Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration
/Ontario Women’s Directorate
Employment Training Pilot Projects
Terms of Reference
Call for Proposals
Employment Training Pilot Projects
Issued: January 9, 2006
Response Deadline: 5 p.m. March 17, 2006
- Background and Call for Proposals
The Ontario Women’s Directorate, as part of the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, supports the advancement of women’s equality. In partnership with other ministries, governments and community partners, the Ontario Women’s Directorate works to prevent violence against women and to promote women’s economic independence.
In December 2004, the Ontario government announced its multi-year Domestic Violence Action Plan. A key issue identified in the Plan is the need for women who have experienced or are at-risk for domestic violence to have access to employment training and supports to increase their potential to gain economic independence.
As part of the response to this issue, the Ontario Women’s Directorate is seeking proposals for pilot projects that provide employment training and supports for women who have experienced abuse or are at-risk of abuse and lead to sustainable employment. These pilots must demonstrate collaboration between violence against women organizations, educational/training organizations and employers.
The pilot projects will assist the Ontario Women’s Directorate in identifying and developing best practices for supporting abused/at-risk women to achieve economic independence. To this end, each of the projects will be expected to develop and implement an evaluation of the results of their initiative and the factors influencing those results.
Funding will be allocated from the Ontario Women’s Directorate fortwo years through to March 31, 2008. Proposals will only be considered for pilot initiatives that are up totwo years in duration.
The total available grants funding for this initiative is up to $4 million over the two years, ending March 31, 2008. The number of grants allocated will be dependent on the suitability of applications received, and effectiveness in addressing Ontario’s geographic and diverse population. Applicants will be informed of selection results once funding decisions are made in Spring2006.
Organizations must apply in partnership with other organizations and demonstrate their capacity to deliver programs and services to meet the desired outcomes. Each proposal will require a minimum of three partner organizations: a violence against women’s organization, an education/trainingorganization, anda minimum of one employer.
- Priorities
Proposed initiatives must support women who have been abused or are at-risk for abuse, and provide training or education that increases their potential for employment and greater economic security.These initiatives will assist women to:
- develop knowledge, skills and abilities to increase their employment
and income-earning potential;
- find and/or maintain employment; and
- increase their assets and resources to reduce their vulnerability to
poverty and abuse.
Type (s) of activities eligible for funding:
- employment training and supports (e.g. occupational skills development training, work placements, apprenticeships, job shadowing and mentoring programs, employment counselling, job search assistance)
- support services to address the needs of abused/at-risk women (e.g. counselling, safety planning, workplace safety planning)
- initiatives to increase the accessibility of the employment training program and/or related services for a diversity of women, including Aboriginal, immigrant, ethno-culturally diverse, francophone, and elderly women, women with disabilities, and/or women living in remote, rural, farm and northern communities.
In the proposal, the applicant organization must demonstrate or partner with organizations that have:
- the capacity to deliver effective employment training and supports for women who experience barriers to employment;
- expertise in addressing issues of violence against women, and specifically partner/spousal abuse;
- the ability to provide participants with access and or referral to an appropriate range of services and programs to effectively support women who are victims/survivors of domestic violence, or who are at-risk, in seeking freedom from abuse and recovering from its impact;
- a capacity to offer sustained employment for women;
- integration of an equality rights/gender-based analysis of violence against women within the organization’s programs and practices;
- integration of principles and practices within the organization that support equality and diversity; and
- partnershipswith organizations relevant to achieving the project’s goals. Applicants must partner with organizations that represent the professional or service sector targeted by the proposal, and/or have areas of expertise (e.g. in violence-against-women prevention, training, research, etc.) relevant to the proposal.
- Accessibility Policy
The Ontario Women’s Directorate is committed to ensuring access to programs, services and resources in French in accordance with the French Language Services Act. In addition, the Directorate recognizes the importance of access to programs, services and resources which meet the needs of diverse communities including Aboriginal, elderly, immigrant and ethno-culturally diverse women, as well as women living in remote, rural, farm and Northern communities.
The Ontario Women’s Directorate is also committed to ensuring the inclusion and participation of people who are deaf or have disabilities in accordance with the Ontarians with Disabilities Act. All proposals are expected to consider and accommodate the needs of such participants. Accessibility consideration should be given to outreach strategies and the accessibility of training materials and other resources. For more information on accessibility and resources to ensure accessibility, please visit the Accessibility Ontario website at:
- Application Process
A detailed application form is attached. Proposals must be completed and submitted to the Ontario Women’s Directorate by 5 p.m. on March 17, 2006.
Who can apply?
Organizations external to the Ontario government which meet the eligibility requirements below may apply.
Eligibility requirements:
The lead organization must be:
- incorporated as not-for-profit or be established under legislation as a legal entity with a not-for-profit mandate; or
- a municipality; or
- a First Nation, Métis or other Aboriginal community.
Unincorporated not-for-profit groups mayparticipate in proposals as partners, though they may not submit an application as the lead organization for a proposed initiative.
Insurance requirement: Successful applicants will be required to put in effect and maintain for the duration of their initiative, at their own expense, all necessary insurance for the initiative, including Commercial General Liability Insurance to an inclusive limit of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence.
- Selection Process and Criteria
Projects will be selected for funding through a competitive process. Even if a proposal meets all of the selection criteria, there is no guarantee that funding will be awarded, as there may be other projects that have more effectively demonstrated their ability to meet the objectives.
The OWD will inform all applicants of receipt of their proposals, and of the outcome of this grant competition.
Selection criteria
Proposals will be evaluated according to the extent that each:
- effectively addresses the objectives of the program;
- effectively defines outcomes, performance targets and subsequent, measurable results; includes a realistic plan to evaluate and track results;
- demonstrates with supporting research how and why the proposed project is necessary and how it will be successful in meeting its objectives;
- demonstrates partnerships and support from key people/organizations relevant to delivering the project and achieving desired outcomes;
- demonstrates appropriate level of expertise in working with abused women and in providing employment training and supports;
- includes a realistic budget and is cost-effective; demonstrates clarity and reasonableness of the proposed budget and work plan;
- can be successfully undertaken as a time-limited project within the duration of the grant;
- addresses any unique demographic, linguistic, geographical, cultural, or accessibility needs of the community it proposes to serve;
Each proposal will also be assessed on the extent to which the applicant lead organization and partner organizations demonstrate their ability to implement the proposal by outlining:
- a relevant mandate, proven track record and evidence of a stable operating system;
- an ability to manage and sustain growth that may result from the grant;
- an appropriate organizational structure and set of skillsincluding responsiveness to changing community needs and opportunities;
- experience effectively partnering with others;
- an ability to manage the requested funds; and
- appropriate financial management policies and practices.
- How to Apply
Complete the attached application form and submit with supporting documents by
5.00 p.m. on March 17, 2006 to:
Employment Training Pilot Projects
Education, Awareness and Outreach Unit
Ontario Women’s Directorate
Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration
900 Bay Street, 4th floor, Mowat Block
Toronto, OntarioM7A 1L2
Fax numbers: (416) 314-0247
(416) 314-0255
(416) 314-0256
Should you have any questions, please contact: OWD staff:
Jodie McConnell
Phone: (416) 314-0049
Eileen Dalusong
Phone: (416) 314-0327
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