any folder found out of its slot or missing from its slot will result in a $.50 fine to be turned into one of the librarians, who will in turn give it to the Concert Choir Treasurer. The Concert Choir Treasurer will keep track of the fines.
5. Personal choir accounts
Every member of choir has a student account, kept track by the MCS Choir Boosters, that they can start with fundraising. It can accumulate as each student or their parent fundraise and can use these “choir monies” for various choir needs. These funds can be used for: going on Choir tour, voice lessons, senior choir trip, attending a choir event (such as a musical), festival expenses, vocal camps, required choir shirt, and tour spending money (up to $100). This account can also be used towards the time spent and materials used in the making of Madrigal costumes for the choir program (the costume becomes property of MCHS Choirs) or for the purchase of black character or dress shoes for curricular choir groups (which students would be able to keep). When a student graduates from MCHS, their personal choir account will go back to the MCHS choirs, with the students designating to which area of the Choir Booster fund they wish to contribute to.
6. Private Voice lessons
Private voice instruction is available at MCHS during students resources, choir hour, or before or after school. Voice lessons are of critical importance to a developing singer and to the growth of the choirs at MCHS. Lessons include voice building, skill development, and varied repertoire. A letter is sent home the first week of school and students are assigned spots during various class times after they return their letter filled out and signed by the students and their parents on a first return basis. Payment for each lesson is required each week or monthly and students are requested to inform their private teachers the night before if they are to miss an upcoming lesson. Payment for lessons can be taken from the student’s choir account if enough funds are available. Yellow payment forms are available in the choir room for students to use to withdraw money from their account to make payment to their individual teachers.
7. Field Trips/Permission Slips
Performance is an important part of musical growth. In addition to our school concerts, MCHS Choirs will enjoy the occasional field trip to hear or perform in other festivals or to perform in the community. Permission slips will be sent home prior to each event and are due back BEFORE the day of that event. Permission slips are usually handed out about a week before the event, so meeting these turn in deadlines is greatly appreciated.
8. Literature
As individuals grow and deepen their ability to have aesthetic experiences, the literature used as curricular material must expand. In efforts to expand the realm of possible aesthetic experience, attempts will be made to perceive and respond to the highest possible quality of appropriate music. A danger exists in that a fantastically large amount of music published today does not necessarily meet standards of quality literature: that is, literature that is well crafted, sensitive, imaginative, and sincere in its content and construct. The quality of our potential musical experiences is in direct proportion to the quality of a composer’s material. All of this is not to suggest that we will only study and perform music of Bach, Mozart and the like. It does, however, suggest that the justification for studying and performing literature as curricular material is scrutinized and evaluated in efforts to provide variety and quality in each student’s experience.
The Minooka Community High School Vocal Music Department respects all people and endeavor to be aware of the cultural and religious sensitivities that are related to the delivery of instruction and to the core curriculum. However, this awareness must not interfere with the obligation to teach about significant works of art.
Music is not selected for study and performance in the MCHS Music Department for the purpose of advancing or perpetuating a particular religious belief system. Rather, music is selected first, on its own merit as an art form, and second, as a development of a particular movement in human civilization.
An exceptionally high degree of music that fits the criteria of outstanding literature was originally composed for utilitarian purposes. Though Haydn may have composed a Kyrie to be performed in a religious worship service, the purpose for studying and performing such a work is different 200 years later. Works such as this possess an historical significance and are present in our culture today as a work of art aside from their original intent. Such literature is employed in the public schools because of its significance as an artwork and its importance in an historical perspective. Through studying sacred and spiritual literature, the text of the work will never be addressed as the purpose for its study or performance. IN so far as there may exist textual influences on the musical composition we must be sensitive to its relationships. Beyond that, sacred and spiritual music is studied because it is worthy musical literature. An evidence of sacred and spiritual literature in choral singing would be akin to avoiding the study of cathedrals in architecture.
First time: verbal warning or reminder
Second time: stay after class for a brief talk
Third time: a detention and telephone call to parent
Continued problems: removal from the class
If everyone is at his or her best then the Choral Program will be at its best! We seek to develop and balance the physical and the intellectual sides of music. As a result, we are provided with an objective means for evaluation. It is in the striving for excellence in Music/Concert preparation and individual music skills and participation that we achieve a fine choir, which we enjoy and are proud of because there is a sense of accomplishment.
Quarter grades will be calculated from three areas of activity and weighted according to the importance placed on an area in a given grading period. Music/Concert Preparation, Music Skills and Participation are the three primary areas of activity from which grades are determined, as outlined below (weight is in parenthesis):