Ministerial Work Of Elected Officers Of The Alliance
Alliance President: A very short summary of this office is to lead other ministers in the alliance to be active in what we have agreed to. This office requires one having a zeal to create and maintain a mutual fellowship with all ministers in the alliance area and surrounding vicinity. He is to try whatever spiritual means possible in getting other ministers to unite with the alliance, with the aid of other fellow ministers. The president is not appointed to do all of the alliance work, but, he is to appoint fellow laborers to take the initiative in certain areas. In short, he is the alliance motivator.
Alliance Vice President : This office requires one to be faithful enough to carry on the work of the president during his absence, illness, or at any time the president cannot be active. The president is to inform the vice when he is to be absent, and give him further instructions.
Alliance Recording Secretary : This office requires ones presence to record all business meetings, agenda changes, and totals of all revenue contributed and withdrawn from the alliance account.
Alliance Assistant Recording Secretary : This office requires one to be faithful enough to carry on the work of the recording secretary during his absence, illness, or, at any time the secretary cannot be active. The secretary is to inform the assistant when he is to be absent, and pass the minutes of the prior meeting on to him. When the assistant secretary records new minutes, he will make sure the secretary has the new minutes.
Alliance Financial Treasurer : This office requires the holding and depositing of all alliance monies. He should keep an updated record of balances, whether the alliance has a bank account, or, whether he is the holder of all cash monies. If the alliance has a checking account, there should be two, or more names required to endorse each check. This is called ‘ witness security ‘. If something is purchased, or contributed out of cash funds on hand, or by check, there is to be an agreement in the alliance to do so, and this is to be recorded by the secretary. It is the treasurer’s responsibility to open an account in the name of the alliance.
Alliance Assistant Financial Treasurer : This office requires one to do the work of the treasurer during his absence for any reason. Upon the return of the treasurer, the assistant will turn all collections over to the treasurer, if there are any. The treasurer is to inform the assistant of his need to be absent with further instructions.
Alliance Correspondence Secretary : This office requires one faithful enough to send, or take all announce- mentspertaining to the alliance meetings, services, etc. to ministers and churches, regardless as to whether they’re part of the alliance, or not. This office requires one to cross the border line of ‘ race and gender ‘. This office requires one to make connections, by drop-offs, by phone, by e-mail, or by a simple text message.
Alliance Assistant Correspondence Secretary : This office requires one to be active in the absence of the correspondence secretary, and also to assist in the distributive work.
Alliance Publicity Administrator : This office requires one to be faithful in getting ads to newspapers, radio, television, stores, all businesses, web-sites, etc. It also requires one to go about establishing an alliance we-site. This person’s work covers a much broader area than that of the corresponding secretary. While the corresponding secretary’s work is limited to the ministers and churches within the mid-eastern section of Hardin County, the publicity person’s work can go as far as nation-wide to the general public.This work is designed to let the public at large know who we are, what we are about, where we are, and whom we give glory to. Note : A website domain can be purchased very in-expensively, or free. When an alliance account is opened, a small monthly fee can be automatically de-ducted for this site.
Officers continued next page