Minehead Middle School Year 5 Curriculum overview

Autumn i / Autumn ii / Spring i / Spring ii / Summer i / Summer ii
Topic / The Victorians / India / Ancient Greece / Energy / South Africa / Coasts
Art & design / WILLIAM MORRIS and the Arts & Crafts movement (observational drawing from nature) / Raja Ravi Varma – Great Artists in History and understand historical and cultural development / LS Lowry (Great Artists in History and understand historical and cultural development). / Mixing the Seas - Monet
Citizenship / Class Charter /Target setting / Emergency and 999 calls / Keeping Safe / Record of Achievement
Circle Time – What makes a good friend? / Getting on and Bullying / Stereotypes and discrimination / Apartheid.
Design & technology / Greek Architecture – Clay Work. / African Masks
Food technology / Biscuits
English / Victorian Poetry.
Recount – Diary Recount of a Victorian School Day.
Railway Debate / Instructions –. How to make biscuits.
The Ramayana / Non-Chronological Reports
Myths and Legends / How To Live Forever
Wind Farms – Formal Persuasive Letter. / Journey to Jo Burg
African Savannah Poetry / The Monk and the Fish
The Highway Man
Changing Minehead SeaFront Debate
Drama content / Going down a Victorian Mine / The Ramayana / Myths and Legends / Journey to Jo Burg / The Monk and the Fish
The Highway Man
Geography / VICTORIANS - The British Empire. / INDIA – Location, physical features, population and the culture of the country. / ENERGY - Energy Sources and their sustainability. / SOUTH AFRICA - Where is South Africa? What is it like? Energy Types What is the population of South Africa? What is the main source of income? / COASTS – The physical features of the British coastline.
History / VICTORIANS – Childhood, Minehead. / India – The Raj and Ghandi / Ancient Greece / SOUTH AFRICA - The slave trade. The development of the segregation in South Africa. The End of Apartheid. / COASTS – The changing coast through history.
Computing / Introduction to the network and Moodle.
Searching skills.
William Morris wallpaper design (graphics) / Basics of game design
Using Kodu and TouchDevelop to complete challenges to understand the basics of programming and designing a game. / Ancient Greece Challenge
In teams, design, create and merchandise a game based around a Greek myth. / School Kitchen Challenge
Collect data to help design a new menu, gather costs and design menus and logos to rebrand it. / South Africa Project
Finding reliable information from the web. Creating an information booklet and a presentation. / Welcome to Year 5 Project
Collect information about Year 5 to provide to new Year 5 pupils and parents.
Maths / A range of topics including:
Place Value
Addition & Subtraction
Decimals, addition and money
Area and Perimeter
Properties of Shape
Shape & Symmetry
Shape & Data
Mental Multiplication and Division
Multiplication & Division
Fraction, percentage and ratios
Place value, addition and subtraction.
Addition & Subtraction
Time and data
Functional Maths / A range of topics including:
Place Value
Addition & Subtraction
Measurement & Statistics
Multiplication & Division
Measure & Data
Co-ordinates and Line Graphs
Co-ordinates and Statistics
Fractions and Decimals
Written Division; Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Perimeter, Area and Volume
Addition & Subtraction
Time, Position & Direction
Place Value, Subtraction, Scaling, Ratio & Percentages / A range of topics including:
Place value
Number, place value and time
Addition and subtraction
Number, place value, subtraction, area and perimeter
Multiplication, division and percentages
Measurement and data
Area, perimeter and co-ordinates
Angles and Polygons
Geometry and data
Addition, subtraction and money
Fractions and Subtraction
Place value and sequences
Mental multiplication, written division and ratio
Fractions, Decimals & percentages
Calculation (all four operations, mental, written and calculator
French / Introductions, Name, Alphabet, Age, Birthday. / Numbers, Days, Colours, Months, French Christmas Carols. / Family and Pets. / Personal and physical descriptions. / Where you live, nationalities, countries. / Food, weather, cultural activities.
Music / African Drumming – Pupils will study cyclic rhythmic patterns / Keyboard Skills – Pupils will learn basic keyboard skills / Federation Project – Pupils will learn a variety of songs for a performance / Federation Project - Pupils will learn a variety of songs for a performance / Song Writing – Students will learn about songs and write their own song (Descriptive or protest) / Rounds – Students will learn and rounds and write their own round
PE / 5AE and 5TH:
PE Inductions
Tag Rugby
5AM, 5SG and 5JB:
PE Inductions
Hi-5 Netball / 5AE and 5TH:
5AM, 5SG and 5JB:
Tag Rugby
Multiskills / 5AE and 5TH:
Cross Country
5AM, 5SG and 5JB:
Cross Country
Dance / 5AE and 5TH:
5AM, 5SG and 5JB:
Tennis / 5AE and 5TH:
5AM, 5SG and 5JB:
Athletics / 5AE and 5TH:
5AM, 5SG and 5JB:
Science / Victorian Scientists
Alfred Wallace
Florence Nightingale
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Humans as Animals
Human development / India
Earth & Space
The Sun & Moon
Day & Night
Seasons / Ancient Greece
Jason & The Argonauts
Forces – Gravity, friction, air and water resistance / Energy
Forms of energy
Generating electricity
Fossil fuels
Renewable fuels / South Africa
Living things and their habitats
Animal lifecycles / Coasts
Properties of materials
Mixtures & Solutions
Separating techniques
Reversible changes
Irreversible changes
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) / What’s in your head? / Keeping Healthy / Dear Diary… / Moving on.
RE / Christian Values that the Victorians followed. / Hinduism / Greek Gods and Goddesses / Churches/Religions of Minehead
Friday University / Various Courses / Various Courses / Various Courses / Various Courses / Various Courses / Various Courses
Events / trips / visitors / Inspire Mornings
Allerford Trip
Victorian Walk around Minehead / Christingle
Carol Services / Ancient Greece Day
Swimming / Exmoor National Park Talk
Federation Musical / Move-Up Day