/ Team
Number / 9445
Name / Fancy Fish
School or Affiliation & Location / Milwee Middle School
Name / Sir Fish-a-Lot
Mentors / Lana Pereira
Asuncion Simmonds
Names of Team Members / MaileMilanovich, Ava Wilson, Faith Booth, MoizDalal, Niklas Edstrom, Zachary Bollet, Isaac Munshi, Florence Onyiuke
Here is information about our team that we would like to share:
Team Members, Coaches and Mentors (400 words max): We are a team of 8.
Faith Booth: I am a really good oboe player, good at saxophone, I am in engineering club and beta club, and I sang in all county once.
Niklas Edstrom: I play Water Polo as a Goalie and I work together with my team to win games.
Ava Wilson: I ice skate, love to surf, and go to national BETA club.
MoizDalal: I really like to play soccer, also I've gone to a national cup.
Zachary Bollet: I used to play soccer, but I started to play tennis and I might continue to play tennis.
MaileMilanovich: I am named after a rare species of Hawaiian leaf and, I made my first
short course FLAG cut this year.
Florence Onyiuke: I am the Florida State Jr. BETA President. I also run track and cross country and have qualified for State/Jr. Olympics twice.
Isaac Munshi: I thoroughly enjoy all aspects of STEM. I play percussion and drum set for jazz band. I really like rowing and fencing, and I am going to Crooms Academy of Informational Technology.
Our team feels like we are strong in the following areas:
Strategy and Innovation
Mechanical Design
Programming / Research
Innovative Solution
Sharing / Inspiration
Gracious Professionalism®

©2016 FIRST® and the LEGO® Group

Our Max Robot Score / 116 points
Our Favorite Mission / Fridge/Feeding
Our Favorite Feature / Pinless attachments
Types of Sensors we Used / Light sensors
Other Information / We have a same gear ratio
Short description (an abstract) of our Project
How can we make sea turtle nests more safe and have more efficient ways to guard and guide baby sea turtles?
We have created the “Turtle Home” to solve this problem. The Turtle Home is a baby sea turtle protection area that protects the baby sea turtle nest from being step on and from being messed with. The home is equipped with a speaker that admits low frequency sounds that Make the baby sea turtles go towards the ocean. Also the home has a camera so the local marine hospitals can watch the nest and can know when the turtles are hatching. In order power the equipment we have solar panels on all sides of the home. There's also a buoy with a light on it that will be put into the ocean and attract the sea turtles to go towards the ocean.
Specialists of the field of sea turtles and marine biology. Also we shared to several beach lines as well as parents. We also shared with Russell Sinclair, The southeast International Fisherman of 2015.
How we show Core Values
Favorite Core Value:
“What we learn is more important than what we win.”
Ways we show Core Values: We show core values in school and outside of school.Faith,Nick,and Isaac are in band and we have to use a lot of core values because everyone is a team in band and if one person messes up we all mess up because we did not help that one person.Also our band director does not have all the answers because sometime we need to figure out what we are doing wrong. Finally It is one us to practice because The director is not always there to help you and tell you what to do. Ava,Moiz, Florenceand Zachery play sports and we have to use core values in every practice and competition or tournament.. Also They have to practice on their own and they have to help their teammates. Most importantly We have to Have FUN.
We show core values by accepting and incorporating each other's ideas. We also help each other even if that means we have to stop working on the robot or project. We show core values by having fun when work because we think that if everyone has fun we get stuff done.
What Gracious Professionalism means to us is to always make sure everyone is included and we all work together. Also we think it means that even if we lose we still congratulates the people that win and we don't get made because we know we tried our best