Application by Transport Workers' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch, industrial organisation of employees.
(No. IRC 4716 of 2005)
Before Mr Deputy President Sams / 30 September 2005VARIATION
1.Delete subclause (i) of clause 2, State Wage Case Adjustments, of the award published 30 November 2001 (329 I.G. 1084) and insert in lieu thereof the following:
(i)The rates of pay in this award include the adjustments payable under the State Wage Case 2005. These adjustments may be offset against:
(a)any equivalent over-award payments; and/or
(b)award wage increases since 29 May 1991 other than safety net, State Wage Case and minimum rates adjustments.
2.Delete Part B, Monetary Rates, and insert in lieu thereof the following:
Table 1 - Wages
Classification / Former rate per week / SWC 2005 / Total rate per week$ / $ / $
Division A: Production Section
Production Assistant / 505.90 / 17.00 / 522.90
Plant Operator Grade 1 / 515.40 / 17.00 / 532.40
Plant Operator Grade 2 / 528.50 / 17.00 / 545.50
Plant operator Grade 3 / 547.70 / 17.00 / 564.70
Division B: Transport Section
Milk Carter on rounds / 544.20 / 17.00 / 561.20
Relief milk carter / 546.70 / 17.00 / 563.70
Relief motor wagon driver / 553.90 / 17.00 / 570.90
Fork lift driver / 544.10 / 17.00 / 561.10
Tanker driver- 15,911 litres
capacity or more / 574.40 / 17.00 / 591.40
Tanker driver grader:
Under 15,911 litres capacity / 562.40 / 17.00 / 579.40
From 15,911 litres capacity / 577.30 / 17.00 / 594.30
Drivers of motor wagons
having a manufacturer’s gross
vehicle mass in tonnes:
Up to 13,948 / 553.60 / 17.00 / 570.60
Over 13,948 and up to 15,468 / 555.40 / 17.00 / 572.40
Over 15,468 and up to 16,919 / 556.50 / 17.00 / 573.50
Over 16,919 and up to 18,371 / 559.50 / 17.00 / 576.50
Over 18,371 and up to 19,731 / 561.00 / 17.00 / 578.00
Over 19,731 and up to 21,092 / 561.90 / 17.00 / 578.90
Over 21,092 and up to 22,453 / 563.90 / 17.00 / 580.90
The minimum rate of wages / (+3%, SWC 2005)
for milk carters’ assistants and
boys on carts:
Under 18 years of age / 290.30 / 8.71 / 299.00
At 18 and under 19 years / 356.20 / 10.69 / 366.90
At 19 and under 20 years / 394.65 / 11.84 / 406.50
At 20 and under 21 years / 415.50 / 12.47 / 427.95
The minimum rates of wages / (+3%, SWC 2005)
for an employee washing and
filling bottles and all work in
connection therewith and a
junior laboratory employee:
Under 18 years of age / 301.30 / 9.04 / 310.35
At 18 and under 19 years / 347.05 / 10.41 / 357.45
At 19 and under 20 years / 398.35 / 11.95 / 410.30
At 20 and under 21 years / 446.00 / 13.38 / 459.40
Table 2 - Other Rates and Allowances
Item / Clause / Brief Description / New Amount perNo. / No. / week (+3%
SWC 2005 for
1 / 6(i) / For drivers where the semi-trailer has:
A single axle / 32.35
Two axles / 39.75
More than two axles / 46.40
2 / 6(iv) / Leading Hands:
In charge of more than 2 but not more than 10 employees / 19.85
In charge of more than 10 employees / 25.30
3 / 6(v) / Charge Hands / 5.45 per day
4 / 6(vii) / First-aid allowance / 12.55 per week
5 / 6(viii) / Forklift drivers engaged in the loading and/or unloading of
trailers / 6.80 per week
6 / 6(ix) / Any employee in a Production Section classification required to
move Vendors’ vehicles / 2.80 per day
7 / 6(x) / Any employee in a Production Section who possesses a TAFE
Advanced Certificate or Associate Diploma / 16.75
8 / 6(xi) / Employees of Dairy Farmers Co-operative Ltd working in
Cargon Vendor Distribution Depots in cold temperatures
between 1 degree celsius and 7 degrees celsius / 0.46 per hour
9 / 6(xii) / Employees of Dairy Farmers Co-Operative Ltd working their
entire shift within a fully enclosed refrigerated warehouse or
depot where temperatures are below 5 degrees celsius / 0.46 per hour
10 / 8(i) / Shift Allowance:
(a) morning shift / 8.85 per shift
(b) afternoon shift / 11.65 per shift
(c) night shift / 14.75 per shift
(d) permanent afternoon shift or permanent night shift / 3.15 extra
11 / 11(ii)(b) / Overtime - meal allowance / 9.35
12 / 18(iii) / Laundry Allowance / 5.20
3.This variation shall take effect from the first full pay period to commence on or after 24 September 2005.
Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar.