McKay School of Education

Mini-Grant for Research


Purpose of MSE Mini-Grants for Research

MSE Mini-Grants for Research fundup to $5000 for student-supported research mentored by MSE faculty. Mini-grant funding may only be used for student wages and student travel for data collection and/or presentation at conferences. These mini-grants are ideal for projects that do not require funding for supplies or faculty travel, and for projects that have minimal expenses.


  • Only MSE CFS-track faculty are eligible for MSE Mini-Grants. Faculty from other colleges and joint appointment faculty are not eligible.
  • Eligible MSE faculty who do not have current grant funding may apply.
  • Eligible MSE faculty may apply to fund unanticipated student wage and travel expenses associated with an existing internal or external grant.


  • Only one mini-grant may be awarded to a faculty member per fiscal year.
  • All applicants must be able to spend the entire amount prior to the end of the fiscal year (December), regardless of the month the funds are awarded (e.g., if the grant is awarded in October, funds still need to be spent by December 31st). No carry-over is allowed.
  • Mini-grants will only be awarded if funds are available.


  • Priority is given to projects that support student involvement with the faculty’s research agenda.
  • Priority is given to faculty who have sought other sources of funding for student wages/student travel.
  • Priority is given to faculty who have successfully met all requirements of previous grants.


  • Applications are accepted by the 1st of each month.
  • Allow two weeks for a funding decision and release of funding. All funding decisions will be made by the associate dean of research and the dean.

Directions for Applying

  • Use the MSE Mini-Grant Research Proposal template to submit your proposal. (Please complete all sections fully and do not modify the proposal template in any way.)
  • Submit your proposal to your chair for approval. Your chair will then submit your proposal to the associate dean of research at .

McKay School of Education

Mini-Grant for Research


Instructions: Use this template to complete your proposal. Do not submit the previous guidelines page.

Title of Proposal:

Faculty Profile

Applicant Name:





Department Chair:

Co-Applicants Name(s) and Affiliation(s):

  1. Are you requesting funds for a currently-funded project or for a new project? If a new project, provide the following:
  2. Title:
  3. Description of your project:
  4. Anticipated outcomes:
  5. Timeline (complete table below and add rows or columns as necessary):

Date / Activity / Persons Involved
  1. If you are requesting funds to support a currently-funded project, answer the following questions:

Name of funded project:

Grant provider (e.g., MSE, MEG, MUR, ORCA, external):

Year awarded:

Amount awarded:

Amount spent:

Date when funds expire:

Give a brief description of your currently funded grant:

List the anticipated outcomes for this proposal for additional funding.

  1. Have you or your students sought funding from other sources (e.g., Kennedy Center, Graduate Student Society, Graduate Studies, ORCA)? Please describe.
  1. Justify your need for additional funding related to this request.
  1. Budget Summary (not to exceed $5,000)

Student Wages / Amount
Undergraduate Students
Hourly wage/Number of hours
Graduate Students
Hourly wage/Number of hours
Total Student Wages
Student Travel
Data Collection
Conference Presentation
Per Diem
Airfare/Ground Travel
Total Student Travel
Student Wages & Travel Total
  1. Budget Narrative

Be specific about the number of students funded, hourly wages, and average number of hours anticipated per week. Also describe the type, location, and purpose of travel (data collection or conference presentation). Provide the name/date of the conference and whether students are presenting research or attending as conference participants.

Faculty Agreement to Terms and Conditions of MSE Mini-Grant Funding

By submitting my proposal, I understand and agree to the following conditions outlined in this proposal;

  • If I receive MSE Mini-Grant funding,I will do the following:
  • Strictly follow my approved proposal,including budget expenditures.
  • Submit in writing any deviation from my proposal to the associate dean to be reviewed for approval by the dean.
  • At the end of the funding period, I will submit a brief report to the associate dean by December 31. This report will include:
  • Title of project
  • Date funds received
  • Specific details regarding how funds were used
  • How you met the anticipated outcomes of your proposal
  • How this funding has led to research presentations or publications.
  • Not adhering to my approved proposal could result in future funding restrictions.

Department Chair Endorsement & Submission

[Department chair provides an endorsement here, including a recommendation for funding, based upon the applicant’s ability to complete this project within the timeframe proposed, alignment with applicant’s research focus, etc.]


Do Not Fund (explain)

Fund with Amendments (explain)

Fund as Proposed


Submission Instructions:

Submit your proposalto your chair at least 1 week prior to the monthly deadline. Your chair will then review your proposal and complete the “Department Chair Endorsement & Submission” section. Your chair then submits your proposal via email to the associate dean of research at saved in the following format: Lastname_first_MSE_Mini_Grant_year.doc
