Mimio Studio 5 “Hands-on”Checklist

Intermediate- Math

Note: You can use the Compress Window icon in the lower left corner of mimio tools to minimize at any time.


  1. With the mimio pen, double click on mimio Tools – be sure you are on the Draw tab
  2. Click Web Browser in mimio Tools
  3. In the mimio Tools, Click on to open the keyboard.

Note: If keyboard did not open, select Right Click tool or use the right click button on the mimio pen, then click on Text Tool icon (i.e. ) in the Sys Tray (bottom right of desktop).

  1. Using the mimiopen click in the address bar in Internet Explorer
  2. Use the mimio keyboard to type in
  3. Click Go.Close Keyboard.
  4. Click on “Create Your Own Worksheets”

II. REVEAL and/or SPOTLIGHT PRACTICE(high school/middle school)

  1. Click on “Algebra Worksheets”
  2. Fill in the “Teacher Name” and select the number of each type of equations. For this example, we will choose 4 Two-step equations, 2 Combining Like Terms, and one having X’s on both sides.
  3. Scroll down and click on

(A worksheet should beon your screen similar to the one below that can be used at the board by students or printed for use as a practice sheet.)

  1. On the mimio Tools, click on the Reveal icon
  2. Click on the blue icon next to the red in the upper right corner and select0% transparency.
  3. With the stylus pen click on the Reveal screen and drag it down just below the first two equations as shown below:

Students can work on these problems at their seats or Screen Markups as described in the next section can be used for solving these equations.

  1. Drag the screen down so you can see the next two equations.
  2. Click on the red to close Reveal.

III. REVEAL and/or SPOTLIGHT PRACTICE (elementary/middle school)

A.Click on “Aplusmath.com Worksheets”

B.Scroll down and click on “Counting Money” (experiment w/others as time permits)

C.Fill in the information and then click

(A worksheet should be on your screen similar to the one below that canbe

used at the board by students or printed for use as a practice sheet).

D.On the mimio Tools, click on the Reveal icon

E.Click on the blue icon next to the red in the upper right corner.

F.Select 0% transparency.

G.With the stylus pen click on the Reveal screen and drag it down just below the first set of currency as shown below:

Students can work on these problems at their seats or Screen Markups as described in the next section can be used for solving these equations.

H.Drag the screen down so you can see the next set of currency.

I.Click on the red to close Reveal.


  1. Open mimio Tools if necessary
  2. Click on Mimio Tools and drag it to the Top-left of screen.
  3. Go to
  4. Click on “Create Your Own Worksheets”
  5. Click on “Aplusmath.com Worksheets”
  6. Click on “Order of Operations”

  1. Click on the ScreenMarkup icon in mimio Tools and complete the following (an option to consider would be to use the reveal or spotlight tool from previous section):
  2. Under the Draw tab click on the Pencil tool.
  3. Selectred line color,medium width and underline the first operation to be performed in red
  4. Select blue line color, and underline the second operation to be performed.
  5. Select black line color and solve the problem
  6. Select purple line color and write the answer in the box
  7. Next, click on the Highlighter tool.
  8. Selectgreenline color, wide widthand highlight the second equation.
  9. Click on the Eraser tool and experiment with it.
  10. Click on mimio Mouse icon
  11. Close all Internet Explorer windows.


A.Open the mimio Notebook by double clicking on the mimio Notebook icon.

B.Open the mimio Tools if necessary

C.In the mimio tools, click on the Gallery tab(screen should look like below)

Add a grid background from the Math Gallery:

D.Using Mimio Tools in the Gallery section, Click on the Home icon

E.Scroll to the right and double click on the Math folder

F.Double click on the Axis Graphs gallery

G.Make sure the background icon is highlighted as shown below. (Backgrounds do not move, foreground objects are moveable.)

H.Drag and drop the XY Axis (Large) onto the notebook.

