
A bibliography is a list of citations located at the end of a written work. Bibliographies contain citations for resources cited by an author within the body of his/her work, as well as resources consulted by, but not cited within, the body of the work.A bibliography, which also is called a list of references, must adhere to the format of a citation style.


A works cited page is a list of citations located at the end of a written work. A works cited page only contains citations for resources cited by an author within the body of his/her work. A works cited page must adhere to the format of a citation style.

Rules for Works-Cited Page and Bibliography:

  • Double space throughout the entire Works Cited list. Do not single space any line.
  • Begin each citation at the left margin.
  • Indent the second and all subsequent lines in each citation five spaces. This is called a hanging indentation.
  • Alphabetize each citation by the author’s last name. If the author’s name is unknown, then alphabetize by the first word in the title other than a definite or an indefinite article (i.e., "a," "an," or "the").
  • If you have two or more works by the same author give the author’s full name for the first citation and use ---. for each additional work by the same author. List the works in alphabetical order by title (excluding "a," "an," or "the").

Taken from:

Works Cited

Blanch, Gregory, and Roberta Stathis. "Tokugawa Ieyasu - Japanese Shogun." People and Stories in World History: A Historical Anthology. Ed. Heera Kang. Brea, CA: Ballard & Tighe Publishers, 2003.

"Tokugawa Ieyasu." 28 Feb. 2008 <

NOTE: Only those works cited in my text are listed on this page.

Also note that the above is ALPHABETIZED!

Page Break______


Blanch, Gregory, and Roberta Stathis. "Tokugawa Ieyasu - Japanese Shogun." People and Stories in World History: A Historical Anthology. Ed. Heera Kang. Brea, CA: Ballard & Tighe Publishers, 2003.

Hart, Diane. Medieval and Early Modern Times. New York: Prentice Hall, 2006

"One Minute Bio of the Real-Life Oda Nobunaga plus Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu." Geocites. 4 Mar. 2008 <

Stefoff, Rebecca. Japan. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1999.

"Tokugawa Ieyasu." 28 Feb. 2008 <

NOTES: 1. All resources used are listed on the Bibliography page. 2. Works-

Cited and Bibliography are ALPHABETIZED! 3. To get the hanging indent…hit

“enter” at the end of the first line and “tab” the second line. Be sure to have

changed your font to 12 pt. font before formatting!