Beautiful ThingsPage 1 of 5
Beautiful Thingsreleased:
/ July1, 2013CHOREO:
/ Richard E. Lamberty / Updated July 8, 2013address:
/ 4702 Fairview Avenue Orlando, FL32804phone:
/ 407 - 849 - 0669 /fax:
/ Beautiful Things (Ballroom Mix 6 (Disk 2))RHYTHM:
/ FoxtrotPHASE (+):
/ VIfootwork:
/ Opposite unless indicated [W's footwork in square brackets]SEQUENCE:
/Introduction A B C B C (Mod) Ending
1 – 4 / Wait; ; Side Touch Left and Right; Side, Touch, Chasse (W: Roll RF) to CP \ DLW;1 - 2 / WAIT in Escort Position facing DLW both with LEFT foot free; ;
3 / [Side Touch Left and Right (QQQQ)] Side L, touch R, side R, touch L;
4 / [Side, Touch Chasse (QQQQ)] Side L, touch R, side R releasing hold / close L, side R turning RF to face DLW preparing to blend to Butterfly;
[W: (QQQQ) Side L, touch R, roll RF 5/8 stepping R, L to end backing DLW;]
Part A
1 - 8 / Hover Telemark in Butterfly; Thru, -, Side, Behind; Solo Roll Three; Feather (DLW); Three Step; Natural Weave; ; Change of Direction;
1 / [Hover Telemark (SQQ)] Blending to Butterfly forward L rising, -, side and forward R, turning to SCP facing DLW side and forward L;
[W: Blending to CP back R, -, side and back L then brush R to L,turning to SCP side and forward R;]
2 / [Thru, -, Side, Behind (SQQ)]Thru R dropping lead hands and sweeping trail hands over and thru, -, side L dropping trail hands (now no hands joined), XRib and lead arm bent at elbow with lead hand about waist height in front of body with palm facing body and trail arm bent with trail hand about near but not touching the small of the back with palm facing out;
3 / [Solo Roll Three (SQQ)]Roll LF L, -, R, L opening arms at end of rolling action preparing to blend to CP;
[W: Roll RF R, -, L, R opening arms at end of rolling action preparing to blend to CP;]
4 / [Feather (DLW) (SQQ)]Thru R blending to CP, -, side and forward L with left side leading, forward R in Banjo facing DLW;
5 / [Three Step (SQQ)]Forward L towards DLW, -, forward R between partner’s feet with slight right side leading heel lead and then rising to toe, forward L;
6 -7 / [Natural Weave (SQQ; QQQQ)]Forward R rising commence RF turn, -, side and around partner L[W: heel turn], back R with right side leading toward DLC preparing for Banjo; Back L in Banjo, starting LF turn back R and blending to CP, continue LF turn side and forward L pointing DLW body turns less, forward R left side leading in Banjo facing DLW;
8 / [Change Of Direction (SS)] Forward L no rise commence LF turn, -, side R turning LF to face DLC in CP with slight body sway to L, -;
9 - 16 / Open Telemark; Open Natural; Outside Swivel, Quick Whiplash; Quick Heel Pull Curved Feather; Open Impetus; Promenade Weave; ; Double Reverse Wing;
9 / [Open Telemark (SQQ)]Forward L rising commence LF turn, -, side and around partner R [W: heel turn] now backing LOD, continue LF turn side and forward L toward DLW left side leading turning to SCP;
[W: Back R toe to heel and nearly straighten legs leaving feet flat, -, close L without weightthen turn on heel of R to face DLW then transfer weight to the flat of the L foot, continue LF turn step side and forward R towards DLW right side leading in SCP;]
10 / [Open Natural (SQQ)] Thru R commence RF turn, -, side L across LOD and blending to CP, side and back R with right side leading preparing for Banjo;
[W: Thru L, -, allowing Man to cross in front of you forward R between Man’s feet, side and forward L with left side leading;]
11 / [Outside Swivel and Quick Whiplash (SQQ)] Back L wide step and allow Woman to swivel RF to SCP facing DRC, -, thru R, point L toward DRC then allow Woman to swivel LF to Banjo backing DLW;
[W: Forward R in Banjo then swivel sharply RF to SCP facing DRC, -, thru L then point R toward DRC, swivel sharply LF to Banjo;]
12 / [Quick Heel Pull & Curved Feather (QQQQ)] Back L commence RF turn, side R small step and sway to left, turn body RF then step side L down LOD and change sway to right, continue RF turn forward R in Banjo facing DRW;
[W: Forward R between Man’s feet commence RF turn, side and around Man L and sway to right, side R pointing DLC and change sway to left, continue RF turn back L in Banjo;]
