Millwood High School Meeting Minutes

October 26, 2017

Adam Griffin (Principal)
Noreen Stymest (VP)
Rhonda Pilon (Teacher)
Cathy MacDonald (Teacher)
Aurora MacInnis (student)
Cameron Silk (student)
Jared Park (student)
Rhys Harris (student)

Shelby Bowser (student)
Susan Robinson (Community)

Clarissa Harris (Parent)
Tara Bowser (Parent)

Tara Ryan (parent)
Review of Previous Minutes – Minutes passed with the correction of 2 spelling mistakes.

Principal’s Report

SAC PD – Topics covered were SAC role and responsibilities, discipline committee and when you would be required to use this.

New Attendance Policy began October 1. 20% time missed, credit can be taken away. Exam exemptions allow for 6 absences and 6 lates (in each class).

Late buses are still an issue. This is an issue in several schools. Stock has changed some schedules but it did not seem to work. Another schedule change will take effect Monday, October 30. Parents are encouraged to call Stock if there are issues with your child’s bus arriving late for school.

Yearbooks – There will be a limited number of yearbooks this year due to having a large number of leftovers previous years. A push to sell yearbooks will take place this fall. Suggestions to advertise to the parents as well as the students was brought up ie Parent/ Teacher, school sign. Previous yearbooks also available.

Midterm reports will be coming home November 21 and Parent/Teacher interview will be held November 22.

Academic Awards Ceremonies took place over 3 days this year. The criteria for Honours, High Honours and Principal’s List is being reviewed and may change.

Graduation will be June 28 in the morning. Currently working on a venue for prom.

Student’s Concerns

Looking for information on scholarships. The procedure for applying was reviewed during the grad breakfast. Any questions from students, contact the Guidance office.

Next Meeting will be held November 30 at 5pm.