Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors

Chapter 3 - Hiawathaland

Minutes of Chapter 3 Meeting on March 18, 2010

Meeting place: Riverview Greens, Stewartville, MN

Meeting called to order at 8:23 P.M. with 11 members present.

Treasurer’s Report:

Beginning Balance (3-19-2010) $2606.34

Deposits $225.00

Withdrawals $2.50

Ending Balance (4-20-2010) $2828.84

Motion by Tony to accept Minutes. Seconded by Pat. Motion passed

Motion by Peter to accept Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Tony Blumentritt. Motion passed

Motion to adjourn by Doug. Seconded by Tony at 9:33 P.M. Motion passed


Peter is taking a year off from the Trig Star program, after returning he will begin going to Public Schools along with private schools. Anyone interested in helping is welcome.

Section corner committee had a meeting and the vote was 2-2. The decision was made to do more research.

The initial point on the Minnesota Iowa boarder will soon have a kiosk. NSPS, MSPS, and SLSI have all donated $500 a piece for the new signage. The plan is to have a turnaround built for traffic to pull in and look at the kiosk. Our chapter should be prepared to donate some money for this in the future.


The chapter 515B Condo Statute is getting revised. Contact Tony for a link to the website with a summary of the revisions.

There is a proposed bill in the House for new prevailing wages for contractors who have apprenticeship programs. In this bill the author did not know he included surveyors and has no problem removing them from the bill.

MSPS feels the costs of our Executive Director and Lobbyist are getting expensive. The E. D. is getting $90,000 and the lobbyist is getting $25,000 a year.

MSPS is also restructuring the committees by lowering the number to about 10 or 11.

NSPS is looking to increase their membership numbers. One way of doing this would be to include NSPS membership fees into the state membership fees. This would lower the NSPS membership fee which is approximately $217.00 annually. There was a motion for a future discussion for the proposal of the cost of national dues be added to state dues by Pat and seconded by Doug.

The next meeting will be Thursday, May 20th at the Riverview Greens in Stewartville. Social hour will begin at 6:00 with dinner and meeting to follow at 7:00.

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Tuchtenhagen

MSPS Chapter 3 Secretary/Treasurer

Please submit your dues if you haven’t already done so.

MEMBERSHIP DUES 2008 for ______

The dues are: $30.00 for LS

$15.00 for LSIT, Tech (Make checks payable to MSPS Chapter 3)

Please mail your check to: McGhie & Betts, Inc.

c/o Scott Tuchtenhagen

1648 3rd Ave SE

Rochester, MN 55904