International Capstone Project

(1) Date: August 15, 2011

(2) Name of Organization: No Time For Poverty

(3) Address of Organization: 1865 Old Hudson Road, St. Paul, MN 55119

(4) Contact Person: Michele Boston, Co-Founder and Executive Director

(5) Phone Number: (612) 309-6508

(6) E-Mail Address:

(7) Description of Project:

No Time For Poverty is a 501(c)(3) Minnesota corporation dedicated to bringing a program of comprehensive pediatric medical care to the southwest region of Haiti called Port Salut.

The region of Port Salut is home to approximately 56,000 Haitians, half of whom are estimated to be children. These children are dying in significant numbers from illnesses and conditions easily treatable in the U.S. including diarrhea from dehydration, pneumonia, and malnutrition. Other serious health concerns include respiratory infection, blindness due to lack of Vitamin A, skin disease, and parasites.

No Time For Poverty’s mission statement is as follows:

No Time For Poverty, in partnership with the community of Port Salut, Haiti, is working to eradicate the suffering and save the lives of desperately ill and starving children living in poverty. Using a comprehensive, community-based health care program, we work to provide the highest possible standards of preventative, curative, and environmental health. (see Mission Statement and Values attachment).

Toward that end, No Time For Poverty and the community of Port Salut are completing a 9,000 square foot medical clinic (Klinik Timoun Nou Yo) for children ages 1 day to 16 years to address curative needs, a community outreach program for children 1 day to 5 years to focus on prevention, and an educational program to include classes in pre and postnatal care, nutrition, and breastfeeding (see Our Model attachment).

It is estimated that Klinik Timoun Nou Yo (Our Children’s Clinic) will serve an estimated 18,000 children annually, more than 4,000 in its dental program, and multiple thousands in its outreach program.

(8) Research Question:

·  Background Information:

To date, No Time For Poverty has relied on contributions by individual donors with substantial contribution by its founders, Jeff and Michele Boston. With the community outreach program scheduled for implementation in the fall of 2011, and completion of the clinic to follow in November of this year, funding support by national and international foundations (including USAID) is paramount.

·  Questions:

No Time For Poverty seeks assistance from the Humphrey School in applying to these agencies for contribution, and in so doing, asks the following questions:

a. Which funding agencies and mechanisms are most likely to assist No Time For Poverty in the operation of its programs?

b. What information will specific agencies require and in what format?

c. For what aspects of our program should we seek funding in the short term (and from which agencies) and for which aspects of our program should we seek funding in the long term (and from which agencies)?

d. No Time For Poverty has completed a health survey and general census of five localities in the Port Salut community. Committed to being data driven, No Time For Poverty seeks to learn which additional data it should be collecting and compiling to attract contributions in the future by national and international agencies.

e. What, if any, application timeframe must be met?

f. What funding agency requirements does No Time For Poverty meet and what, if any, are they yet to qualify for?

(9) Proposed Deliverables:

No Time For Poverty welcomes a final report from the Humphrey School to first respond to all questions set forth in #8 above as well as those additional questions the Institute believes to be relevant. No Time For Poverty also requests a white paper to be submitted to USAID and other sources so as to attract interest and contribution.

(10)  Assumption and Special Considerations:

·  USAID, national and international donors only fund certain categories of causes, organizations and specific regions;

·  That the mission, goals, and objectives of No Time for Poverty have potential to attract major funders and donors;

·  That funding agencies require specific information before moving to fund such needs or organizations;

·  That certain funding is only available for short term or long term programs but not both;

·  That certain donor agencies do fund both long and short term programmatic areas;

·  That certain kinds of data sets attract donor funding and sheds light on problems for which funding is available;

·  That funding applications have certain timeframe and application cycles, which need to be known.

(11) Evaluation Criteria:

Work product will be evaluated as follows:

Research General

• Scope (Scope will be jointly determined both by client and student consultants) • Organization

• Depth • Structure

Analysis Report

• Clarity • Organization

• Comprehensiveness • Comprehensiveness

• Submission Readiness


• Comprehensiveness

• Practicality of course(s) of action advised

(12) Audience:

Executive Directors, Staff and Board members for submission to grantors for financial support.