Minnesota CPCU Society Chapter

Board Meeting Notes

Date March 16th, 2017 at 7:30

Attendance – Voting members: Cindy Jordan, Dana Bolz, Allen Bosch, Matt Andresen, Chelsea Schaefer, Rick Liddle, Evan McGrath, Dave Malton, Jason Berger, and Craig Ehalt. Ex-Officio (non-voting members): Brian Bent, Judie Babcock, Gary Pasterik, John DeSanto, and Jeff Ewins.

Secretary’s Report – Reviewed and approved the February 2017 meeting minutes. Matt Andresen motioned to approve and Allen Bosch moved to accept. The board all approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Reviewed and approved the February 2017 financials. Currently, we are on budget for 2017. Dave Malton motioned to approve and Matt Andresen moved to accept. The board all approved.

Committee Reports:

·  All I-Day –Matt/Allen

o  Allen sent out the list of sponsors from last year to see who will be willing to sponsor again this year.

o  Julie Graff will be attending our All I Day and will be leading the New Designee ceremony.

·  Monthly Meetings/National Seminars/Chapter Activities – John

o  Joint meeting with the Twin Cities Insurance Club has been set for May 8th

o  John is going to be reaching out to Jack on the Young Agents/CPCU joint event tentatively scheduled for some time in August.

o  John is going to look into having the St. Paul Saints game event again. The board agreed this was a good event and worth hosting again.

o  Anita Williams from AIG is a possible speaker in September for a meeting.

·  New Designee Committee – Chelsea/Dana

o  Had first committee meeting in February. Each member has been assigned one new designee to reach out to in the next couple of months.

o  There are a total of 9 new designees in MN at this time.

o  Dana is working on finding the venue for the New Designee Social, most likely will be in August.

·  Membership Committee – Jason

o  Had first committee meeting. Discussed challenges and strengths along with opportunities for improvement.

o  Main take-aways were the New Designee Social is well attended and probably the best way to try and get new members and that we could use Champion face to face meetings to try and find new members.

o  Jason sent out the committee meeting notes in an email following the meeting

·  Website/Chapter-gram (Communications) – Judie/Chelsea

o  Website is up to date, partial completers social was added to website.

·  2016 Operating Plan- Allen

o  Circle of Excellence is 20% completed at this time, we are on track for 2017.

·  Good Works – Rick

o  May – Feed my starving Children

New Business:

Ø  Discuss how to reach out to recent new designees to get them to become involved in committees that need new/additional members – Allen

o  Sending out list to see if board members can reach out to anyone they know on the list at this time.

Ø  Having Dennis from the State Fair speak at one of our meetings/events - Cindy

o  Most likely will be held mid-summer

o  Look into venue, possibly at the state fair

Ø  Julie is going to hold quarterly chapter President’s meetings. Cindy will get us updates on these and let us know what other branches are doing.

Ø  Cindy and Allen will be meeting with Russell Burge as Associate Financial about their program for CPCU completion and will share info with us after the meeting.

Old Business:

Ø  Final decision on card reader – Allen ordered and it is on its way

Ø  Update on Partial Completers Social – This event will be April 25th.

o  Chelsea is sending the email out to the partial completers and board members by the end of the week.

o  Estimated cost will be $400-500

A motion was made by Allen Bosch to adjourn the meeting and the motion was seconded by Rick Liddle. Next meeting is Thursday, April 20th at 7:30.