Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting duly convened and held on Monday 4th December 2017 at St Blaise Church, Milton at 7.15 pm

Present were: Cllrs Z Hoskins (Chairman), T McGrath (Vice Chairman) M Smith, J Hyde & S Jarvis

In attendance: J. Myers (Clerk) There were 9 members of the public present.

1.  Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from Cllr Ffye and Cllr R Webber.

2.  Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations.

3.  Public Participation

Milton Heights Development – Redrow need to remove six trees at the entrance to the site, to form the new development access. Redrow offering to replant trees along the Football Club access. Email sent to Chairman and Clerk. Meeting with Redrow to be arranged in January. Action Cllr Hoskins & Clerk

Milton United Football Club – Reported for information. Two recent acts of vandalism on flood light cables.

MEPC – Relationship between Parish and MEPC (agenda item 14). Member of public thanked MPC for including item on agenda, felt It’s important to have a relationship due to the impact on Village and Parish. Engage with MEPC to protect interests in Parish, due to impact with Milton Slips and Land owners within the village. Acknowledged MEPC importance as business partner.

Second member of the public disagreed with above, and questioned if MEPC care or not? They would swallow up the village and we should stand up and be tough.

4.  County and District Councillors Report Cllr Richard Webber’s email was read in his absence. The important news is that Government have confirmed a large sum for Oxfordshire infrastructure (more than £200m). This is less than what was asked for but is enough to make some difference. As expected, the money comes with strings, namely housing delivery. The good news is that the number of houses expected of us is no larger than we had already assumed. The bad news is that this money is for future infrastructure and may have only a limited impact on present infrastructure shortages. The chances of Didcot Town Garden Town actually being delivered have increased considerably.

5.  Confirm as a correct record the Minutes of meetings held on 6th November 2017.

The minutes were accepted and signed as a true record.

6. Update on items from Previous Meeting.

a. St Blaise School Minibus

County Council subsidy will be removed from July 2018. St Blaise School have reviewed

figures and confirmed fine for following year (2019). Headmistress meeting in January to

look at possible Grants. There is a possibility of a community mini bus, however it is very


b. New Community and Sports Building at Milton Heights

Working group and stakeholder’s meetings to be arranged in January. Action Clerk

c. Milton Heights Developments

New access road approved. New plans for house design still to be submitted.

d. OCC Grass Cutting – Section 101 Legal Agreement

End of year Grass Verge cut planned for w/c 4th December.

e. Website

Clerk to receive training from 2Commune is January. Cllr McGrath offered to continue

his support although he was resigning as of this meeting. Action Clerk

f. Litter Bins

VWHDC to agree proposed location for bins.

McDonalds donating bin – Letter and email sent confirming cost. Action Clerk

Landowner ok with MPC request to replace bin on land in High Street, Milton.

Contact Biffa if bins need emptying.

It was resolved to put new bins in and phase out dog bins. Information to be included in

Milton Matters. Proposed: Cllr McGrath. Seconded: Cllr Hoskins

g. Maintenance/Play Areas

Lambe Avenue Play Area

Clerk to obtain 3 quotes to sand and repaint wooden play equipment. Action Clerk

Moor Ditch

MEPC’s (Riparian owners) Estate Manager agreed to cut grass verge every month. He

also reviewed the temporary fence, grips and hedging along Old Moor.

MEPC Estate Manager to provide report to P. Campbell detailing cost, P. Campbell to


Squire Barrett – Dutch Elm Disease Trees

Dutch Elms felled, invoice for £78.00 included in agree items for payment (item 17).

h. Speeding in High Street

The Full Traffic survey report available on MPC website. The following points were reported at the meeting: 33,000 vehicles in the week, the busiest hour was on Wednesday with 453 cars. The average speed 27mph. There was a significant increase in traffic during peak hours travelling towards and away from Milton Park. 43% less traffic at weekends. The data shows no speeding issues, as such further funding for speeding would not be available.

It was resolved to share the data with MEPC. Proposed: Cllr McGrath. Seconded: Cllr Smith. Action Cllr McGrath

I.  MEPC and Power Station meetings

Cllrs Hoskins and Jarvis to attend MEPC on Tuesday 5th December.

j. Litter Pickers

Mr S Jennings appointed as litter picker for Milton Heights, from 1st December on

self-employed basis. Mr Jennings bought new litter grabbers and will include on

December invoice.

k. Financial Regulations

Clerk reviewed document with mentor. Report back to council. Action Clerk

7. Flood Grant - From OCC May 2013

£1,000 funds received in 2013 ring-fenced for flood prevention work. No payments for flood prevention work paid to date.

Clerk attended resilience workshop run by OCC. New emergency plan to be completed in conjunction with residents of Parish, not to be completed in isolation of Parish Council.

8. Memorial Benches

Memorial bench for Mr George Strange - Council reviewed three quotes. It was resolved

to proceed with quote A for a 2-Seater Solid Teak Memorial Bench with Free engraved

brass plaque. Price £319.95. Installation cost £30.00. Fittings £23.94. Action Clerk

Proposed: Cllr McGrath. Seconded Cllr Hoskins.

Wording for plaque to be agreed with Mrs Strange.

Cllr Hoskins to confirm type of fittings required (for use with, concrete, paving slabs or

Tarmac). Action Cllr Hoskins

9. Training

Cllr Hoskins and Clerk attending Minutes and Agenda training being held by OALC 6th December.