13 / [Open Impetus (SQQ)] Back L in Banjo commence RF turn, -, close R turning RF on L heel and blending to CP then transfer weight to flat of R foot then rise, continue RF body turn step side and forward L toward DLC in SCP;
[W: Forward R in Banjo commence RF turn, -, side L across LOD blending to CP, brush R to L continuing RF turn side and forward R in SCP toward DLC;]
14 - 15 / [Promenade Weave (SQQ; QQQQ)] Thru R commence LF turn, -, forward L turning to CP facing DLC, side and back R in Banjo backing LOD; Back L in Banjo, blending to CP continue LF turn back R down LOD, continue LF turn side and forward L pointing DLW body turns less, forward R left side leading in Banjo facing DLW;
[W: Thru L commence LF turn, -, side and back R turning to CP, side and forward L continue LF turn to Banjo; Forward R in Banjo with head to R and well into Man’s R arm, turning head to L and blending to CP continue LF turn forward L down LOD, continue LF turn side and back R, back L in Banjo;]
16 / [Double Reverse Wing (SQ&Q)]Forward L towards DLC rising commence LF turn, -, side and around partner R [W: heel turn] now backing LOD / spin LF on ball of R, continue LF body turn to end in Sidecar \ DLW;
[W: Back R toe to heel and nearly straighten legs leaving feet flat,-, close L and turn on heel of R to face LOD then transfer weight to the flat of the L foot / continue LF turn side R toe pointing COH body tracking Man’s turn, continue LF turn forward L small step in Sidecar;]
Part B
1 – 8 / Rock to Continuous Hover Cross Ending; ; Fallaway Lilt to Banjo; Weave Ending; Traveling Contra Check; Double Natural Telemark Preparation; ; Samefoot Lunge;
1 - 2 / [Rock to Continuous Hover Cross Ending (QQQQ; QQQQ)]Forward L in Sidecar small step high on toes but with soft knees checking, recover back R, forward L in Sidecar small step rising and turning body to face DLW, close R continue RF body turn to Banjo and softening knee still high on toes; Back L in Banjo, turning LF back R toward RLOD and blending to CP,continue LF turn and cushioning in R knee on toes side and forward L with left side leading toward DLC, forward R in Banjo;
[W: Back R in Sidecar small step high on toes but with soft knees checking, recover forward L, back R brush L near R blending briefly to CP, side L with left side leading blending to Banjo; Forward R in Banjo, turning LF forward L blending to CP, continue LF turn and cushioning in L knee side and back R with right side leading, back L in Banjo;]
3 / [Fallaway Lilt to Banjo (QQQQ)] Forward L toward DLC rising over L foot and commence LF turn, side and back R on toes with sway level then lowering to flat of R foot now in Fallaway Position with foot backing LOD and body facing DRC, back L in Fallaway Position still low then rising over L foot and drawing R foot under body with moderate sway to left and allowing Woman to turn her head to the right, back R in Banjo backing LOD;
[W: Back R on toes rising over R foot allowing L foot to draw under the body, side and back L in Fallaway Position head to left and well into Man’s R arm toes then lower to flat, back R in Fallaway low but stepping on toes then rise over R drawing L to R matching Man by swaying to right but staying well into Man’s R arm as you turn head to R, forward L in Banjo with head to R;
4 / [Weave Ending (QQQQ)] Back L in Banjo, correcting sway and blending to CP and turning LF back R down LOD, continue LF turn side and forward L pointing DLW body turns less, forward R left side leading in Banjo facing DLW;
[W: Forward R in Banjo with head to R and well into Man’s R arm, correcting sway and turning head to L and blending to CP and turning LF forward L down LOD, continue LF turn side and back R, back L in Banjo;]
5 / [Traveling Contra Check (SQQ)]Forward L with left side leading soft in knees then change sway to right leaving R leg extended toward RLOD similar to an oversway line, -, close R then rise, turning to SCP side and forward L toward DLW;
[W: Back R wide step then change sway to left leaving L leg extended similar to an oversway line, -, close L then rise,turning to SCP side and forward R;]
