Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the CzechRepublic

Diplomatic Protocol

September 2015

Overflight and landing of foreign state aircraft in the territory of the Czech Republic______

State aircraft - definition

State aircraftin terms of Article 3 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) means aircraft used in military, police and customs services. No state aircraft canfly over or land in the territory of another State without special authorization.

I.Overflight and landing of flights byforeign STATE aircraft carrying VIP passengers,flights for police, customs, humanitarian and air ambulancepurposes, and flights carrying diplomatic mail

1.1.Overflightsand landingsby foreign STATE aircraft in the territory of the CzechRepublicare subject to prior clearance from Czech authorities, unless provided otherwise by a bilateral agreement between the Czech Republic and the country concerned. Clearances can beissued on a single-flight or annual basis.

1.2.Diplomatic missions and ministries of foreign affairs submit individual clearance requests in a verbal note addressed tothe Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republictogether with a completed “Diplomatic Clearance Request (DCR)/Information about Flight” form (see attachment). The note must be sent to the following address:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the CzechRepublic

Diplomatic Protocol

Loretánské náměstí 5

118 00 Prague 1

Tel.: +420 22418 2228

Fax: +420 22418 2073/22418 2034


Requests for a single flight clearance must reach the Diplomatic Protocol within the prescribed deadline of five (5) working days before the planned flight. To speed up the process, it is recommended to first send the verbal note by fax to +420 22418 2073, or by e-mail.

1.3.Urgent requests outside working hours or during weekends and public holidays are processed by theOperations and Information Centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – tel. +420 22418 2425, fax +420 22418 2047, open 24hrs a day.

1.4.The approvedrequest form with a clearance number is sent back to the diplomatic mission.

1.5.Notifications of individual flights covered by the annualclearance must respect the terms and conditions of the clearance and must be sent directly to the National Movement Coordination Centre of Armed Forces (NMCC):

National Movement Coordination Centre of Armed Forces, CzechRepublic

Tel. +420 973 230760

Fax: +420 973 230 730


  1. Overflight and landing of flights by CIVIL aircraftcarrying VIP passengers
  2. Overflightsand landings in the territory of the Czech Republicby CIVIL aircraft registered in an ICAO Contracting State with VIP passengers on boardare not subject to prior clearance,as foreseen in Article 5 of Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), provided that they comply with ICAO rules, EU regulations and Czech Republic’s regulations, and that the flight route is in accordance with the RAD (Route Availability Document). The flight operator must only notify Czech air traffic control authorities, in compliance with international air traffic regulations, by sending in the ICAO flight plan form and indicating the type of flight in box 18 of the form.
  3. Diplomatic missions must notify a flight by CIVIL aircraft carrying a VIP passenger/s to the Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic by sending the “Diplomatic Clearance Request (DCR)”form and usingthe “Information about Flight”box. The Diplomatic Protocol confirmsa flight notification by stamping the form as “Acknowledged”.

III.Air transport of foreign armed forcesand military material over/in the territory of the Czech Republic

3.1.Flights carrying armed forces and military material are subject to clearance from Czech authorities. Clearance can beissued on a single-flight or annual basis.

3.2.Single flight clearances for military flights, whether by state aircraft or civil aircraft contracted for that purpose, are granted by the National Movement Coordination Centre of Armed Forces in Stará Boleslav NMCC. Clearance requests must be sent directly to the (NMCC)at least ten (10) days before the planned flight and must include the completed “Diplomatic Clearance Request(DCR)” form (see attachment):

National Movement Coordination Centre of Armed Forces, CzechRepublic

Tel.:+420 973 230760

Fax: +420 973 230 730


3.3.Annual clearance requests are submitted though diplomatic channels. Flights covered by annual clearance must respect the terms and conditions of the clearance and must be notified to the NMCC by sending a completed “Diplomatic Clearance Request (DCR)”form and fillingthe “Information about Flight”box.

IV.Other types of flights

4.1.Commercial flights by foreign civilaircraft subject toclearanceare authorized by the Ministry of Transport of the CzechRepublic. Clearance requests are not submitted through diplomatic channels. The flight operator submits the request directly to the Civil Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport of the CzechRepublic:

Ministry of Transport of the CzechRepublic

Civil Aviation Department

Nábřeží L. Svobody 12

110 15 Prague 1

Tel.: +420 225 131329/225 131 390

Fax: +420 225 131323
