English 11-5
Mrs. Wheeler
mind 101: Text 81010 @wheeleng
The expectation is that you will bring the following materials to class every single day unless otherwise directed.
- Literature text (used frequently), novel, and grammar workbook
- Pen or pencil, highlighter
- Binder and daily access to technology (use period 6 if necessary)
The binder should be divided into the following sections:
- The first page of your binder should be this syllabus.
- Literature – include class notes, handouts, etc. over the literature
- Grammar – include your grammar workbook, notes, handouts, etc.
- Vocabulary – include your vocabulary lists, notes, etc.
- Composition/Writing – includes ALL writing assignments, graded writing assignments, etc. AND daily writings (put the date and topic on each; don’t forget they need to be at least ½ page)
American Literature
Students in English 11-5 will be reading early American literature. Specifically, the literature will include the following:
- Units focus on American literature including plays, short stories, poetry, novels along with nonfiction thematic articles and historical documents.
- Units: Settler, Puritan, and Revolution Authors (1600s-1800s) The Crucible by Arthur Miller (play), Fireside Poets, Transcendentalists, Gothic authors (1800 – 1855), Realism with Whitman and Dickinson and Civil War Literature (1855-1870), suffrage literature, and Kiterunner (novel).
To enhance vocabulary development, students will be given a new list of words bi-weekly. There will be a test at the end of each week, with a new list to follow. We will also be studying words from the various pieces of literature and adding them to the list.
Language in Use/Grammar/Speech The workings of our English language will continue to be a part of our studies. The workbook will be used weekly.
Plagiarism Policy
One aspect of writing that we want to be clear about is plagiarism. Plagiarism occurs when a writer passes off someone else’s writing or ideas as his or her own. This can be easily avoided by properly documenting borrowed information or text (we will be using MLA documentation) and by asking for assistance. If we discover that a student has plagiarized, all of the following actions, based on our school handbook, will be taken:
- a conference with the student will be held
- the parents/guardian will be notified by the teacher
- the student will receive a 0 on the assignment
- the student will receive a Thursday School
If a student plagiarizes a second time, that student will lose credit for the course (includes both 11-5/11-6)
Writing is a HUGE aspect of this class. The writing assignments, which include the following, will range from informal journals to more formal essays requiring an understanding of documenting sources in MLA format.
- Daily writings
- Argument, analysis, research
- Literary Responses
- Reflective Compositions
- MLA introduction
As you write your compositions, you should make a conscious effort to focus on the 6+1 writing traits, which are taught throughout the Westfield school system. The 6+1 Writing Traits are continued and strengthened during 11-5.
Every essay turned in should have the following information:
Wally Whitman Whitman 1
Mrs. Wheeler
English 11-5
November 11, 2011
Really Great Title for This Paper
You should begin writing your paper on this page. It should have an
introduction, body, and conclusion. Don’t forget your attention getter! This
should all be double spaced and in Times New Roman 12-pt. font.
A more contemplative aspect of our writing development will be the keeping of daily writings. Each student is to have a section in their binder designated for these. We will write in these journals throughout the trimester on most days. Sometimes I will give you a topic on which to write; other times, you will be encouraged to write about whatever inspires you at the moment.. The journals should always be at least ½ page on college ruled paper.
Grades: This course is run and organized on a total points system. Homework is usually less; while essays, tests and projects are worth the most; quizzes fall somewhere in the middle. Always be aware of point totals for homework, essays, and assessments are worth.
Communication for Students and Parents
Technology will be utilized as class on occasion. If you have your own device, you are welcome to use it if it’s academically appropriate and instigated by me. *In our class, all WHS student handbook rules and policies will be followed.