6 - 7 / [Double Natural Telemark Preparation (SQQ; QQS)] Thru R commence RF turn, -, side & around L turning RF and to CP in front of the Woman, continue RF turn side and forward R foot pointing DW and body facing LOD;Forward L small step outside partner in SCAR lowering, blending to CP \ DLW forward R between partner’s feet commence RF turn rising strongly, side and around L continue RF turn to face COH [W: heel turn], touch R near L;
[W: (SQQ; QQQQ) Thru L commence RF turn, -, allowing M to turn to CP forward R between partner’s feet continue RF turn, side & back L toward DLW; Back R small step in Sidecar, blending to CP back L rising, close R to L heel turn, continue RF small step back L toward LOD;]
8 / [Samefoot Lunge (SQQ)] Having lowered quickly lunge side & slightly forward R toward partner leaving L extended side and change sway to right, -, -, -;
[W: (S-) Having lowered quickly lunge back R stepping wide of R hip and leaving L extended forward and change sway to left, -, -, -;]
Part C
1 - 12 / Closed Telemark; Pendulum Crosses; Link to SCP (DLC); Feather; Reverse Fallaway Slip Pivot; Telespin; ; Throwaway Oversway; Spot Pivot 4 to SCP \ LOD; High Line, -, Drop Oversway, -; Draw, -, Link to SCP; Run to Progressive Wing;
1 / [Closed Telemark ((&)SQQ)]Rotate LF allowing the Woman to recover and commence to pickup / forward L toward RLOD rising commence LF turn, -, side and around partner R [W: heel turn] turning LF to face LOD, side and forward L toward DLW left side leading turning to Banjo;
[W: (&SQQ) Recover L turning LF and commence to pickup / continue to turn to CP and step back R toe to heel and nearly straighten legs leaving feet flat, -, close L without weightthen turn on heel of R to face DLW then transfer weight to the flat of the L foot, continue LF turn step side and back R towards LOD / Banjo;]
2 / [Pendulum Crosses (SS)]Forward R in Banjo, flare L CW, LXif, flare R CCW;
[W: Back L in Banjo, flare R CW, RXib, flare L CCW;]
3 / [Link to SCP (DLC) (ShQ)] Lower then step forward R in Banjo, -, rise over R allowing Woman to turn to SCP, forward L in SCP facing DLC;
[W: Lower on R bringing L to floor then step back L in Banjo, -, rise over L turning RF to SCP, forward R in SCP;]
4 / [Feather(SQQ)]Thru R, -, forward L with left side leading, forward R in Banjo \ DLC;
5 / [Reverse Fallaway Slip (QQQQ)] Forward L commence LF turn, side and back R toward DLC preparing for Fallaway Position, back L in Fallaway, back R then slip pivot LF to end in CP facing DLC;
[W: Back R, back L preparing for Fallaway Position, back R in Fallaway, side and forward L then pivot LF on ball of L to end backing DLC in CP lowering to heel at end of rotation;]
6 - 7 / [Telespin (SQQ; hQS)] Forward L rising commence LF turn, -, forward and around partner R [W: heel turn] continue LF turn, side and back L towards LOD left side leading; Spin LF on L and turning to CP, forward and around R continue LF turn [W: toe spin] then lower to flat of foot, side and back L toward LOD toes pointed toward DLW left side leading preparing for a Throwaway Oversway, -;
Timing Notes: The spin and preparation for the Throwaway happens on “Beautiful People”.
The body rotation for the Throwaway Oversway happens on “Too”.
[W: (SQQ&; QQS) Back R, -, close L to R (heel turn), forward R down LOD right side leading / forward L small step past M in SCAR; Around partner R turning LF and to CP, close L to R (toe spin) lowering to flat of feet at end of toe spin, forward R down LOD right side leading, -;]
8 / [Throwaway Oversway (SS)] Turning body LF soften L knee, leaving the R leg extended continue the body rotation to face DLW and sway to R, -, -;
[W: Turning LF allowing L leg to brush past R and extend back and slightly side with body in CP and swaying to L, -, -, -;]
9 / [Spot Pivot 4 to SCP \ LOD (QQQQ)] Turning body RF and allowing Woman to blend to CP pivot forward R, back L, forward R rising, side and forward L turning to SCP facing LOD;
Note: Make one full turn over the three steps of pivot. The movement may progress slightly toward RLOD.
Timing Notes: Step on “1: Beauti 2: Ful 3: Peo 4:Pul”
10 / [High Line, Drop Oversway (SS)] Stand tall over left leg and right leg extended toward RLOD with sway toward LOD and looking toward LOD, -, cushion into L knee and lower right hip changing sway to an Oversway line, -;
Timing Notes: Hold the High Line and change sway on “Like”. This is a soft sway change.
