Ministry of the Word and Administration of the Local Church
PMN 6500.GCEN-SP2012
M, 8:00-11:00 Location: TBD
Tony Merida, Ph.D.Lead Pastor
Phone: 919.761.2136
Office: Jacumin-Simpson, 212 / Nathan Akin
Disciple-Making Pastor
/ Matt Sigmon
Administrative Pastor
Imago Dei Vision – We desire to see lives changed by the Gospel
Course Description: Equip our interns to preach and counsel by the Word and rightly order the church
Course Objectives
-To understand the importance of the Scriptures
-To value the importance of the Sufficiency and Authority of the Scriptures
-To apply the Word through counseling, small groups, and preaching
-To develop an approach to all facets of local church ministry that is driven by the Scriptures
-To understand different models of ordering the church
-To develop a biblical model for church administration and government
Required Texts
-Tripp, Paul. How People Change
-Tripp, Paul. Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands
-Quicke, Michael. Preaching as Worship
-Stott, John. Between Two Worlds
-Hammett, John.Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches
-Merkle, Benjamin.40 Questions about Elders and Deacons
-Poirer, Alfred.The Peacemaking Pastor
-Optional Book – Dever, Mark. A Display of God's Glory(if you have not read this, please do)
-John Piper “The Morning I heard the Voice of God”
-Bill Curtis’“The Danger of ‘God Told Me’ Theology”
-Robert Jones “What is Biblical Counseling: A Brief Overview” (Attached in Email)
-Ed Welch “What is Biblical Counseling, Anyways?” (Attached in Email)
-David Nelson “How to Undermine the Authority of Scripture”
-David PowlisonCounseling Through the Lens of Scripture
-Tim Lane and Mike EmletWhat are some Typical Misunderstanding in the Process of ‘How People Change?’
-Making Truth Come Alive in both Preaching and Counseling
-John PiperWhy Expositional Preaching is Particularly Glorifying to God
-Tim Keller Preaching to Believers and Unbelievers
-What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Biblical Counseling?
-What is Idolatry?
-Secret Church: The Body of Christ
Course Requirements
Interns are required to give five to seven hours per week during the semester. This time will include: Group Meetings/Mentor Meetings (see schedule below), Service at Imago Dei (preparing to teach, teaching, leading small groups, etc.), Reading, writing assignments, and ministry project.
- Reading – See schedule below for assigned reading, interns will be expected to have all reading done prior to group meetings
- Book Reviews – Each Intern will write four (2-3 page, single spaced) book reviews from the assigned reading. The reviews should give a succinct summary, an analysis, and an evaluation of how these books will help future ministry. Selected interns will give oral presentations of their reviews during groups sessions. Presentations should not exceed five minutes. The intern presenting is expected to ask at least one pertinent question about the book for the Elders to reflect on during group meetings. Interns not giving presentations will be expected to add constructive discussion of the book. (Note: Interns are expected to turn in their reviews early to their mentors for editing and checking before mailing their review to the entire group. Reviews should be emailed to the entire group on the Friday prior to the Monday Meeting. ALL interns are expected to have read the review before the next group meeting). Interns will be given the four books to review on the first day of class (all interns will review both Paul Tripp books).
- Audio – See schedule below for assigned audio, interns will be expected to have all audio listened to prior to group meetings. Interns will be expected to be able to discuss the audio.
- Scripture Memory – Interns will memorize 1 Timothy 3
- Writing – Each intern will write two (2-3 page, single spaced) papers. Paper one will cover the topic, “Should We Play U2 in Corporate Worship: Creating a Grid for How We Do Church.” The second paper will cover the topic of Church Polity. The students should determine what church government they believe is most biblical. Both papers will be the result of personal study of the Scripture and will represent the intern’s personal position. Interns will work closely with their mentors in formulating this paper. Also, interns will write a 5-7 pages (single spaced) semester review paper on how they have used the Word to minister at Imago Dei that semester through their ministry project.
- Participation – Interns are expected to contribute during discussion times of the class. This means the intern needs to be fully prepared for class by having reading and prep done. Interns will meet periodically with an Elder/Mentor as well as attend some of the Imago Dei Elder meetings. These meetings will involve prayer, scripture memory, accountability, and the fostering of genuine biblical fellowship through biblical community.