Due to work commitments Cllr Jarvis unable to attend Planning training. Clerk to confirm with OALC if payment still required. Cllr Jarvis offered to personally pay any fees incurred. Action Clerk & Cllr Jarvis

Information only - Clerk attended 22 hours of training to date.

10. Play Safety Inspection Report – RoSPA

Clerk obtaining three quotes for 8 actions. Cllr Smith to look at gate. Action Cllr Smith and Clerk

11. Network Rail, potential funding for biodiversity projects

Clerk provided details to landowner, Mr Mockler. Cllr Hoskins to contact MEPC regarding land on option to Linden Homes. Cllr Jarvis requested if a working group could be created to look into options of new trees within the Parish. Clerk to check CLP and include as new agenda item for January.

Action Cllr Hoskins and Clerk

12. Membership – CFO, OPFA and SLCC

Trish Hall from CFO Halls Advisory Service happy attend a meeting regarding the new

community and sports building and will give guidance and advice where needed.

13. Agree Precept

Parish Councillors met previously to set the precept for 2018-2019.

Precept for 2018/2019 resolved at £27,210.

Cllr Hoskins explained the slight increase in the precept would mean each household would pay an extra 50p per month on their Council Tax. This was due to extra work taken on which included the extra grass cutting. Action Clerk

14. MEPC Relationship between Parish and MEPC

MPC did not request email to be circulated from Heart of Milton.

Three emails received from Parishioners. Each email read by members of the Council.

MPC would like to thank everyone for their comments and suggested improvements.

Milton Park Liaison Group – Questions raised on the purpose and content of the group. Terms of reference to be reviewed by Chairman for future meetings.

It was resolved for Cllr Hoskins to raise the following items at the meeting on Tuesday 5th December 2017.

a. MEPC representative attend occasional council meetings.

b. Perhaps a separate group for Milton and Sutton Courtenay as are the two most affected Parishes.

c. Ensure time for problems to be discussed. Action Cllr Hoskins and Clerk

15. Parking in High Street Lay-by and Lamplight House Corner

It had been agreed to place notices on vehicles parking in lay-by opposite MEPC and High Street by Lamplight House. Template notices to be drafted for review at next meeting. Action Cllr Jarvis

16. Planning Applications

P17/V2930/FUL Millbrook House, Milton. Application withdrawn

P17/V3034/FUL Bramley Barn, Milton Hill. No objections

P17/V0808/FUL – 87 High Street, Milton. Appeal allowed by inspector

P17/V2501/FUL – Infinium UK, Milton Hill. Awaiting planning decision

P17/V2684/DIS – Land adj to High Street, Milton. Information only. Discharge of conditions

17. Agree Items for Payment The following items were agreed:

No / Payee / £ Amount / £ VAT / £ Total / Cheque No.
1 / BGG – Village Maintenance 02.11.17 / 150.00 / 30.00 / 180.00 / 2958
2 / OALC – Minutes & Agenda Training. Clerk and Chairman / 70.00 / 14.00 / 84.00 / 2959
3 / OALC – Planning training. Cllr Jarvis Cancelled / 35.00 / 7.00 / 42.00 / 2960
4 / Jenks Oxford Ltd – Felling of Dutch Elm trees in Squire Barrett / 65.00 / 13.00 / 78.00 / 2961
5 / OCC – Speed Survey. High Street Milton / 100.00 / 20.00 / 120.00 / 2962
6 / SLCC – Clerk annual membership / 101.00 / 2963
7 / OPFA – Annual membership / 40.00 / 2964
8 / CFO – Halls advisory service membership / 50.00 / 2965
9 / Mr P.Browning. Litter picking and maintenance on Lambe Ave & Squire Barrett play areas (as per RoSPA inspection) / 163.00 / 2966
10 / Mrs Z Hoskins. 78 Miles at .25p Sept-Nov 2017 / 19.50 / 2967
11 / Mrs J Myers – Clerk Nov / 624.85 / 2968
12 / Mrs J Myers – Expenses Nov / 14.07 / 2969
13 / Vodafone – 12th December DD / 16.60 / D.D
TOTAL £1533.02


£480.00 – Cemetery (one plot purchase, 2 burials, 1 cremation)

Account Balances

Current Account as at 27th October 2017 £4,790.91 (Statement sheet number 3)

Reserve Account as at 11th September 2017 £29,025.18 (Statement sheet number 20)

Pavilion Deposit as at 9th October 2017 £1740.70 (statement sheet number 67)

18. Correspondence and Communication

·  Email. Consultation A4130 (Milton to Didcot Road) Proposed Toucan Crossing and 40mph speed limit. No objections to proposals.

·  Email. Firework landed on roof of thatched cottage. Information only as replied between meetings to confirm fire work was not from the MICE firework display nor Parish Council's responsibility.

19. Public Participation

Milton Hill Bowling club (MHBC) confirmed their sign has been installed onto fence as previously authorised by council. MHBC thanked MPC for authorising.

Member of Council thanked St Blaise Community Space project team for hire. It was resolved for Clerk to send letter to thank project team. Action Clerk

20. Items for report and Inclusion on next month’s agenda.

Tree/Flower/Bulb – Planting in Parish

21. Confirm date of next meeting:

Monday 8th January at Milton Methodist Church, Milton, at 7.15 pm.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm.

Signed as a true record of the meeting: Cllr Z Hoskins

Name: Cllr Z Hoskins Date: 8th January 2018

Position: Chairman of the Parish Council