11 / [Draw, -, Link to SCP (SQQ)] Draw R near L, -, close R then rise over R correcting sway, side and forward L in SCP \ LOD;
Timing Notes: Close on “You”
12 / [Run to Progressive Wing (QQ {QQQ})] Thru R, forward L, thru R, forward L small step turning body LF, place R slightly back of L ending in Sidecar \ LOD;
[W: Thru L, forward R, thru L commence LF turn across in front of Man, forward R, forward L in Sidecar;]
Timing Notes: There are five distinct beats in the music which are probably two quarter notes and a quarter note triplet. Just kind of … step it out in time to the music and end in Sidecar.
Part C (Modified)
1 - 13 / Closed Telemark; Pendulum Crosses; Link to SCP (DLC); Feather Ending; Reverse Fallaway Slip Pivot; Double Telespin; ; ; Throwaway Oversway; Spot Pivot 4 to SCP \ LOD; High Line, -, Drop Oversway, -; Draw, -, Link to SCP; Thru, -, Side, Close (W: Thru, -, Side, Spiral) To Escort;
1 – 5 / Repeat Measures 1 – 5 of Part C as danced the first time.
6 – 8 / [Double Telespin (SQQ; hQS; hQS)] Forward L rising commence LF turn, -, forward and around partner R [W: heel turn] continue LF turn, side and back L towards LOD left side leading toes pointing toward RLOD; Spin LF on L and turning to CP, forward and around R continue LF turn [W: toe spin] then lower to flat of foot, side and back L toward LOD left side leading toes pointing toward RLOD, -; Spin LF on L and turning to CP, forward and around R continue LF turn [W: toe spin] then lower to flat of foot, side and back L toward LOD toes pointed toward DLW left side leading preparing for a Throwaway Oversway, -;
Timing Notes: The final spin and preparation for the Throwaway happens on “Beautiful People”.
The body rotation for the Throwaway Oversway happens on “Too”.
[W: (SQQ&; &QQS; QQS) Back R, -, close L to R (heel turn), forward R down LOD right side leading / forward L small step past M in SCAR; Around partner R turning LF and to CP, close L to R (toe spin) lowering to flat of feet at end of toe spin, forward R down LOD right side leading, - / forward L small step past M in SCAR; Around partner R turning LF and to CP, close L to R (toe spin) lowering to flat of feet at end of toe spin, forward R down LOD right side leading, -;]
9 / [Throwaway (SS)] as before
10 / [Spot Pivot (QQQQ)] Dance as four even quicks to the High Line with an accent on “PEO” of people.
11 / [Change Sway (&HH)] This is sharp and happens on “PLE” of people. Hold on “Like”.
12 / [Draw, -, Link to SCP (SQQ)] Draw on “You”, then close and turn to SCP on the QQ after.
13 / [Thru, -, Side, Close to Escort (SQQ)] Thru R releasing trail hand from Woman’s back, -, side L turning to facing DLW releasing lead hands, close R to end in Escort;
[W: Thru L, -, side R turning LF to face COH, spiral LF on ball of R to end facing DLW and extending L elbow for Man to take in Escort Position;]
1- 10 / Monkey WalksLeft and Right; Side, Touch, Side, Close; Monkey Walks Right and Left; Side, Touch, Side, Close; Monkey Walk Left and Right; Quick Chasse Left and Right; Monkey Walks Left and Right; Quick Chasse Left and Right; Side Close Twice; Side, Close, Shadow Corte, -.
1 - 2 / [Monkey Walks Left and Right; Side, Touch, Side, Close (QQQQ; QQQQ)] In Escort with left foot free for both and facing DLW side L, touch R, side R, touch L; Side L, touch R, side R, close L;
Note – Monkey Walks: When stepping to the L, Woman steps across and in front of the Man. When stepping to the R, the Man steps across and in front of the Woman. The movement is an exaggerated lift of the free hip and knee then extend the free foot and leg to the side (potentially across and in front of the other person) before transferring weight.
3 - 4 / [Monkey Walks Right and Left; Side, Touch, Side, Close (QQQQ; QQQQ)]In Escort with the right foot free for both and facing DLW side R, touch L, side L, touch R; Side R, touch L, side L, close R;
5 / [Monkey Walk Left and Right (QQQQ)] Side L, touch R, side R, touch L;
6 / [Quick Chasse Left and Right (Q&Q Q&Q)] Side L / close R, side L, side R / close L, side R;
Styling Notes: Releasing hold and each raising both hands elbows down palms forward about chest heightswaying hands slightly on the side, touch and pushing slightly forward at an angle on the chasse actions.