- Project – Each intern will work on a ministry project for Imago Dei (i.e. lead a small group, serve as a ministry team leader, etc). The project will be related to an area of service the intern is involved in for the church.
Conduct, Grading, and Attendance
- A Personal Word on Conduct: Interns are expected to exercise the highest level of ethics and integrity in keeping with the character of Christ when completing all assignments and in class discussion. In addition, interns are expected to show the highest level of respect and honor to the Elders and fellow interns during class lectures and group discussions.
- The grading scale and attendance requirements will be according to those outlined in the current Graduate Catalog.
- The grading value of assignments each term will be as follows:
- Attendance, participation and discussion = 50%
- Reading and written assignments = 50%
- Grading for the Ministry of the Word class will be Pass/Fail
Semester Schedule
Week One: January 22 (Sunday Night)
Scripture Study:Titus 1:1-4
-Hughes’ Titus portion
-John Piper “The Morning I heard the Voice of God”
-Bill Curtis’“The Danger of ‘God Told Me’ Theology”
-Robert Jones “What is Biblical Counseling: A Brief Overview” (Attached in Email)
-Ed Welch “What is Biblical Counseling, Anyways?” (Attached in Email)
-David Nelson “How to Undermine the Authority of Scripture”
-David PowlisonCounseling Through the Lens of Scripture
-What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Biblical Counseling?
Topic:Sufficiency and Authorityof the Scriptures
Week Two: January 30
Scripture Study:Titus 1:5-9
-Hughes’ Titus Portion
-Tripp How People Change
Audio:Tim Lane and Mike EmletWhat are some Typical Misunderstanding in the Process of ‘How People Change?’
Video: What is Idolatry?
Topic:Biblical Counseling in the local church (Preaching, Counseling, Small Groups, and Discipleship)
(Book Review Due – Paul Tripp, How People Change)
Week Three: February 6
Scripture Study:Titus 1:10-16
-Hughes Titus Portion
-Tripp Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands
Audio: Making Truth Come Alive in both Preaching and Counseling
Topic:Biblical Counseling in the local church
Check out further Biblical Counseling Resources
Week Four: February 13
Scripture Study:Titus 2:1-10
-Hughes Titus Portion
-Quicke, Michae. Preaching as Worship
Audio:John PiperWhy Expositional Preaching is Particularly Glorifying to God
Topic: Preaching as Worship
(Book Review Due – Paul Tripp, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands)
Week Five: February 20
Scripture Study:Titus 2:11-15
-Hughes Titus Portion
-Stott Between Two Worlds
Audio:Tim Keller Preaching to Believers and Unbelievers
Topics: Characteristics of Expository Preaching, A History and Theology of Preaching, and Current Issues in Preaching
(Position Paper Due – "Should we play U2 in Corporate Worship: A Grid for Organizing How We “Do” Church")
(Check out Further Resources from Keller and a preaching resource from Russell Moore Speaking Past Demons: Preaching as Expository Exorcism)
Week Six: February 26 (Sunday Night)
First Position Paper Discussion (wives invited)
Week Seven: March 12
Scripture Study: Titus 3:1-7
-Hughes Titus Portion
-Hammett, John.Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches(Part 1 & 2)
Audio/Video:Secret Church: The Body of Christ
Topic:A Look at the Local Church: Definitions and Meaningful Membership
Week Eight: March 18 (Sunday Night)
Scripture Study: Titus 3:8-11
-Hughes Titus Portion
-Hammett, John.Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches(Part 3-5)
Topics: Church Government and the Ordinances
Week Nine: March 26
Scripture Study: Titus 3:12-15
-Hughes Titus Portion
-Merkle40 Questions on Elders and Deacons
Topic: Biblical Offices – Elders and Deacons
Week Ten: April 9
Reading:PoirerThe Peacemaking Pastor
Topic: Developing a ministry of church discipline/restoration in the local church
(Assignment Due: Position Paper on Church Government)
Week Eleven: April 15 (Sunday Night)
Discuss Position Papers on Church Government
End of Semester Paper Due April 23rd