1. General provisions of the festival
1.1.XIV Moscow international festival of Slavic music (more
MFSM) is a major cultural and educational project promoting
preserving traditions and spreading the creative heritage of outstanding
artists of Slavic countries. The festival promotes various
the arts of the Slavic peoples young performers. Project
it is aimed at the exchange of creative experience, the development of intercultural
communications between the Slavic countries and creative dialogue of representatives
different school.
1.2.MFSM is held in the framework of the state program of the celebration
"Days of Slavic writing and culture".
1.3.XIV Moscow international festival of Slavic music 2017-2018
years devoted to the culture and art of Slavic countries: Ukraine, Belarus,
The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia,
Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia.
1.4.XIV MFSM organize and conduct the State budget
institution of additional education of the city of Moscow "Children's school
of arts named after M. A. Balakirev", Federal state budget
educational institution international children's center "Artek".
1.5. The festival is supported by:
Փ embassies of Slavic countries in the Russian Federation;
⎯ Municipality of intracity municipality
Vykhino - Zhulebino in city Moscow;
⎯ The Moscow Peace Fund;
⎯ The international Association for the promotion of culture;
⎯ Of the Trustees of the Children's art School №9 named after M. A.
1.6.Competitive auditions of participants are held in absentia
(remote) form, by video, made public and
2. The purpose of the festival.
The purpose of the festival is to introduce the General public to the rich heritage in the region
the arts of Slavic countries and the development of interregional and international
cooperation aimed at promoting the cultural values of the Slavic
3. Tasks of the festival.
3.1.The objectives of the festival are:
- Promotion of the national heritage of Slavic countries;
- Identify and support talented young performers in a variety of
field of art;
- Creation of strong contacts between creative schools of Slavic countries;
- Promoting the dissemination of creative heritage and the preservation of cultural heritage
traditions of the Slavic countries;
- Generalization of the experience of teachers and managers of creative teams
study of different kinds of arts of Slavic peoples;
- Presentation of new effective directions and approaches, methods and
technologies of work with gifted children.
4. Festival participant
Participants of the Festival can be pupils of children's schools of arts and children's
music schools, palaces and houses of youth creativity, creative studios,
associations of cultural institutions, College students, University students, young
performers of Russia and foreign countries.
5. Age of participants
5.1.Competitions of young musicians-performers and composers.
- Age of participants from 7 to 25 years.
5.2.Competition of young performers in the field of choreography.
- Age of participants from 7 to 25 years.
5.3.Competition of folklore ensembles and soloists "Balakir" is held without
age restrictions.
6. Festival program.
6.1.The program consists of three MFSM XIV the correspondence of the competition ("Autumn»,
"Winter", "Spring") and Creative change In the international children's
center "Artek".
6.2.Each of the competitions is held on all listed below
directions: competition, piano, wind and percussion competition
instruments, stringed orchestral instruments, folk instruments
instruments, instrumental ensembles and orchestral ensembles
performing arts, composers, academic singing and pop singing
(solo and vocal ensemble), folklore ensembles and soloists, competition
performers in the field of electronic music
instruments, competition of young performers in the field of choreography
arts, concertmaster art competition.
6.3.Listening and watching all the contestants are members of the
Russian and international jury remotely, video recordings.
6.4.Schedule of the competitions:
The Competition Is "Autumn". 1 - November 30, 2017 – accepting applications, December 5-10, 2017 –
auditions in all categories, from 11 to 15 December 2017 – announcement
result of competition.
The Contest "Winter". 10 - 31 January 2018 – accepting applications; 5-10 February 2018 –
auditions in all categories, from 11 to 15 February 2018 – announcement
result of competition.
The Contest "Spring". 1 - 28 February 2018 – accepting applications; 5-10 March 2018. -
auditions in all categories, 11-15 March 2018 – announcement
result of competition.
6.5.Participants choose any of the listed contests and submit
applications according to the specified period of time of submission of applications for
this competition.
6.6.Creative change "international festival of Slavic music»
is 2 - may 20, 2018 (the terms can be changed)
International children's center "Artek". In the program: concert cycle-
events, tours, childrens conferences, creative
meetings, master classes of outstanding artists and honored guests
Festival, Gala-concert and much more.
