Phoenix College Committee Blueprint 2013-14


PhoenixCollege will be the premier provider of learning opportunities for our community to go far close to home.


PhoenixCollege delivers teaching and learning experiences that inspire the lifelong pursuit of educational, professional, and personal goals for our diverse urban community.

Mission Goals

We support our mission through a rich tradition of:

  • University Transfer Education
  • General Education
  • Workforce Development
  • Developmental Education
  • English as a Second Language
  • Continuing and Community Education
  • Community Partnerships
  • Student Support Services
  • Global Engagement

College Committee Name: Information Literacy Assessment Committee

Committee Chair(s): Elena Ortiz



Once a month on Fridays from 12pm-1:30pm. The meeting schedule is published on the ILAC wiki. Work ofthis committee also takes place outside of meeting times to work with departments on information literacy assessment and to complete specific projects and reports.

Strategic Goal Link(s):

ILAC is directly aligned with the "Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: Institutional Effectiveness" component of PC Strategic Planning.

Committee’s Annual Report deadline:May 2014

Committee Charge:

Coordinate and provide leadership for campus-wide assessment of student learning in information literacy.

Scope of Committee’s Work:

Identify desired information literacy competencies for Phoenix College students, establish assessment tools and methods for measuring information literacy competencies across the curriculum, assist departments in assessing information literacy, disseminate assessment findings campus-wide, and make recommendations to enhance and improve teaching and student learning.

Expected Outcomes:

Improved teaching and student learning of information literacy.

Measures of Success (Data):

Measures of success would come from department's self-reporting in annual reports and five year reports. The Committee will extract data on information literacy assessment activities and actions taken based on the assessment to improve teaching and student learning of information literacy. Evidence of increased student learning of information literacy would come from assessment data.

Resources: (People/Financial):

Some departments will self-select to participate in information literacy assessment. The committee will need support from the Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Assessment.

Committee Membership: Printed Name and Signatures*Collect all committee members’ signatures BEFORE turning in to Academic Affairs Office.

1.Elena Ortiz (Chair)

2.Ann Roselle

3.Bev Bruner

4.Andrea Villarreal

5.Amanda Chapman

6.Hershman John

7.Pat Novak

8.Christine Moore

9.Terry Tovar-Novasad


*Use attachment for additional committee members - names/signatures.

Commitment Signatures:

Dr. Anna Solley, President Date

Dr. Casandra Kakar, VP of Academic AffairsDate

Yira Brimage, VP of Student AffairsDate

Paul DeRose, VP of AdministrativeDate


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