Minnesota Chitin Classic: Round 6

Packet by Maryland (Mike Bentley, Brittany Clark, Jeremy Eaton, Jonathan Magin, Charles Meigs, Chris Ray)


1. In this play’s second act, one character becomes indignant at being served tea with sugar and cake instead of bread and butter. In the first act, another character observes that “the amount of women in London who flirt with their own husbands is perfectly scandalous.” This play ends with one character learning of his origins after producing a handbag belonging to Miss Prism, a former employee of Lady Bracknell. Additionally, Gwendolen Fairfax and Cecily Cardew become engaged to Algernon Moncrieff and Jack Worthing, who had both formerly pretended to have the title name. For 10 points, name this play by Oscar Wilde.

ANSWER: The Importance of Being Earnest

2. For a time, this country was governed by its original vice president, Santander. This country was created at the Congress of Angostura, and the Congress of Cúcuta created its constitution, which abolished the mita system of labor. Its final leader, Jose Domingo Caicedo, could not prevent José Antonio Páez from causing two countries to secede from it. Comprised of the territory of the former Spanish viceroyalty of New Granada, it included Panama, Ecuador, and Venezuela. Lasting from 1819 to 1830, for 10 points, name this short-lived republic led by Simon Bolivar, named for a modern-day country whose capital is Bogota.

ANSWER: Gran Colombia

3. This person once claimed that backgammon was a better game than checkers and that it dated back to Sumeria in 3000 BC. This character had spent several nights alone after his companion, Boone, fell and died while exploring an aircraft wreck carrying Virgin Mary statues. Another tragic event involving this man occurred four years ago when his con-artist father pushed him from an eighth story window resulting in him becoming a paraplegic. For 10 points, identify this middle-aged survival expert on ABC’s Lost who shares his name with the English philosopher that wrote Two Treatises on Government.

ANSWER: JohnLocke

4. In yeast cells, these structures sometimes grow black particles made of crystallized sodium phosphates called dancing bodies. In the vascular cambium cells of plants, these many tiny versions of these are present during the winter but can increase to 90% of the cell capacity in the warmer months. Versions of these structures that pump out excess water are called contractile ones while those used in digestion are called ‘food’ ones. Surrounded by a membrane called a tonoplast, for 10 points, identify these organelles that play a role in the storage of water, food and other materials.

ANSWER: vacuole

5. In one work by this writer, he tells episodic tales about the residents and guests of Bracebridge Hall such as Ready Money Jack and a Student from Salamanca. This man’s position as ambassador to Spain fueled his collection of stories, Tales of the Alhambra. In a ‘sketchbook’ under the pen name of Geoffrey Crayon, this author wrote about a miser making a deal with a devil called Old Scratch and a man who wakes up after a twenty year nap. An early 19th century American writer, for 10 points, identify this author of The Devil and Tom Walker, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and Rip Van Winkle.

ANSWER: WashingtonIrving

6. In addition to its main island, this region also consists of small cays as Vieques and Culebra. One major feature of this island is the El Yunque Rainforest which is home to petroglyph sites from the Taino people and the indigenous tree frogs called ‘Coquis’. It is the third largestCaribbean island in population but it is the smallest of the Greater Antilles in size after Cuba, Hispanola and Jamaica. With its capital at San Juan, for 10 points, identify this Caribbean island, a semi-autonomous commonwealth of the United States.

ANSWER: Puerto Rico

7. Directly above the central figure in this work is the partial face and painter’s beret a clever self-portrait of the artist. To the right of the painting, a man can be seen pointing a spear downward at a dog in the shadows while at the left a girl wearing a bright yellow dress stands illuminated beneath a man carrying a blue and yellow banner. Covered in a dark varnish that mistakenly set the painting at the wrong time of day, for 10 points, identify this work by Rembrandt van Rijn depicting Captain Frans Banning Cocq and his company.

ANSWER: The Night Watch [accept The Militia Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq before read]

8. He supposedly lives atop Mount Kailash, which out of deference for those religious beliefs, if off-limits to climbers. Usually worshipped symbolically as a Lingam, he is also depicted either in deep meditation or as the lord of the dance, doing the Tandava to fuel the cycle of creation, preservation and destruction as the Nataraja. His mount, the white bull Nandi, cursed Ravana while his consort, Parvati, the reincarnation of Sita, is the mother of Skanda and Ganesha. The member of the Hindu trinity from whose hair the Ganges flows, identify, for 10 points, this blue-throated destroyer god and counterpart to Brahma and Vishnu.


9. A capital letter is used to denote these stabilizing agents in the Zimm-Bragg model, and high-pressure formic acid has exhibited their symmetric variety. The presence of these entities in the coiled coil of the quaternary structure of collagen gives the protein its tensile strength. Occasionally appearing in bifurcated form, they are used in “smart rubber” and usually occur with Fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen and their namesake. Weaker than covalent forces, these dipole-dipole bonds often cause materials to have high boiling points. For 10 points, identify these bonds, famously present in water and named for the lightest element.