Add red lines to the graph:

I.In the mimio Tools, click on Draw tab

J.Click on drop-down arrow next to the line and choose ‘Arrow-Both’

K.Select redline color, narrow width and draw two lines similar to that shown below

TIP: If your line is drawn in the wrong location, click the Selection icon , click on the line that needs to be moved (you will see circles appear at the ends of the line) and click and drag in the middle of the line to move it or on the circle at the end of the line to change the location of the endpoint of the line.

Measure the angles with the electronic Protractor:

A.Click on the Gallery tab

B.Using Mimio Tools in the Gallery section, Click on the Home icon

C.Scroll to the right and double click on the Math folder

  1. Double click on the Grid Graphs icon

D.Make sure the Pictures icon is selected

E.Drag and drop the center of the Protractor to the intersection of the two red lines as shown below:

Caution: When using the Protractor, avoid resizing the protractor by using the clear circles. It can easily get the protractor out of scale. TIP:If you need to resize the protractor and keep the proper scale, hold the Shift key while clicking and dragging within one of the clear circles on the protractor outline. Don’t forget that Ctrl-Z or a right-click and Undo will undo the previous action.

F.Click and drag on the Green circle to rotate the protractor to measure the angles

G.Click near the arrows of the red line and then move the lines by clicking and dragging on the circles that appear near the arrows of the red lines

H.Move the protractor and measure the new angles formed by the intersecting lines

(Note if a triangle was drawn instead of lines, those angles could also be measured and the triangle could be modified by clicking on the circles shown when activating the triangle)

I.To delete the protractor, click on it and click on Cut icon at top of screen

Using the Text tool (or the pen tool can also be used for documentation):

  1. In Tools, click on the Draw tab then the Text icon. Create a text box by clicking and dragging aboveone of the lines.
  2. Use drop down arrow to select a font style. Select size 24 and click on to choose a font color. Select the Center Font icon.
  3. In Tools, click on Text Tool to open the mimio keyboard.
  4. Make sure that your cursor is in the text box and then use the keyboard to type the equation in the box; eg. y = 3X + 1 (Hint: pressing the Shift key can be helpful for showing special characters)
  5. Close the electronic keyboard
  6. Next click on the Selection arrow in mimio Tools. This will remove the textbox surrounding the text and enable you to rotate the text box using the green circle. Click back on the text box and rotate and move the text box so that the text is parallel and just above the line.
  7. Click the selection arrow and then click back on the equation. When you do this the textbox that was surrounding the equationwill reappear and the Line and Fill colors will become available.
  8. Next, choose a Line and Fill color for your textbox.
  9. Click outside of your textbox to view the changes.

Making a new page in the Notebook:

  1. Click on the New Page icon in the Notebook to create a blank page. The previous page is now hidden but not deleted.
  1. Using mimioTools in the Draw tab, draw another object such as a hexagon by clicking the drop-down arrow to the left of the Text Box icon.
  2. Using the Gallery, click on Home, then double click on the Math folder, then double click Grid Graphs, then click Pictures and then click and drag the protractor onto a vertex of the hexagon.
  3. Use the protractor to measure the angles. (Hint: Use Zoom plus to zoom in;

Zoom minus to zoom out, and Zoom F (Full Screen) to zoom to the normal sized view.

Viewing Multiple Pages:

  1. Click the multiple page icon to view all of the pages created in the notebook. You can rearrange pages, delete pages, or copy pages from this view.
  1. Click on the first notebook page then click the single page icon
  2. You can then use the arrow icons at the top of the Notebook screen to scroll forward or backward through all of the Notebook pages similar to using PowerPoint.


  1. This Notebook can be saved by clicking the FILE menu then SAVE AS.Notice if you click the down-arrow to the right in the SAVE AS TYPE dialog box, there are various file types which the document can be saved (such as PDF and JPG). However, if you save it as an INK file, you can manipulate the objects at a later date. All other formats cannot be edited later with mimio software.

Gallery Updates

To download additional Galleries to your mimio software, go to

and follow the directions.