January 19, 2016


Members Present: Shawn Steinbrecher, Terry Banick, Sue Koosman, Cara Fosteson, Char Kohlgraf,Traci Beckstrom, Heather Glem, and, Heather Griesert,

Members Absent: John Henderson, Gene Ablard, Diane Overby, Shelley Fassler,and Al Heim

Ex-Officio Members Present:Carol Hulett; Pat Oman, Administrator

Guests: Commissioner Oslin, Commissioner Wilhelm, Personnel Director, Lisa Herges

Due to the time of the meeting several of those listed as present came late, left early, or had to leave for parts of the meeting. Pat Oman, Commissioner Oslin, Commissioner Wilhelm, and Lisa Herges left the meeting approximately 8:55 for the County Board meeting.

Sue Koosman facilitated the meeting. Meeting called to order at 8:07 a.m.

Recap of Recognition/Holiday Reception held Dec 15, 2015 – Not certain of the number who attended. Consensus was that possibly a few less this year, however, the two serving tables may have moved people through quicker. Hulett will have a Survey Monkey sent out to employees for feedback and ideas for next year (same as 2015 or go back to an off-site evening party)

Wellness Committee is working on 2016 events. The Kickball event in fall was enjoyed by many. We used some wellness funds for the Recognition/Holiday reception.

Safety Committee: Issues since the last meeting were presented. Due to falls with the recent snowfall, salt containers and shovels are being placed by each entrance door. Administrator Oman reported that lighting is being looked at inside and out around the campus. Security cameras throughout the campus are being evaluated.

Building LMC Reports:

CVS – Discussion regarding safety on home visits and those that go after hours. Some radios are being looked at as an added safety measure. Administrator Oman is working with CVS administration.

HCH – Drafts around the windows was discussed. Possibly cover more windows with plastic would help, or a more long term solution of weather stripping. Administrator Oman will be researching

Steinbrecher provided some OSHA information regarding CPR training. Administrator Oman will follow up on this matter both for on campus and employees out in the field.

Lisa Herges, Personnel Director, provided us with information on the hiring process, basically from application to interviews. She presented information on the scoring plan that goes along with the application to get to those chosen for first round interviews, and the steps up to the making an offer of employment.

Building LMC reports were then continued:

PWD – Steinbrecker presented the challenges faced by PWD with the cold weather with shops being very cold to work in due to some building issues and the safety hazards that creates. The buildings being older cannot adequatelyaccommodate the volume and size of equipment. Some repairs have had to be done outside during these cold days.

Justice Center – nothing to report at this time. Sheriff – no representation

Bylaws change in membership: Bylaws change is going to county board for approval today.

Smoking issue – Plans are being made to meet with the board.

Pop Fund Audit – Completed by Sue Koosman and everything found to be in order.

Pop Fund Financial Report – Hulett presented the 2015 financial recap. Discussion took place over the cost of the rotunda holiday tree and whether it should be continued as an LMC expense. Could PWD play a role in finding a tree cheaper, maybe smaller, maybe outside and lite? More discussion to be held at the next meeting. Hulett to check if lights are still here from a few years ago when we lite a tree outside.

Board Minutes of Nov 17, 2015 meeting – Kohlgraf moved to approve, Glem seconded, motion carried.

Next meeting: Tuesday,March 15, 8:00 a.m. in Conference Room D. Topics of discussion will include the County picnic and holiday party survey results. You are requested to bring ideas for other areas of information and discussion for future meetings like the one on job applications during this meeting. What area of county work would you like to learn more about or have an opportunity to discuss with the committee?

Griesertmoved to adjourn the meeting, Glem seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30

Respectfully submitted

Carol Hulett