ANSWER: Hydrogen Bonds

10. The victory at this battle was greatly aided by John Honeyman, a spy who gave the opposing commander Johann Rall misleading information. The defenders surrendered in an orchard shortly after their commander was killed in the center of town, though the organized retreat maneuvers employed by those forces suggest popular accounts of their readiness were inaccurate. Along with Nathaniel Greene and John Sullivan, George Washington was able to secure victory against three regiments of Hessian mercenaries via a surprise attack after crossing the Delaware. Occurring on December 26th, 1776, for 10 points, identify this Revolutionary War victory for the Continental army that takes its name from the capital city of New Jersey.

ANSWER: Battle of Trenton

11. A final event in this work involves one of the characters spotting his name and the date 1500 engraved above a door. Another event involves the character, Hindley forcing his sister’s love interest to work the fields after his father dies. This work begins ‘en medias re’ when Mr. Lockwood sees a ghost of a woman named Catherine in the middle of the night on his way to Thrushcross Grange. Following two generations of the Earnshaw and Linton families, for 10 points, identify this novel by Emily Bronte set in the title Yorkshire manor.

ANSWER: Wuthering Heights

12. The Drake equation is considered an example of the “problems” named for this man, which use a series of calculations to extrapolate answers with minimal data. Eigenstate transition rate due to perturbation can be calculated using his “GoldenRule,” while the energy of the highest occupied quantum state of a system is known as his namesake energy. Half integer spins particles, which obey statistics named for this man and Dirac, are named for this man and include half-integer spin particles like leptons and quarks. For 10 points, identify this Italian-born physicist, also the name of a famous lab in Illinois.

ANSWER: EnricoFermi

13. In some myths, this god would have taken the nymph Minthe as a mistress if his current wife had not transformed her into the mint plant. To the Romans, this god was known as either Orcus or Dispater and was said to reside in the realm of Erebus, another name for this god. This god is best known in myth for his kidnapping of Demeter’s daughter, Persephone causing the changes in seasons. The owner of the three-headed dog Cerberus, for 10 points, identify this Greek god of wealth, the dead and the underworld.


14. Late in this man's life he agreed to retire to his farm at Ennery, while the Constitution he published proclaimed Catholicism as the state religion. He opted out of participating in Vincent Oge's early rebellion, and as a result of his switching of sides in the struggle for his country's independence, he was granted the post of Lieutenant Governor by Etienne Laveaux. This man had a falling out with the more radical Leger-Felicite Sothonax, and Gabriel Hedouville attempted to get him to take on the mulatto leader Andre Riguad which eventually happened in the War of the Knives.For 10 points, identify this former slave who was responsible for liberating Haiti.

ANSWER: "Papa" François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture[or Toussaint Bréda or Toussaint-Louverture]

15. This man began working as a diplomat and painter for the Duke of Mantua in Italy in 1600, the beginning of a career in which he was knighted twice for his works for Charles I of England and Philip IV of Spain, though he also painted for the Medicis and Hapsburgs. He benefited from the Twelve Years and was able to set up a successful studio in Antwerp where he famously taught Anthony van Dyck. His altarpieces include The Raising of the Cross and, appropriately enough, The Descent from the Cross, and he painted the recently rediscovered Massacre of the Innocents.For 10 points, identify this painter of Assumption of the Virgin Mary also famous for his portrayals of voluptuous nude figures.

ANSWER: Peter Paul Rubens

16. This man was threatened with war by the Austrian ambassador Hulsemann, and sent a ship to Istanbul to help Hungarian refugees. Andrew Jackson Donelson, nephew of the former president, was this man’s running mate in one election and perhaps the greatest achievement during this man’s presidency was the Treaty of Kanagawa. Gaining only Maryland’s electoral vote in his first bid for election as president, this man’s term saw the Fugitive Slave Act passed as part of the Compromise of 1850. For 10 points, name this New York political figure, who succeeded to the presidency after the death of Zachary Taylor.

ANSWER: Millard Fillmore

17. Two of this man's most vocal opponents were Hieronymous Esmer and Thomas Murner. A summarization of this man’s ideas and beliefs are published in a work called Loci Communes by his good friend Philip Melanchthon. In this man’s youth, he called upon St. Anne to protect him from a violent thunderstorm in exchange that he would join a monastery. He was supported by Frederick of Saxony in 1521 when he was called to speak at the Diet of Wurms. An advocate of the doctrine of salvation through faith alone, for 10 points, identify this German who nailed the 95 Theses to a Wittenberg church, prompting the Reformation.

ANSWER: Martin Luther

18. Grover's Algorithm provides a mechanism for doing this operation in Big O of squareroot of n time on a quantum computer. One way to optimize this operation is with a genetic algorithm and a well built hash table can perform this operation in constant time. A binary type of this operation can produce an output in Big O of log n time on a sorted list by always picking the middle element of a sublist. In graph theory, this can be done in a breadth first or depth first fashion.For 10 points, identify this type of algorithm that, unsurprisingly, finds an element in a data structure.

