Mini Me Projects Career Discovery: Directions 7th Grade
Students are to bring in a picture of themselves to class or have their picture taken during class. The teacher needs to take the pictures a couple of days ahead of time so that he/she has time to print them for the students.
The students are to design, cut out, and professionally dress “Mini Me” using their own face picture.
“Mini Me” is then to be taken home, given to or mailed to someone who will take “Mini Me” to work for the day to experience job shadowing. That person needs to be very responsible because “Mini Me” must be returned along with answers to the attached questions. These answers need to be in the adult’s handwriting. They can be one-word answers if the question calls for short answers. The student will then take the adult’s answers and write a five-paragraph essay using complete sentences. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Written reports are to be in black or blue ink or typed on front sides of the paper only. The students must construct a visual of “Mini Me” at the job site. It may be pictures of “Mini Me” at work during the day or it may be work samples or items that are related to the job “Mini Me” shadowed. Previous class samples were shown to the class. They are always available upon request before or after school. The student creates a visual to explain about the day in step by step graphics or pictures. The visual can be drawn to demonstrate the work done that day. Example: Waitress - draws an empty table, draw a table with napkins & silverware, draw a table with people, draw a table with plates of food in front of people etc. The students need to explain what is happening under each of their pictures in complete sentences. The students must present “Mini Me’s” Job shadowing experience to the class. The actual item “Mini Me” must be included as part of the visual. The students will explain their visual and use their question/answer sheet or essay to help in their presentations.
There are four parts to the Mini Me project after they have created their Mini Me.
1. The Adult’s Answers
2. The Written Report
3. The Visual
4. The Presentation
All parts will be all added together for a total Grade for the “Mini Me” Project. This project will count as 10% of the final average of this class. The assigned due date is on the board the entire nine weeks, in I-Parent, on the Career Website and should be in the student’s agenda all nine weeks too.