Milemarkers Therapy Inc.

1515 Lake Havasu Ave. N #100

Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404

Phone # (928) 854-KIDZ (5439)

Fax# (928) 854-5440

Case History Form

Name of child: ______Sex: ______Age: ______DOB: ______

Phone number: (home)______(work)______(cell)______

Parent/guardian name: ______

Referral source: ______

Primary Language of Child: ______Primary Language in home: ______

Address: ______

Sibling information (names and ages): ______


Others in Home: ______


Has your child ever received speech, occupational or physical therapy services before? If so, when and where: ______




What are your concerns regarding your child and when did you first become concerned?


Does your child have any other related difficulties or diagnoses? (i.e. vision, hearing, learning disabilities, motor deficits, emotional problems, behavioral problems, etc.)



Please describe any accidents or serious injuries that your child has experienced.


Has your child had any surgeries or hospitalizations? (Please give date and type of procedure) ______

Has your child ever worn braces? (i.e. leg, arm) ______

Does your child use eye glasses or hearing aids?______

Is your child currently taking any medications? (Please list type and reason)


Please check all that apply:

Bleeding? ______When?______
Mother needed medication? ______
Vomiting? ______
Excessive weight gain? ______
Limited weight gain? ______
Toxemia (metabolic disturbance) ______
Maternal Seizure disorder ______
Maternal alcohol abuse ______
Maternal drug use ______
Previous miscarriage(s) ______
Previous stillbirth(s) ______
Other (please specify)______
______/ Delivery:
1.Difficult birth _____
2.Labor less than two hours _____
3.Labor lasting more than 12 hours____
4. Cesarean section _____
5. Breech birth _____
6. Cord around neck _____
7. Baby needed oxygen _____
8. Jaundice (yellow) _____
9. Baby had respiratory distress _____
10. RH incompatibility _____
11. Premature _____
If so, gestational age? _____
12. APGAR score _____
1. Weight at birth ______
2. Difficulty sucking ______
3. Difficulty swallowing ______
4. Trouble sleeping ______
5. Cried excessively ______
6. Diarrhea ______
7. Other (please specify) ______/ Significant Medical History:
1. Allergies _____
2. Asthma _____
3. Cerebral Palsy _____
4. Cleft lip/palate _____
5. Ear infections _____
6. Encephalitis _____
7. Failure to thrive _____
8. Heart disease _____
9. High fevers _____
10. Meningitis _____
11. Eye problems _____
12. Seizure disorder _____
13. Other (please specify) _____


Early motor development

_____Age child sat alone

_____Age child crawled

_____Age child walked alone

_____Age child was fully toilet trained

Early speech/language development

_____Age child spoke first true word

_____Age child put two words together

_____Age child began using simple sentences

As a baby, did your child enjoy sound play? ______

Do you question your child’s gross motor development? ______

Do you question your child’s fine motor development? ______

Has you child’s hearing ever been formally tested? If yes, what were the results? If no, have you ever questioned your child’s hearing? ______



Does your child attend school? ______Where? ______

How do you think your child’s ability to play and learn compares to children of his/her age? ______

Please describe your child’s strengths and weaknesses in learning and playing.



How does your child get along with other children? ______


Do you notice any behavior or discipline problems in your child? ______



Please describe the kind of language your child currently understands (i.e. following directions, verbal explanations, follows or comprehends a story, understands discussion of past or future events). ______


Describe the language your child typically uses (i.e. gestures, approximations, single words, word combinations, phrases, simple sentences, short story). ______


Does you child have problems with specific sounds? (please specify) ______


Do you have a difficult time understanding your child? ______yes ______no

If yes, what percentage of information do you understand? ______

Do others have a difficult time understanding your child? Please explain: ______


Is communication a source of frustration for you or your child? If so, what do you or your child do when frustrated? ______



Please describe how your child eats (i.e. utensils used, cup usage). ______


How does your child get around? (i.e. crawl, scoot, walk, etc.). Please also describe their coordination: ______


What fine motor activities motivate your child and does your child participate regularly? Are there any that frustrate your child? Please explain. ______


Please describe what level of assistance your child needs for dressing and undressing? (Keep in mind buttons, zippers, snaps, etc.) ______



Please describe you child’s eating habits (likes, dislikes, textures, temperatures): ______


Please describe bath time with your child: ______


How does your child react to movement? (i.e. swinging, spinning, jumping, twirling, etc.)


Please explain your child’s sleep routine: ______


Does your child have a low or high tolerance for pain? Please describe: ______


How does your child handle transitions? (different locations, activities, change in routine, etc.) ______


What are your child’s favorite toys? ______


NamePhone number


Anything else you want Milemarkers to know about your child: ______