ANSWER: Searching Algorithms (also accept things like Lookup Algorithms; prompt on "Query" since that's a related but different operation)

19. His "caustic tales about American life" including The Willow Walk are collected in the posthumous collection Go East, Young Man. After using the pseudonym Tom Graham and publishing Hike and the Aeroplane, this author wrote a man who needed the warm nod of a ticket taker at a Nickelodeon in Our Mr. Wrenn. A better known novel sees Fran caught up in a vastly different lifestyle than her husband Samuel Dodsworth and another tells of Carol Milford and the town of Gopher Prairie. One of his best known works is a 1922 novel set in Zenith which concerns a titular real estate agent.For 10 points, identify this American Nobel Laureate, author of Main Street and Babbit.
ANSWER: Sinclair Lewis

20. This belief system features both an “Upper” and “Ultra” class of deity, who are both members of a class known as the Three Pure Ones. Works venerated in this religion focus on “Great Peace” and “Response and Retribution,” while another key text is known as a “Treasury.” The Dream of the Butterfly was discussed by a key scholar of this religion, Zhuangzi, while its most famous text is often known as “The Book of the Way.” Wu Wei iss espoussed by, for 10 points, what mystical, ritualistic religion founded in China by Lao Tze?

ANSWER: Daoism[or Taoism]

TB. This molecule can be used to reduce LDL levels since it prevents fat breakdown in adipose tissue, while in large quantities it can cause a namesake thickening of the macula. Governed by G-protein HM74A, it forms when a carbonyl group attaches at the 3 position to pyridine, and along with its precursor and aspartic acid, it is used to synthesize NADH. The preparation of corn with alkali lime is used to prevent the horrible lesions and dementia associated with pellagra, resulting from a deficiency in this vitamin. Synthesized from tryptophan and first discovered in nicotine, FTP, identify this B vitamin, also called Niacin.

ANSWER: B3 (accept Nicotinic Acid before “nicotine” and “Niacin” before mentioned)

Minnesota Chitin Classic: Round 6

Packet by Maryland (Mike Bentley, Brittany Clark, Jeremy Eaton, Jonathan Magin, Charles Meigs, Chris Ray)


1. It organized the New Model Army after passing the Self-Denying Ordinance. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this legislative body convened in 1640 after England’s defeat in the Bishop’s Wars, named because the king was unable to dissolve it.

ANSWER: Long Parliament

[10] After all supporters of the king were removed from the Long Parliament by Pride’s Purge, the resulting Parliament was known by this derisive name.

ANSWER: Rump Parliament

[10] Both the Long Parliament and the Rump Parliament were convened under this second Stuart king of England, who was executed in 1649 after the English Civil War.

ANSWER: Charles I

2. Identify the following about an English composer and his works, for 10 points each.

[10] This suite of eight separate ‘mood pictures’ was finished in 1916 and includes parts subtitled “The Bringer of War”, “The Messenger”, and “The Bringer of Old Age”.

ANSWER: The Planets

[10] The Planets Suite was composed by this man who also composed the Brook Green Suite.

ANSWER: GustavHolst

[10] Another work by Holst is this four movement suite which includes a Jig, an Ostinato, a finale called the Dargason and is dedicated and named for the school for girls where he taught.

ANSWER: St. Paul’s Suite

3. Answer the following about an important breakthrough in organic chemistry, for 10 points each.

[10] Friedrich Wöhler is well-remembered for his accidental synthesis of this chemical compound now commonly used in fertilizer.


[10] The defining element of organic chemistry is the presence and manipulation of this building block of life.

ANSWER: Carbon

[10] Some cite Wöhler’s synthesis of this second-simplest carboxylic acid commonly found in vinegar four years before he synthesized urea as the beginning of modern organic chemistry.

ANSWER: Acetic acid

4. The life and times of a Catholic saint, for 10 points each.
[10] This early Doctor of the Church and Bishop of Hippo was a Manichean before he converted to Christianity and later formulated the doctrine of original sin.
ANSWER: SaintAugustine, Bishop of Hippo
[10] This thirteen part autobiography of Augustine relates the sins of his youth and his conversion to and contemplation of Christianity.
ANSWER: The Confessions
[10] Written after the sacking of Rome by the Visigoths, this book of his dealt with issues such as God, martyrdom and Jews, states that the titular locale would be victorious over the pagans.
ANSWER: The City of God (or De Civitate Dei contra Paganos)

6. For 10 points each, name these African American authors.

[10] This author of Uncle Tom's Children and Pagan Spain is best-known for his portrait of Bigger Thomas, Native Son.

ANSWER: RichardWright

[10] This early poet of“Liberty and Peace” and “An Address to an Atheist” is also notable for her collection Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. She was probably born in modern Senegal.