6.7.The participants of the session will be selected from among the contestants (aged
10 to 17 years) of all three competitions by a special jury according to
The regulation on the selection (see Appendix 14).
6.8. All information about the competition (including the Festival program, the list
participants and the results of the competition) is posted on the website
DSHI imeni M. A. Balakireva: http://balakirev.arts.mos.ru
7. Festival conditions.
7.1.Requirements for the program and registration documents
the contestant is published in the Regulations on the contests of the festival on the website
DSHI imeni M. A. Balakireva: http://balakirev.arts.mos.ru
8. Competitions of young performers in the field of culture and art
8.1.Choir competition (the competition was announced for professional
performers, and for fans). Appendix No. 1.
8.2.Piano competition. Appendix No. 2.
8.3.Competition of string orchestra instruments. Appendix No. 3.
8.4.Competition of instrumental ensembles and orchestral performance
(the competition is announced for both professional performers and
lovers'.) Appendix No. 4.
8.5.Competition of wind and percussion instruments. Appendix No. 5.
8.6.The competition of the academic solo singing, vocal ensemble (competition
announced for both professional artists and Amateurs).
Appendix No. 6.
8.7.Competition of folklore ensembles and soloists "Balakir" (competition
announced for both professional artists and Amateurs).
Appendix No. 7.
8.8.Competition of folk instruments. Appendix No. 8.
8.9.Competition in the field of choreographic art (in the nomination
"collectives of educational institutions, professional collectives»,
«Amateur collective.)» Annex 9.
8.10. A pop song competition (solo, ensembles) (competition announced for both
professional performers and Amateurs). Annex 10.
8.11. Competition in the field of electronic music
instruments "art-synthesis" -2018. Appendix No. 11.
8.12. Composers competition. Appendix No. 12.
8.13. Concertmaster art competition. Appendix No. 13.
9. Requirements for applying for participation
To participate in the festival must be submitted to the organizing Committee:
- application on the approved form (filled in on the website in electronic form)
- attach a copy of the birth certificate or passport to the application
- receipt with payment of registration fee;
- photo format JPEG (high resolution)
- links to video recordings of the competition program
- consent to the processing of personal data;
Registration is subject to availability of the full package
documents (including payment of registration fee).
10.Requirements for video recordings
10.1. Each work (number) of the competition program is recorded
single file, single camera, non-stop, audio and video editing
recording is not allowed.
10.2. Files with video recording of the competition program participants need
host on youtube server or in one of the cloud storage
(mail, yandex, google), the link to the video file should be active until June
10.3. Video resolution should be at least 640x480.
10.4. Not allowed additional processing of the audio and video tracks.
10.5. In the frame continuously should be seen by a hand tool (s) person(-a)
participant (s).
10.6. Links to video recordings of the competition program should be attached to
application form on the website.
10.7. The participant is responsible for the information provided,
sent to the Organizing Committee.
10.8. On the recommendation of the jury organizing Committee reserves the right
placement of the best videos of contestants on the festival website.
11.The procedure for making a registration fee.
11.1. Payment of the registration fee by the participants of the festival is made
To the Fund of Trustees Of children's art school № 9 named after M. A. Balakirev
by means of non-cash payment (receipt form with details
placed in the Annex to the selected competition).
11.2. Receipt form for participants from near and far abroad
it is placed in the Appendix to the chosen competition.
11.3. The registration fee is not refundable.
12.The procedure of holding of competitions for young performers.
12.1. Competitive auditions and views are held in one round.
12.2. The jury is approved by the organizing Committee of the Festival.
12.3. The decision of the jury determines the number of places of winners, diplomats
competitions; places may not be awarded and shared between participants.
12.4. The jury's decisions are final and are not subject to revision.
12.5. The minutes of the jury members are kept for three months after
the end of the festival.
13.Summing up the results of competitions, awarding the winners.
13.1. By the decision of the Jury the winners of the competitions can be awarded " Grand Prix-
Under " in each nomination.
13.2. Participants who took I, II, III places are awarded the title of "laureate" I,
II, III degrees; to the contestants who took IV, V places-the rank of "diploma holder".
13.3. Members of the jury shall be approved by special prizes "Best performance
the work of the Slavic composer."
13.4. Winners of competitions are awarded with diplomas.
13.5. All participants of the festival receive diplomas for participation in the festival.