Date: 17th February 2015 Location: ALT2
In Attendance:
Mikko-Watterli Silhova – Ethics and Environment Officer
Emma Peagam – President Education & Campaigns
Izabela Pawlic – Campaigns Officer
Representative from Sustainability Society
Dan Curran
Apologies from: Brianna Middleton-MacPherson, Jason Michlski, Sidonie Betrand-Shelton
1. / Opening Remarks / ActionMinutes and actions reviewed
Minute taker selected: Dan Curran
2. / A 2 minute update from Ethics and Environment Officer
Go green week went very well
Green impact action day Thursday in SU (upstairs)
Will compile an email regarding audit details, but it will be on 8th April
3. / RHUL/Bears Bikes
Meeting with manager of next bikes
Discussion of royal Holloway as a site
Highlighting the population and scope of scheme
Sold the locality of great parks and the cycle routes
Big link to sustainability
Interested in investing money in the idea
We need to follow a plan with constant communication and updates
10 bike stations with 70 bikes
Map with locations has been designed with amount at each
Facebook page has been created, needs promotion
Need to gain visual support
For students but importantly for staff and local community
Questionnaire needs to be completed, for students only
We would also like to create a petition to support the scheme
Need to arrange a meeting with college to sell scheme to them
Money wise they the company pay half, so we need to look for funds to help
Mikko - did he mention a price?
Izabela - not yet, he thinks college support is needed before anything can happen
Emma - would be useful to know money as I can speak to the college first and see initial response
Izabela - he is on holiday now but will find out when I can
Worthwhile speaking to other universities that have the scheme
Emma - how does the scheme manage spaces to make sure there are some
Izabela - not sure this scheme does
Emma - good to have fundraising ideas to help convince college to support
Izabela - we have had discussions with groups such as cycling to look at fundraising ideas
Izabela - we also have to think about how we run the cost of the service, some unis do it for free and other have cheap membership schemes
4. / Fair Trade Fortnight
Coming up very soon
We have to have am event for it as part of green impact gold
Looking for ideas for the events
5. / Divestment
Alex Higgs has been invited from the divestment to talk about
We have fossil fuel investment in pensions company
Not sure if college has any themselves, freedom of information has been sent
6. / Environmental league
This is between halls of residence and looking at who has the best areas
Unfortunately hall reps not in attendance but Izabela will chase them up
Suitability are running event for hall environmental campaigns with David Hagarth / Action Izabela
7. / NUS Sustainability Summit
Happening on the 23rd March at Leeds University Union.
Over a day of discussions, workshops and inspirational talks, you will:
- Learn more about the crucial sustainability issues that urgently need leadership
- Gain practical skills to make change happen
- Meet other students leading and innovating across the country
8. / Elections
Elections nominations now open, great opportunity to get involved and do more work on green issues. Think about it and think of other who might want to run.
9. / Any Other Business
Next Meeting: TBC